02/19 Links Pt2: Melanie Phillips: Christian Leaders Remain Silent as the Church Recycles Its Oldest Hatred; David Baddiel encounters SOAS professor excusing Palestinian Holocaust denial Posted: 19 Feb 2021 01:00 PM PST From Ian: Melanie Phillips: Christian Leaders Remain Silent as the Church Recycles Its Oldest HatredThe WCC's Zoom event was reported last week in the Algemeiner by Dexter Van Zile, the specialist in Christian affairs for the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting (CAMERA) and who has long charted the conflation of Christian anti-Semitism with anti-Israel incitement.
In a subsequent article this week, Van Zile reports that the WCC has now tried to distance itself from Chikane's remarks by claiming that he was from the African National Congress and therefore wasn't speaking on behalf of the WCC when he made his comments.
He wrote that theologian Gerald McDermott expressed strong disagreement with Chikane's statements and declared that he was "out of touch with the situation on the ground."
In such circumstances, that would seem to be a considerable understatement. The situation on the church's ground is that influential Christian organizations continue to pump out inflammatory falsehoods about Israel and Zionism which don't just demonize and delegitimize Israel but draw upon the church's own theology to demonize the Jewish people.
The most shocking aspect of this is that with just a handful of exceptions, the churches remain mute about it.
Church leaders usually flatly deny that Christian supersessionism has any contemporary resonance. Yet you don't have to scratch very hard below the surface of the anti-Israel utterances by Western church leaders to pick up the supersessionist allusions.
It's true that some of the most passionately pro-Israel people in the world today are Christians, in America and elsewhere. But these tend to be the biblically faithful. The obsessive animus against Israel and Zionism, along with its supersessionist underpinning, is mainly to be found among liberal Christians.
And their influence — through Christian NGOs and a wide range of other public and cultural institutions — is immense.
It's not just that they influence other Christians. Even in relatively godless places like today's Britain, the assumption that Christians stand for truth, justice and compassion means that even secular people tend to believe what they say. The pernicious falsehoods that such Christians pump out about Israel are therefore regarded as unchallengeably true.
Extreme as it was, Chikane's diatribe on Zoom illustrated an even more unpalatable state of affairs — the silent acquiescence of church leaders in the contemporary mutation of Christianity's own murderous history, and its virulent spread into the cultural arteries of the West. Caroline Glick: One week in progressive AmericaProgressive America also targets American Jews through its Israel-anchored anti-Semitism. Anti-Zionism does not simply reject the moral basis for Israel's existence and support systemically discriminating against and eventually eliminating it. It also supports ostracizing American Jews who support Israel and barring them from expressing their views in public. That is the actual purpose of the BDS campaigns that at least two senior Biden administration officials – Maher Bitar and Reema Dodin – led in their student days.
Today, anti-Semitism is not a bar for advancement in progressive circles. To the contrary, it is an asset. Consider the big promotion that Cong. Ilhan "It's all about the Benjamins baby" Omar just received.
When Nancy Pelosi gave Omar a seat on the prestigious House Foreign Affairs Committee in 2019, the move provoked both anger and fear among many American Jews. They were angry because Omar, with her long record of anti-Jewish pronouncements would certainly use her position to advance her anti-Semitic positions. And they were scared because the fact that Pelosi appointed Omar over a loud chorus of objections was a sign of the power of progressive anti-Semites in the Democrat party.
When this week Pelosi appointed Omar chair of the subcommittee for Africa, global health and human rights. Outside a few conservative Jewish groups, the move met with no opposition. And there is a reason for that. Two years on, anti-Semitism is so ingrained in progressive circles that objecting to it is enough to get you tagged as a racist.
To drive this point home, last week the Jewish Democratic Council of America – the Jewish arm of the Democrat Party – hosted an online discussion of Biden's appointment of outspoken Israel haters and Palestinian terror supporters. Barack Obama's ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro was one of the participants. Shapiro insisted angrily that Jewish criticism of these officials is "racist." He added, "There is unfortunately this bias, this prejudice against Arab and Muslim Americans, particularly if they're working on issues related to the Middle East."
In other words, like objectivity and merit, in Work America, substantive criticism of others based on their actions and statements is now "racist." Fighting anti-Semitism is racist. Fighting hatred is racist. Fighting ignorance is racist.
Sunlight is the best disinfectant. And scrutiny of the Democrats will likely make it difficult for them to maintain their Senate and House majorities in 2022. But the damage progressives are already causing to public health, to America's standing in the world, to American schoolchildren, and to American Jews will take more than one election to repair. On BBC, David Baddiel encounters SOAS professor excusing Palestinian Holocaust denialA broadcast last month on BBC 2 ("Confronting Holocaust Denial with David Baddiel') included one extremely telling exchange we want to highlight. Baddiel is a British Jewish comedian and writer, who recently published a book on antisemitism.
At 33 minutes into the broadcast, Baddiel notes that, based on global polling, Holocaust denial (those who believe the Holocaust has been exaggerated or is entirely a myth) is extremely low in Europe, including the UK, with the percentage of people subscribing to such beliefs in the low single digits. The highest rate of denial is found, according to the data, in the Palestinian territories, where 82% of the population denies, to varying extents, the Holocaust.
Baddiel seeks to get answers for the extraordinary high rates of Holocaust denial amongst Palestinians, and visits SOAS professor Gilbert Achcar, who published a book titled 'Arabs and the Holocaust'.
Here's the exchange between Achcar and Baddeil: Achcar: I don't think you can generally, without some degree of… ..pathology, to be frank with you, be a Holocaust denier in Europe. But you can be perfectly sane, mentally, and be a Holocaust denier in the Middle East because of ignorance on the topic and therefore adherence to a view that says, well, the Israelis, the Zionists, have inflated the figures and all that, in order to blackmail Western governments. Whereas, imagine yourself in Gaza, if you are a Palestinian, and being pounded and having had all these wars waged by the Israeli state, killing thousands of people, destroying and all that. When you live there, Holocaust denial is an attitude. It's not something that… It's not a belief of people, it's more a kind of provocative attitude. You are oppressing me every day, how can I hurt you? By denying..
Baddiel: A central part of your identity?
Achcar: Yeah.  COVID-19 pandemic ebbs in Israel with lowest positive rate in almost 2 monthsIsrael's coronavirus infection rate continued to drop Friday, with just 6.2 percent of tests coming back positive Thursday, or some 3,000 cases, the lowest figures seen since the beginning of January. The R-value, the reproduction rate of the virus measuring the average number of people each positive person infects, dropped to 0.79.
Meanwhile, 40% of new serious cases are in the under 60 age groups, likely due to slower vaccine rollout among those under 60, according to the Coronavirus National Information and Knowledge Center, operating under the IDF Military Intelligence Directorate in cooperation with the Health Ministry,
Currently, 89% of those over 50 are either vaccinated with at least the first Pfizer vaccine dose or recovered from the virus, the report said.
The Health Ministry has been attempting to encourage the younger population to get vaccinated by holding events for those who come to get their shot.
