Elder Of Ziyon - Israel News : Archaeologist claims to have found King David's Citadel (and 7 articles) |
Archaeologist claims to have found King David's Citadel Posted on: Wednesday 07 May 2014 — 03:13 From AP:
Shukron says no other structure in the area of ancient Jerusalem matches what David would have captured to take the city. The biblical account names it the "Citadel of David" and the "Citadel of Zion." (h/t Josh K) |
05/06 Links Pt2: Why the Left Resents Israeli Democracy; Hillel Cancels Pro-Israel Speaker Posted on: Wednesday 07 May 2014 — 00:00 From Ian: Why the Left Resents Israeli Democracy Israel's tradition of marking Yom Hazikaron before Yom Haatzmaut–Memorial Day followed by Independence Day–has always served as a crystal clear demonstration that no matter the success and the progress of the Jewish state, Israelis never forget the price the Jews have had to pay for their own security. So it takes a special kind of chutzpah to not only accuse Israelis of ignoring the costs, the sacrifices, the trade-offs, and the responsibilities of statehood, but to do so on the weekend of Yom Hazikaron."Humanitarian" Extremism: Aid Convoys under the Spotlight The British suicide bomber and jihadist, Abdul Waheed Majeed, did not arrive in war-torn Syria by himself. He was part of an "aid convoy" organized by the British charity, Children in Deen. Although British aid convoy charities deny purposely ferrying would-be jihadists to Syria, a closer look suggests that these so-called humanitarians are not as innocent as they might like us to believe.In For The Kill: Turning Americans against Israel after the Six Day War "When Israel won her stunning victory in the Six-Day War of June 1967, the American public's reaction brought no joy to the Arab functionaries and sympathizers who had been trying, in a desultory way, to cultivate a body of pro-Arab sentiment in this country. Insofar as Americans had any opinion on the Middle East crisis at all-- and nearly one-half had none—they favored Israel over the Arab states in a ratio of nearly 14 to 1. Missing Barry Rubin It is hard to believe that it has been three months since Barry Rubin passed away.Odessa Jews Prepare for Emergency Evacuation if Local Violence Worsens Odessa Jewish community