"It is possible additional infection will be noted in the coming weeks," the report warned, "especially during the Purim holiday next week."
The Education Ministry Thursday approved for some educational institutions to hold events on the Jewish holiday amid the pandemic.
The number of active serious cases on Friday stood at 858, the lowest recorded number since the beginning of the year, after it climbed to an all-time high of 1,201 in mid-January.
Tel Aviv's Ichilov Medical Center, one of the country's largest hospitals, stated that nine out of 10 new cases that arrived for treatment Friday were unvaccinated. The one who was vaccinated is in light condition, while the remainder who were not inoculated were in serious and critical condition. Israeli study: 75% protection from 1st Pfizer vaccine dose, so okay to delay 2ndPfizer's vaccine is 75 percent effective two to four weeks after a single shot, according to a "groundbreaking" new Israeli study that may guide policy internationally on one of the most burning vaccine questions.
This figure reflects symptomatic and asymptomatic illness. When the Sheba Medical Center team homed in on stats just for people who felt unwell, they found that a single dose has 85% effectiveness.
This constitutes a "very, very significant reduction," said Prof. Gili Regev-Yochay, Director of Sheba Medical Center's Infectious Disease Epidemiology Unit.
In some countries racing to vaccinate large populations, doctors are arguing over whether they should delay second shots so they can give more people partial protection with one shot. The UK has controversially adopted this approach, despite growing concern in the medical profession.
On Thursday, Sheba researchers released research which it says supports the UK's approach. Unlike most of the Israeli data on vaccine effectiveness, which hasn't yet been subject to peer review, this study has been peer-reviewed and published in the prestigious journal The Lancet.
"This ground-breaking research supports the British government's decision to begin inoculating its citizens with a single dose of the vaccine," claimed Prof. Arnon Afek, the hospital's director-general. Arab nurse recites 'Shema' prayer to Jewish patient dying of COVIDShlomo Galster, a Chabad Hassid from northern Israel, contracted COVID-19 more than a month ago and was hospitalized at Ha'emek Medical Center in Afula. On Thursday morning, his family was informed that he was on his deathbed and it was time for them to say goodbye.
Medical workers on the medical center's COVID unit realized that time was short, and it was unlikely that his family would arrive in time to recite the traditional "Shema Yisrael" prayer.
Then head nurse on the COVID unit, Ibrahim Maher, who had been treating Galster since he was hospitalized, stepped in and recited the Shema for him, without knowing by heart the precise wording of the Hebrew prayer.
"I knew he was a religious man and it was important to him that his family pray with him," Maher told Israel Hayom. "I don't know the entire prayer exactly, but I knew how important it was that he hear the words 'Shema Yisrael.' We knew him and his family. We were fond of him. We prayed with him, for his own sake and his family."
"It was clear to me that he wanted us to recite the Shema prayer for him. We have one God," Maher continued.
Maher said that when Galster's family arrived at the hospital, they already knew that he had passed. Pittsburgh Steelers' Zach Banner Urges NFL to Adopt IHRA Definition of Antisemitism, Speaks Out on 'Lack of Understanding'Pittsburgh Steelers offensive tackle Zach Banner is encouraging the National Football League and all its teams to adopt the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) working definition of antisemitism.
"The International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance Working Definition of Anti-Semitism has been adopted by 30+ countries & companies around the world. I encourage the @steelers and teams across the @NFL to adopt the IHRA Working Definition as we stand against hate," he said in a Twitter post Wednesday night.
Banner's comment came shortly after he led a virtual 90-minute panel discussion, "Athletes Against Antisemitism," which featured Washington Nationals first baseman Josh Bell; Washington Mystics WNBA champion Alysha Clark; Jasiri X, hip-hop artist and co-founder of activist group 1Hood Media; and Rabbi Jeffrey Myers, leader of the Tree of Life-Or L'Simcha Synagogue in Pittsburgh, where a deadly mass shooting took place in October 2018.
During the online event, Banner urged the NFL to adopt the leading definition of antisemitism, saying, "there's a real lack of understanding of what antisemitism is today. How can a society begin to address a problem if we don't even agree or define what the problem is?"
Clark and Bell said they will speak to their teams about also adopting the IHRA definition, which says: "Antisemitism is a certain perception of Jews, which may be expressed as hatred toward Jews. Rhetorical and physical manifestations of antisemitism are directed toward Jewish or non-Jewish individuals and/or their property, toward Jewish community institutions and religious facilities."
In July 2020, Banner shared a video on Twitter condemning antisemitism and showing solidarity with the Jewish community after fellow NFL player DeSean Jackson posted online antisemitic comments made by Hitler. Many Jewish NFL players and executives thanked Banner for publicity denouncing Jackson's behavior when others did not, he told viewers on Wednesday night. StandWithUs UK – Isresilience Book Launch 'Nefarious' UCL Effort to Weaken Definition of Antisemitism Aims to 'Undermine Jewish Concerns,' Says Algemeiner Editor-in-ChiefAn effort at University College London to rescind the leading definition of antisemitism threatens to clear the way for bigotry and bias against Jewish students on campus, said Algemeiner editor-in-chief Dovid Efune during an interview with i24 News on Wednesday.
The UCL Academic Board has called on the school to use a "more precise definition of antisemitism" than the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance (IHRA) Working Definition, which it adopted in 2019, as have governments and educational institutions worldwide.
Efune called it "the definitive definition today," and said that "anyone who is looking to undermine it inherently is looking to undermine Jewish concerns and Jewish interests."
"Discrimination against the Jew today, in many cases, has been replaced by discrimination against the Jewish state," he said. "What the IHRA definition does is it makes clear that certain forms of discrimination and bigotry, where they are directed against people of Israeli origin, or the concept of Zionism in general — do fit the criteria of antisemitism, bias, and bigotry against Jewish people."
In a Feb. 9 blog post, UCL scholar of Hebrew and Jewish studies Lars Fischer resigned from his position over the Academic Board's recommendation and told colleagues that they were "going to hell." The UCL Jewish Society and the Union of Jewish Students also spoke out against the Board.
"If you really want to help marginalized and vulnerable Jewish students on college campuses around the world, you need to recognize what the challenge they're up against is," said Efune. "And in most cases it's discrimination against them on the basis of their association with the world's only Jewish state." Verizon Cut Off Donations to Republicans, Partnered With Marxist Thought AuthorCornel West has veered between denouncing antisemitism and blaming Jews for antisemitism.
In Black Anti-Semitism and the Rhetoric of Resentment, an article that West wrote for Michael Lerner's Tikkun, he blamed black antisemitism on, among other things, "the occupation of the West Bank and Gaza... and the visible conservative Jewish opposition to... affirmative action."
It's doubtful that black antisemitism has anything to do with Israel's fight against Islamic terrorism. Even the Nation of Islam's antisemitism predated the rebirth of the Jewish State.
But West has a particular obsession with hating Israel that is all his own.
Cornel West repeatedly falsely accused Israel of killing "Palestinian babies". In one broadcast, he spoke of, "500 Palestinian babies killed in 50 days" and in another interview blasted, "a right wing government that allows for the killing of 427 precious Palestinian babies."
To paraphrase The Manchurian Candidate, it might have been helpful if West had decided exactly how many "Palestinian babies" the Jews had killed while opposing affirmative action.
These numbers, like "ethical Marxism", were of course garbage. But that didn't stop West from pushing them anyway. Or describing Israel's defense against Hamas as "Jewish racism".
"The rockets of Hamas indeed are morally wrong and politically ineffective – but these crimes pale in the face of the U.S. supported Israeli slaughters of innocent civilians," West argued.
Hamas has actually slaughtered innocent civilians, not just with rockets, but with suicide bombers in buses and pizzerias, and with the kidnapping and murder of Jewish teenagers.
But West has never cared about such details when there's a terrorist regime to support. Propagandist Muhammad Shehada Continues to Promote False ClaimsFor over a year, CAMERA has been documenting the false statements of Muhammad Shehada, a Gaza-based columnist who is connected to Richard Falk's NGO, Euro-Med Monitor for Human Rights.
Writing in the Forward, Shehada has: - Called the Palestinian Authority's payments to convicted terrorists a "canard" that was debunked by the Washington Post, when the Post article he referenced actually confirmed that the payments were being made; - Claimed that he could not buy fruit for his dying father due to Israeli restrictions, then subsequently backtracked on the claim after being called out by CAMERA; - Claimed that sewage ran through the streets of Gaza due to Israel's bombing of Gaza's power plant, when in fact the cause of the sewage problem was a tax dispute between Hamas and the PA; - And falsely claimed, at the start of the pandemic, that Israel banned chemicals necessary to make disinfectants from reaching Gaza.
Other than the claims about disinfectant, the Forward failed to correct Shehada's false claims.
Shehada has now found a new venue from which to spread his falsehoods. On February 11, Shehada wrote in Newsweek: In June 2016, Issa [Amro] was indicted on eighteen counts by the Israeli military, on charges—some of them over six years old—that ranged from insulting a soldier to incitement to resisting arrest to participating in an assembly without a permit. In other words, he was indicted for nonviolent resistance. And this week, he was convicted of six of the charges, receiving a suspended sentence. Fury Over Polish Government's Appointment of Former Far Right '100% Aryan' Activist to Leading State PostPoland's nationalist government was enveloped in yet another bitter controversy over antisemitism this week, following the appointment of a former far-right activist who used the online moniker "100%Aryan" to head a regional branch of the state-run Institute for National Remembrance (IPN).
A storm of protest greeted the news on Feb. 9 that 38-year-old Tomasz Greniuch — one of the founders of the ultranationalist National Radical Camp (ONR) group — had been named as head of the IPN's branch in the city of Wroclaw. Greniuch's academic research at the Catholic University of Lublin's history department focused on the wartime National Armed Forces (NSZ), an underground military organization with an openly antisemitic ideology that frequently betrayed Jews in hiding to the German occupation authorities during the Nazi Holocaust.
As a prominent leader of the ONR until 2013, Greniuch openly embraced neo-Nazi and white power symbols and rhetoric. One set of images widely published on social media and in liberal Polish news outlets showed Greniuch at the front of a group of young neo-Nazis who marched through the town of Myślenice on the anniversary of an infamous 1936 pogrom against local Jews.
In one photo from that event, Greniuch was seen with his right arm outstretched in a Nazi salute. French comedian Dieudonné ordered to pay €9,000 for antisemitic 'choaa' songThe controversial French comedian Dieudonné M'Bala M'Bala was convicted by the Paris Court of Appeals to pay a fine of 9,000 euros for complicity in an antisemitic insult after the publication of a video and a song entitled "C'est mon choaaa," French media reported on Thursday.
In case of non-payment, the sentence could be turned into a ten-month imprisonment.
In November 2019, the court sentenced the polemicist to a fine of 9,000 euros, while the prosecution requested ten months' imprisonment for his song "C'est mon choaaa".
Dieudonné M'Bala M'Bala had denied being the singer and author of this song, that was written - according to him - by a prison inmate during a "schoolboy song workshop," he said.
The court ruled that the lyrics referred "unquestionably, by innuendo, to the drama of the Shoah which is mocked" and the "right to humor" invoked by Dieudonné "collides with another right, that of human dignity". Asylum seeker who reportedly wrote foreword of a book urging the killing of Jews is granted asylum in BritainAn asylum seeker who wrote the foreword of a book urging the killing of Jews has been granted permission to live in the UK.
Egyptian-born Yasser Al-Siri faces the death penalty in his home country and was allegedly part of a conspiracy to murder a general as ordered by Osama Bin Laden.
It has been reported that 2,000 copies of books espousing "the killing of Jews" were found at addresses linked to Mr Al-Siri, but a 2015 Immigration Tribunal did not consider that this evidence was sufficient to overcome the apparent absence of evidence of his involvement in the conspiracy to murder the general.
The Home Office rejected his asylum case on security grounds again in 2018, claiming that Mr Al-Siri had "advocated the use of violent jihad" on social media, and the Government sought to keep him out of the UK. But the Court of Appeal ruled last week that Mr Al-Siri should be allowed to stay, on the grounds that the evidence of his "sympathy for extremist views" was insufficient.
Lord Justice Phillips stated at the conclusion of the case on 8th February: "The starting point is that an unappealed Tribunal decision is final and binding and must be accepted and implemented by the Home Secretary, unless there is a good basis for impugning that decision."
The Home Office is reportedly "disappointed" with the result and considering its next steps. Is Bonne Maman an anti-Nazi jam? The internet wants to think so.The heartwarming story has been hard to miss: A law professor is shopping at his local grocery store when sees an elderly woman struggling to get her favorite jam from a high shelf. Why is it her favorite? "I am a Holocaust survivor," she says. "During the war, the family that owns the company hid my family in Paris."
Tens of thousands of people — at least — have shared the story since it began circulating on social media this weekend. It has prompted countless people to vow to buy only Bonne Maman-brand jam, whose 26 varieties are almost all kosher, in the future.
But is Bonne Maman, with its can't-miss red gingham jar lids, really an anti-Nazi jam?
The company, whose founding families are famously secretive, isn't taking any credit for the activity of its founders' families during World War II.
"The family prefers to maintain privacy and does not comment on inquiries about personal matters," Bonne Maman told the Jewish Telegraphic Agency in a statement.
Michael Perino, the St. John's University professor who originally posted the story on Twitter, told JTA that the incident happened on Sunday morning in his northern New Jersey grocery store. He said he was surprised by the woman's composure and ability to shop alone at her age, which he estimated to be late 80s or early 90s. He didn't ask for her name, not wanting to pry.
"It was a beautiful moment," Perino said. "When she gave the explanation, you know, it's one of these things where your kind of your heart stops for a moment, because it's totally unexpected."
Bonne Maman, founded in 1971 by members of the Gervoson family, is based in Biars-sur-Cère, a town in southern France. Neither the town nor any of its inhabitants are listed on the registry of "righteous gentiles" — non-Jews who rescued Jews from the Holocaust — that is maintained by Yad Vashem, Israel's Holocaust memorial and museum. Propelled by pandemic, Fiverr reports 77% jump in 2020 revenue to $190 millionFiverr International Ltd., a company that connects businesses with freelancers offering digital services, said revenue in "landmark year" 2020 jumped 77 percent, reaching $190 million, as the pandemic sent businesses online and owners searched for a variety of digital services.
For the fourth quarter of 2020, the firm said, revenue increased 89% to $55.9 million. Net loss in the fourth quarter of 2020 widened to $8.1 million compared to $7.4 million in the fourth quarter of 2019. Net loss for the full year was $14.8 million, compared to a net loss of $33.5 million in 2019.
"2020 was a landmark year for our business with 77% year over year revenue growth driven largely by bringing more freelancers and businesses together during a critical time of global change," said Micha Kaufman, founder and CEO of Fiverr.
"We are carrying that momentum into the new year and I'm thrilled about what lies ahead for us in 2021. We started this year with our first Super Bowl campaign, which allowed us to reach millions of people in a way that was unprecedented for our brand. In the year ahead, we also expect to continue to roll out significant products, features and capabilities and continue to help lead and power the global trend towards digital transformation and remote work."
The company forecast revenues in a range of $63 million to $65 million for the first quarter of 2021, a year-on-year growth of 84%-90%, and of $277 million to $284 million for the full year 2021, a rise of 46%-50% compared to full year 2020. Israeli Cycling Team Starting Second UAE Tour on SundayOne year after its historic inaugural participation in the United Arab Emirates Tour, which was followed by the peace accord between the UAE and Israel, Team Israel Start-Up Nation will begin its second UAE Tour on Sunday.
Featuring a squad of seven riders, including Israeli champion Omer Goldstein, Andre Greipel, and Alex Dowsett, the UAE Tour will see the much-anticipated debut of Chris Froome in Team Israel Start-Up Nation (ISN) uniform.
"It is with much anticipation that I will be kicking off my 2021 season in Dubai at the UAE Tour," said Froome, who will compete in the race following three months of rehab and training in California. "It will be my first race with Israel Start-Up Nation and the start of a new and exciting adventure for me. I look forward to racing with my new teammates and testing out my legs after a productive winter."
"Last year I noted that our Israeli team was warmly welcomed in the UAE," said the team's co-owner Sylvan Adams, who was part of an intimate group invited to witness the signing of the Abraham Peace Accords at the White House. "Emiratis stood in line to get our riders' autographs and souvenir bidons with the word 'Israel' emblazoned on them," he recalled.
Adams, who accompanies his team again this year at the UAE Tour, added: "I truly believe that sports interactions, such as ISN's racing in the UAE Tour, were building blocks, bridging these new, very warm relations with our neighbors. Happy to be back."
Making his second appearance in the race will be Israeli Omer Goldstein, this time as national champion, a title he won for the first time in November. "Racing is one thing," said Goldstein, "but if we, as a team, can also contribute to the positive relations between people or countries, then it is even better."
The UAE Tour consists of four flat stages, one individual time trial, and two mountain stages. Winning silver in Tel Aviv, Iranian judoka 'will never forget Israeli kindness'In a historic achievement, Iranian dissident judoka Saeid Mollaei won a silver medal Friday at the Grand Slam international judo competition held in Tel Aviv.
Mollaei took second place in the under-81kg category after losing to Uzbekistan's Sahrofiddin Boltaboev.
The Iranian competed under the Mongolian flag after becoming a citizen of the Asian nation.
He fled his home country after being forced to lose a match on purpose to avoid facing Israel's Sagi Muki in 2019.
Ahead of his second-place finish, Mollaei said Israel had been "very good to me since I arrived," CNN reported Friday, citing comments conveyed by the International Judo Federation.
He said the Israeli judo team "have been very kind. That is something I will never forget." Israeli judoka Timna Nelson Levy takes gold medal at Tel Aviv Grand SlamIn an electrifying 20-second victory, Israeli judoka Timna Nelson Levy won the gold medal at the Tel Aviv Grand Slam on Thursday night, beating France's Sarah Leonie Cysique in the 57-kilogram (126-pound) weight class.
It was the second medal for the host Israeli team after Gili Cohen took the silver in the 52 kilogram (115-pound) weight class.
Nelson Levy had the perfect morning. She began her first day in the second round by defeating Turkish rival Ozlem Yildiz in a wazari and advanced to the quarterfinals. Later, she defeated Kaja Kajzer of Slovenia by ippon and advanced to the semifinals, where she met Georgia's Eteri Liparteliani, who she overcame with a wazari at the very last minute.
Nelson Levy said after her victory: "It's fun to win the gold, certainly here in Israel. It's just a shame there are no fans in the stands, because we have the best in the world. But we feel their love and warmth. I've competed against [Cysique] in the past and lost. It's simply a joy for me." 2 Roman-era sarcophagi excavated during work on clinic at Ramat Gan SafariTwo ancient sarcophagi have been discovered during construction at the Ramat Gan Safari, the Israel Antiquities Authority announced Thursday.
Construction workers were building a new wildlife medical center on-site when they came across the ancient coffins that archeologists said are 1,800 years old.
The ornate nature of the sarcophagi suggests that they were most likely made for people of high social standing, IAA researchers Alon Klein and Uzi Rothstein explained.
The coffins date back to the Roman period, 200-300 CE, and bear identical decoration of garlands and discs, suggesting they might have belonged to a husband and wife.
Flower garlands were often used as sarcophagi decorations in both the Hellenistic and Roman periods. Ancient Romans used disc ornaments to decorate coffins to protect and accompany the soul on its journey to the afterlife.
The original burial site of the sarcophagi is unknown, but archeologists estimate that it was in the vicinity of the safari, in the region of Messubim – modern-day Bnei Brak. IDF Mission to Brazil: Our Aim is Saving Lives On January 25, 2019, a dam near the city of Brumadinho, Brazil collapsed, releasing 11.7 million cubic meters of mudflow. The disaster left hundreds dead and countless missing. 130 IDF soldiers and commanders from the IDF Search and Rescue Unit flew across the globe to help save lives, recover bodies, treat the wounded, and more. Maj. Rivka Cohen was a member of this brave delegation. Working hand in hand, the IDF and the Brazilian authorities were able to locate many of those who went missing and help people reunite with their families.
Cartoon of the Day: Forever, unless.... Posted: 19 Feb 2021 11:00 AM PST |
02/19 Links Pt1: Biden Nominee for Top State Dept Post Contributed to Book About How ‘Israel Lobby’ Controls American Politics; New Gaza educational materials continue to promote violence Posted: 19 Feb 2021 10:12 AM PST From Ian: The Biden administration's moral compass on Israel - opinionIt's been less than a month since new US President Joe Biden has taken over the reins in the White House. And while it seems that Israel and the Middle East are currently not the administration's top priority as the COVID-19 pandemic remains front and center, the initial hints of changes in policy when it comes to the Jewish state should not be ignored.
This past Thursday, State Department spokesman Ned Price, who serves under current Secretary of State Antony Blinken, was asked about reports that the JNF (KKL-JNF) was considering implementing a new policy to officially purchase private Arab land in Judea and Samaria in order to expand Jewish communities there.
It should be noted that according to an official KKL-JNF press statement, not much will change even if the organization makes things "official" since, "Throughout the years and till this very day, KKL-JNF has been operating in all parts of the land of Israel, including Judea and Samaria."
Regardless, Price responded: "We believe it is critical to refrain from unilateral steps that exacerbate tensions and that undercut efforts to advance a negotiated, two-state solution. And unilateral steps might include annexation of territory, settlement activity, demolitions, incitement to violence, the provision of compensation for individuals imprisoned for acts of terrorism... "
It's disappointing that the failed two-state solution approach might be revived, but perhaps even more disheartening is that Price called for refraining from "settlement activity" in the same breath as compensation for acts of terrorism.
In other words, in the new administration's view, building kindergartens for Jewish children in Judea is just as big of a peace deterrent as the Palestinian Authority's "Pay for Slay" program in which terrorists are incentivized and rewarded, along with their families, for murdering Israelis. Biden Nominee for Top State Dept Post Contributed to Book About How 'Israel Lobby' Controls American PoliticsPresident Joe Biden's nominee for a top State Department position played a key role in assembling a book on the nefarious influence of the "Israel lobby" while working for an organization that promoted claims about Jewish media control and dual loyalty to Israel.
As a staffer at the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Uzra Zeya compiled research for a book that argues that "the Israel lobby has subverted the American political process to take control of U.S. Middle East policy" by establishing a secret network of "dirty money" PACs that bribe and extort congressional candidates into taking pro-Israel positions. Zeya, a former U.S. diplomat who was nominated for undersecretary for civilian security, democracy, and human rights, worked for the Washington Report and its publishing group, the American Educational Trust, in 1989 and 1990. The news outlet is staunchly anti-Israel and has published articles questioning the national loyalty of American Jews and opposing taxpayer funding to the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum.
Zeya's work for the Washington Report and American Educational Trust raises questions about her views on Israel and could become an obstacle during her confirmation hearings. Biden's recent hiring moves on foreign policy and conflicting statements from staffers have made it unclear how his administration plans to approach Israel policy issues. White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki recently declined to denounce the anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement, contradicting statements condemning the movement from Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Biden's nominee for U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, the Washington Free Beacon recently reported. Biden also tapped anti-Israel activist Maher Bitar for a top intelligence post and is reportedly considering Matt Duss, an outspoken critic of Israel, for a State Department position.
Sean Durns, a research analyst at the Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America, called the Washington Report a "fringe organization" that has "published content with anti-Semitic themes," including claims that the Mossad was behind the JFK assassination and the Sept. 11 attacks.
"Organizations like the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs have a history of propagating fringe and sometimes anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and I think it's absolutely fair for questions to be raised in any sort of potential hearings," said Durns. David Singer: Action – not platitudes– is required from Jordan's King AbdullahJordan's King Abdullah continues to engage in platitudes – rather than concrete action - as he pontificates but does nothing to help resolve the 100 years-old Arab-Jewish conflict.
Jordan – called Transjordan between 1922 and 1949: - Comprises 78% of the territory of the League of Nations Mandate for Palestine - Is the key to resolving the long-running conflict.
Abdullah recently repeated one of his favourite mantras – insisting that peace should be: "based on the two-state solution that guarantees the establishment of an independent, sovereign, and viable Palestinian state on the 4 June 1967 lines, with East Jerusalem as its capital, living in peace and security alongside Israel, in accordance with international law, recognized terms of reference, and the Arab Peace Initiative."
This solution could have been implemented at any time between 1948 and 1967 after Transjordan had conquered and occupied East Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria (aka the 'West Bank' since 1950):
Driving out all the Jews living there and refusing to allow their return and - Unifying those territories with Transjordan into a single territorial entity – renamed "Jordan". - That 19 years window of opportunity was squandered after Jordan lost those territories to Israel in the 1967 Six Day War. That opportunity is not going to return – no matter how many times Abdullah continues to repeat it as the solution.
Abdullah also asserts: "The Palestinian cause is central to Jordan, and we continue to stand alongside our Palestinian brethren with all our power and capabilities as they seek to gain their just and legitimate rights. We are constantly communicating and coordinating with them in this regard"
Talk is cheap – action is necessary.
Abdullah could with the stroke of a pen – preferably with Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) approval - restore Jordanian citizenship to his "Palestinian brethren" living in the West Bank – a status they enjoyed from 1950 until Jordan revoked their citizenship on 28 July 1988 under article 2 of the Jordan: Disengagement Regulations for the Year 1988:  The real message Netanyahu should take from Biden's phone callThe White House claimed that the delay was not a substantive delay but rather illustrated a new systematic approach to foreign affairs. Biden, US officials said, made calls based on regions, and that when the time came to reach out to the Middle East, Netanyahu would be – as he was on Wednesday night – first on the line.
But as the days dragged on and the call didn't come, it was clear that a message was being sent, and that it was personal. This wasn't about a change in policy, like when the White House intentionally sought to create daylight with Israel during the Obama era, but rather something simpler: the Biden administration wanted to show that it won't play according to Netanyahu's beat.
Israeli officials in contact with members of the Biden administration spoke of what diplomatic correspondent Lahav Harkov wrote in Wednesday's Jerusalem Post: Biden waited to make the call not because he was distancing himself from Israel, but rather because he wanted to distance himself from Netanyahu.
WHICH IS why as upsetting as the delay of the phone call might have been, it should not be viewed as a slight of Israel. That was not the point. Rather, it was being done to achieve three objectives.
First, after four years in which Donald Trump seemingly gave Netanyahu whatever he wanted, Biden and his aides wanted to put the Israeli politician back in his right place. He does not control Washington anymore.
The second objective was to show that the US-Israel relationship is not dependent on a single individual like Netanyahu. Israel is heading to an election in 33 days and no matter who wins, the White House was almost saying, we will learn to work with him. Making Netanyahu – who took his time congratulating Biden after the November election – wait was added benefit.
Finally, the administration did not want to give Netanyahu a pre-election gift of a quick phone call, something that would have immediately been used by Netanyahu for political gain.
Nevertheless, that was done anyhow late on Wednesday night, when Netanyahu released a photo of him sitting in his home office grinning ear to ear as he spoke with Biden. Was there a photo released from the White House? Of course not. It was just a phone call. Not for Netanyahu though. Heading toward an election, he needed to show the Israeli public that everything is seemingly okay on the US front. He needed to put on a show. JPost Editorial: Welcome to UAE's ambassador to IsraelIn another milestone in Israel's relations with the United Arab Emirates, a new ambassador has been sworn in by Abu Dhabi: Mohammed Mahmoud Al-Khaja, who becomes the first UAE ambassador to Israel.
Israel already has a head of mission in Abu Dhabi, Ambassador Eitan Na'eh, who was dispatched in January. The exchange of diplomats is an important step in the right direction. The appointment of Al-Khaja is a symbol, but also illustrates how the UAE is continuing to build the foundations for a warm peace between the two countries.
The Abraham Accords were announced in August, Bahrain joined by September, and a signing ceremony took place at the White House. It's extraordinary that just a year ago this was a dream, but in those dark early days of the COVID-19 pandemic, Israel and the UAE were already inching closer to one another.
The countries share much in common. They are anchors of stability in the volatile Middle East; they both oppose extremism, and they often have common enemies. They are also well-established hi-tech hubs. The UAE is a leader in financial technology and also a major hub of trade for the region. It is interested in developing new and innovative food technology solutions, water technology, artificial intelligence innovations and pushing the envelope in everything from new tourism opportunities to diamonds.
Today, the dreams of peace have already born fruit. Some 130,000 Israelis went to Dubai during a brief window when travel was possible before Israel shut down Ben-Gurion Airport in January. There have been some hurdles too, because Israel's closing the airport to regular passenger travel coincided with controversial comments about the spread of different variants of the novel coronavirus in the UAE, and trips by many – including conferences and exhibitions – have been canceled. A visa-free waiver that was supposed to already be in place was put off until July. In Preparation for Embassy Opening, UAE Delegation Visits Peres CenterThe first official advance delegation from the United Arab Emirates Foreign Ministry visited the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation on Wednesday as part of a wider visit to prepare for the opening of the United Arab Emirates embassy in Israel as early as April.
The Emirati delegation requested to visit the Peres Center for Peace and Innovation to learn about the center's work in promoting and advancing innovation and regional cooperation, and to lay the foundations for collaborative work in the near future.
The members of the delegation were given a tour and a comprehensive overview of its work by Efrat Duvdevani, director-general of the Peres Center of Peace and Innovation.
She outlined the Israeli startup ecosystem—its technologies, products and developments at the forefront of Israeli innovation. Duvdevani also summarized the center's activities and projects promoting coexistence within Israel, and between Israel and its neighbors.
The delegation also stopped by the original office of longtime Israeli statesman Shimon Peres. Members of the delegation enthusiastically posed alongside his Nobel Peace Prize, noting that it had been one of the highlights of their visit to Israel.
"President Shimon Peres would have been delighted at your visit," said Duvdevani. "I believe he would have viewed it as the practical realization of his vision for a new Middle East." Equatorial Guinea to relocate embassy to JerusalemEquatorial Guinea plans to relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem, the first such pledge of its kind under the new administration of US President Joe Biden.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke about the matter with Equatorial Guinea's President Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo on Friday, after which his office put out an announcement on the matter.
Netanyahu said he welcomed this trend in which countries relocate their embassies to Jerusalem, but he noted in particular that this pledge was part of Israel's growing ties with Africa.
Israel is returning to Africa and Africa and Africa is returning to Israel, Netanyahu told Mbasogo. The President said that the whole of Africa welcomed Israel with open arms.
To date the only two countries with embassies in Jerusalem are the United States and Guatemala. Until 2018, all embassies were located in the Tel Aviv area as a sign of the International community's rejection of Jerusalem as Israel's capital.
In 2017, US President Donald Trump announced US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and relocated its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. It then pushed along with Israel for other countries to follow suit, to shore up recognition of Israeli ties to the ancient Jewish Biblical city. Israel agreed to more than just a prisoner exchange to get woman back from SyriaA central aspect of the agreement to secure the release of an Israeli woman who crossed into Syria that was brokered by Russia this week has been barred from publication by the military censor, despite the fact that the matter would be seen as deeply controversial to the Israeli public. (The woman, whose name has not been released for publication, was flown back to Israel, via Moscow, overnight Thursday-Friday.)
Knesset member Ahmad Tibi responded to the controversy from his Twitter account. Politicians are not bound by the military censor.
"Last week, I raised in the Knesset a demand to allow the entrance of thousands of vaccines to Gaza and to provide vaccines to Palestinians in the West Bank from the large inventory that Israel has (which is the responsibility of an occupying force). Did I need to wait for a Jewish wo/man to cross into Gaza so that [Palestinians] could get a vaccine?" Tibi wrote.
On Friday afternoon Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke with the young woman's mother, who thanked him for the efforts to free her from captivity, according to a statement from the premier's office.
Netanyahu gave her his well-wishes and said Israel would always act to return captive citizens.
On February 2, the Israeli woman crossed the border into Syria in the foothills of Mount Hermon, an area where there is minimal fencing and spotty surveillance camera coverage. It was not immediately clear how the 25-year-old woman, who reportedly speaks fluent Arabic, knew that this location was a good spot to cross. The military said it was investigating the incident. In signal to Iran, Israel, US begin developing Arrow-4 missile defense systemIn the face of Iran's continued development of long-range ballistic missiles capable of carrying a nuclear warhead, the Defense Ministry announced on Thursday that it has started developing, alongside the US Missile Defense Agency, a new generation of the advanced Arrow missile defense system.
The new system known as the Arrow-4 will become a major part of Israel's multilayered missile defense architecture.
The Arrow-3 currently serves as the upper layer of Israel's multi-tier missile defense array, designed to protect Israel from long-range missiles particularly those produced in Iran.
It includes advanced radar systems, developed and produced by Elta, a subsidiary of Israel Aerospace Industries. It also includes a BMC system developed by Elbit Systems, and a Launch Array including interceptors produced by MLM, a subsidiary of IAI. Defense industries Rafael and Tomer are also involved in the development and production of the Arrow interceptor.
The development of the new generation of the Arrow is being conducted by the Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO), located within the Directorate of Defense R&D (MAFAT) of the Defense Ministry, in conjunction with the US MDA. Seth J. Frantzman: BANG: Israel's Meprolight Unveils the Future of Gun SightsSpecial forces and militaries around the world need the best sights to put on their rifles. The modern battlefield is also seeing advances in technology. Infantry and ground forces, including the kit individual soldiers have, has often lagged behind the fancy gadgets that air forces and other units may get. Meprolight, an Israeli company that is part of the SK Group, has unveiled its new Mepro 02, a "red dot sight, featuring multi-pattern reticle for optimal tactical advantage for armed forces and law enforcement," the company said on February 16.
In a special briefing with the designer of the sight, Meptrolight showed off its new light weight and versatile sight. "We worked hard on this design," they note, seeking to create an advanced sight that is a solution to a gap that exists for tactical forces. Users, such as special forces, need the best technology and they also need flexibility and sights that can operate for long hours, day and night and not give away their position. That also means jamming their Pitatinny rails on their rifles with night-vision, thermal imaging and magnification. Meprolight says its new sight is the "first-ever MIL-SPEC red dot sight with multi-pattern reticle enables the user to switch between aiming patterns quickly and easily for all tactical scenarios and in all-weather/light conditions."
The five-segment reticle allows for using different patterns inside the sight. It also enables pre-set aiming patterns. The sight also has flexibility for different ammunition, such as .556 and .762 calibre and supersonic ammunition. Merolight says "welcome to the future" when it comes to this sight, which is ready to ship.
Israel has been pioneering electro-optics and surveillance, as well as add-ons to weapons and platforms, achieving status as one of the best defense providers of technology for modern armies. This matters because Israeli defense giants are now seeking inroads in the Gulf countries, and are showcasing systems such as Fire Weaver and Spike missiles to the U.S. army. Israel already provided two Iron Dome air defense batteries to the United States and has its Trophy defense systems on American tanks. New scanning and surveillance technology is also being rolled out and Israel is working closely with militaries and defense contracts from the United Kingdom to Netherlands and India, to provide solutions. New Gaza educational materials continue to promote violenceOne month after the head of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) acknowledged that anti-Israel content had been printed in workbooks distributed throughout Gaza in the fall, the organization is again under scrutiny for materials distributed in December and January that glorify violence and characterize Israelis as "our enemies."
A report released Wednesday by IMPACT-se, an Israel-based watchdog organization that monitors Arabic-language educational content, highlighted learning materials that it claims glorify violence. Much of the material, including numerous references to Israelis as "enemies," was created by UNRWA-trained educators and does not appear in textbooks and workbooks issued by the Palestinian Authority.
In a January grammar exercise, a flashcard reads "the Occupier commits all kinds of torture." An exercise in verb conjugation includes the line "jihad is the road of glory." Social studies curricula don't acknowledge the existence of Israel, referring to the area known before 1948 as the British Mandate as "Palestine."
In a Twitter thread last month, UNRWA Commissioner General Philippe Lazzarini said that "Local reference to inappropriate pages [from] textbooks that were mistakenly distributed during #COVID19 lockdown were quickly replaced with content that adheres to UN values."
Lazzarini did not respond to a private message from Jewish Insider at the time asking how the pages were retrieved from the 300,000 students the organization services in Gaza.
"UNRWA has both said they had no choice but to teach [the curriculum] but also has always said they have all these guardrails about how it can be moderated," IMPACT-se CEO Marcus Sheff told JI. "Nobody has ever extracted from UNRWA a real practical example of how this is done. Does a teacher in an UNRWA school in Khan Younis in the Gaza Strip tell people not to read that particular sentence about Dalal Mughrabi [a Palestinian militant who died in a 1978 terror attack that killed 34 Israelis] because it is problematic? We've never understood it, [and] they've never explained it." Palestinians: EU Facilitating Hamas VictoryIt is important to note that Israel did not stop the Palestinians in the past from holding presidential and parliamentary elections in 1996, 2005 and 2006.
Israel did not even stop Arab residents of Jerusalem from running in the 2006 Palestinian Legislative Council election as candidates for Hamas, the Islamist movement that does not recognize Israel's right to exist and seeks to replace it with an Islamic state.
Hamas ran under the slogan "Islam is the solution" and promised to end corruption and bring good governance to the Palestinians... [and] also promised voters that it would resort to an "armed struggle" against Israel.
[W]hen Hamas participated in the 2006 election, which was also encouraged by the EU, the Islamist movement was still on the EU's list of terrorist organizations. The EU, however, did not try to stop the terrorist organization from running in that election.
The Quartet members should have set the conditions before, not after the election. They had every right to do so: the Hamas-led government was expecting the international community to continue providing financial aid to the Palestinians.
The Hamas-led government that was formed after the 2006 election was boycotted by the EU and most of the international community. Why? Because Hamas, in their eyes, is a terrorist organization. If so, why did the EU and other Western countries not object to Hamas's participation in the elections before the vote? Did Hamas become a terrorist organization only after it won the election?
The EU and other international parties perfectly well see that Hamas will run in upcoming election and again promise Palestinians to continue the "armed struggle' against Israel. They can perfectly well hear Hamas saying that its goal is to "liberate Palestine, from the [Jordan] river to the [Mediterranean] sea." It seems that Hamas's goal -- finishing what Hitler started, annihilating the Jews -- is precisely what the EU and the international community secretly, or unconsciously, want.
Those who are allowing Hamas to run unconditionally in the election are facilitating the terrorist group's next victory and certain rise to power. Hamas begins secret leadership election as Mashaal said eyeing comebackWith Palestinians set to head to national elections in May, the Hamas terror group officially began its own internal leadership elections on Friday.
"Hamas is proud of the start of the internal electoral process to choose its leadership according to democratic foundations," spokesperson Hazem Qasim wrote on Twitter.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas issued a decree in mid-January ordering the first Palestinian national elections in more than 15 years. The long-running rift between Abbas's Fatah movement and Hamas has thwarted attempts to hold a national vote since a landslide victory by Hamas in 2006 legislative elections.
The internal Hamas vote had already been scheduled before the decree, with the first round reportedly already held by Hamas members in secret ballots in Israeli prisons.
Hamas divides the vote into four areas — Gaza, the West Bank, the diaspora and Hamas prisoners in Israeli jails. The elections occur once every four years and appoint members at every level in the terror group's hierarchy: from local leaders in Gaza and the West Bank to the Shura Council, a quasi-legislative branch. IDF asks Wikipedia to edit 'Hezbollah' entry to reflect terror designationThe official IDF Twitter account posted a call on Tuesday for Wikipedia in English to edit its article on the Lebanese organization Hizbullah (spelled "Hezbollah" in Wikipedia) to reflect its identification by 26 countries as a terrorist organization. Wikipedia is a battleground for competing viewpoints, experts say, and the "Hezbollah" page is no exception.
The Shi'ite organization Hizbullah is a Lebanese political party with a military wing. It is also known for its virulent animosity towards Israel, and its actions against the country situated on its southern border – including against civilian targets. These have brought more than 20 countries and international organizations to designate it a terrorist organization, including the US, the Gulf Cooperation Council, the Arab League and the European Union.
Yet, the organization's English Wikipedia entry currently describes Hizbullah as "a Shia Islamist political party and militant group," adding only further in the paragraph that many countries have designated it as terroristic in nature. This prompted the IDF Spokesperson's Unit on Tuesday to tweet that "it's time for an update," calling for the organization's definition to reflect its labeling as a terrorist group.
David Gerard is a veteran Wikipedia editor based in the UK. In a conversation with The Media Line, he explained the contentious phrasing, as well as Wikipedia's treatment of controversial subjects in general, saying that the site's "political position is basically very centrist about things, and always gives both sides of every issue." Because of this, he said, "you end up with these understated, overly polite descriptions that people may consider quite controversial." Russia Shrugs Off Map Shown On Turkish State Channel Showing An Expanded Turkey Incorporating Territories Currently Part Of Russia A recent program on the state owned Turkish national channel TRT1, showed a map that included the territories that Turkey will annex in the next thirty years attracted attention in Russia. The lands in question included the southern Russian territories of These were the regions of Rostov, Volgograd, Astrakhan, Saratov, Samara oblasts, Chuvashia, Chechnya, Dagestan, Adygea, North Ossetia, and Crimea, Sevastopol. [1]
As Russia has invested a great deal in its relations with Turkey, the fact that Turkey coveted areas currently controlled by Russia, was embarrassing. Russian officials and pro-regime experts elected to sidestep the issue by arguing essentially that it was foolish to get excited over a threat that had no chance of turning into a reality given the disparity between Turkish and Russian power. Another tactic was to claim that the station did not represent the policies of Turkish President Recep Erdogan, and TRT1 was following its own highly nationalist inclinations.
A report on Russian reactions to the map of an expanded Turkey follows below: Senator Dzhabarov: Russia Will Not Rise To The Provocation The basic reaction in the Duma was that the map should not be taken seriously, because Russia would never allow Turkey to annex Russian territories. Andrei Krasov, First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, believes that the Turkish authorities are striving to restore the Ottoman Empire. Turkish aspirations aside, he doubted that Ankara would try to forcibly annex Russian territories. If they had such notions they were advised to study Russia's history
"If they want to test the strength of the Russian spirit and our weapons, let them try," warned Krasov. Israel: US paving path to Iranian nuclear bomb with push to rejoin JCPOAIsrael warned that the United States was helping Iran develop a nuclear weapons arsenal with its decision late Thursday night to push to rejoin the 2015 Iran deal.
"Israel remains committed to preventing Iran from getting nuclear weapons and its position on the nuclear agreement has not changed," the Prime Minister's Office said.
"Israel believes that going back to the old agreement will pave Iran's path to a nuclear arsenal. Israel is in close contact with the United States on this matter," it added.
From the onset, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had opposed the 2015 Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, known as the Iran deal, that was agreed upon between Tehran and the six-world power: the US, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Russia and China.
Former US President Donald Trump had exited the deal in 2018, which had been brokered during the tenure of the administration of former US President Barack Obama. Trump then reimposed crippling US sanctions on Iran, which had been lifted in exchange for the deal.
US President Joe Biden's administration has now formally declared its intent to seek a return to that deal and is willing to hold talks with Iran about rejoining the deal. Iran will reverse nuclear actions when US lifts sanctions - ZarifIran will "immediately reverse" actions in its nuclear program once US sanctions are lifted, its foreign minister said on Friday, reacting coolly to Washington's initial offer to revive talks with Tehran aimed at restoring the 2015 nuclear deal.
President Joe Biden's administration said on Thursday it was ready to talk to Iran about both nations returning to the accord, which aimed to prevent Tehran from acquiring nuclear weapons while lifting most international sanctions. Former President Donald Trump left the accord in 2018 and reimposed sanctions on Iran.
Tehran said Washington's move was not enough to persuade Iran to fully respect the accord.
When sanctions are lifted, "we will then immediately reverse all remedial measures. Simple," Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said on Twitter.
Since Trump ditched the deal, Tehran has breached the accord by rebuilding stockpiles of low-enriched uranium, enriching it to higher levels of fissile purity and installing advance GOP Lawmakers Demand Investigation Into Iran's Nuclear ViolationsA group of Republican lawmakers is petitioning the House Foreign Affairs Committee to organize hearings on "Iran's nuclear program, their support for terrorism, and their attempts to intimidate our allies," citing the Islamic Republic's revamped march toward a nuclear weapon.
In a letter sent on Wednesday to leaders on the House Foreign Affairs Committee, the lawmakers, led by Rep. Bryan Steil (R., Wis.), petitioned the committee's leadership to probe Iran's recent moves to enrich uranium to levels needed to power a nuclear weapon. Congress, they say, must "review existing policies and programs designed to counter the full range of Iranian threats," according to a copy of the letter obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. The House has not held a hearing on Iran's nuclear program since February 2020, when lawmakers were briefed on general developments in the region.
The letter—signed by Steil and Reps. Dan Crenshaw (R., Texas), Paul Gosar (R., Ariz.), and Joe Wilson (R., S.C.), chairman of the Republican Study Committee's National Security and Foreign Affairs Task Force—comes as the Biden administration gears up to reengage in diplomacy with Iran in pursuit of a revamped nuclear deal. The lawmakers say they are concerned the Democratic administration will grant Iran significant sanctions relief as part of an effort to entice it back to the bargaining table. Such concessions would reward Iran at a time when it is believed to be just months away from building a nuclear weapon.
Iran has been systematically violating the 2015 accord in an effort to pressure Western nations into granting it sanctions relief. The United States left the accord in 2018, but it is still being implemented by European nations, Russia, and China. While the Biden administration maintains it will not negotiate with Iran until it recommits to its obligations under the deal, GOP lawmakers fear the desire for diplomacy could lead to dangerous concessions by the United States that will revitalize Iran's economy. Biden Admin Says It Is Ready for Negotiations With IranThe Biden administration said Thursday evening that it is ready to begin conducting diplomacy with Iran, an announcement that has rankled Iran hawks in and out of Congress who see the new White House as rushing into talks with a regime that continues to sponsor terror attacks against U.S. forces and build its nuclear weapons program.
"The United States would accept an invitation from the European Union High Representative to attend a meeting of the P5+1 and Iran to discuss a diplomatic way forward on Iran's nuclear program," State Department spokesman Ned Price said in a statement to the Washington Free Beacon, confirming reports from earlier in the day indicating the United States would sit down with Tehran and European nations still party to the nuclear agreement.
The Biden administration's desire for talks marks a departure from its early rhetoric on the Iran deal. Secretary of State Antony Blinken and other senior State Department officials have publicly stated that Iran must cease its enrichment of uranium, the key component in a nuclear weapon, and come back into compliance with the 2015 accord if it is to be granted relief from U.S. sanctions. Iran is likely to press this demand in any negotiations with the United States, European powers, China, and Russia. While the United States pulled out of the deal in 2018, all of these countries still remain committed to the accord.
The announcement was not well received by Republican foreign policy leaders in and outside of Congress who fear the Biden administration is on the path to providing Iran with sanctions relief and concessions in return for little or no shift in its nuclear program and support for terrorism.
Former secretary of state Mike Pompeo told the Free Beacon that European nations "wanted to appease the Iranian theocracy for my entire time as secretary of state. We refused. The ayatollah understands only strength. I led a response to the Iranian threat that protected the American people from its terror and supported the Jewish state of Israel."
"Adopting the European Union model of accommodation," Pompeo said, "will guarantee Iran a path to a nuclear arsenal." Iran uses server in Netherlands for spying on dissidents - reportThe Islamic Republic of Iran used a server in the Netherlands to conduct surveillance on Iranian dissidents across the planet. According to a Thursday report on the Dutch public broadcaster NOS, the security company Bitdefender and the radio program Argos located the server in a data center near Haarlem that they said was devised by Tehran's regime to spy on Iranian dissidents.
Rik Delhaas, a journalist with Argos, provided an account of the alleged Iranian espionage operation to NOS.
Argos identified the server because an Iranian man based in the Netherlands provided the tip and an Iranian dissident on the social media platform Telegram received a file with respect to the surveillance operation. "Fortunately he did not open it and his computer was not infected," Delhaas said.
Delhass said some of the targets of the regime's surveillance were in the Netherlands but the largest number were abroad.
NOS reported that Iranian regime surveillance operation was not the first act of hacking. In late 2020, Argos and Bitdefender located a server that enabled Iran to illegally access devices.
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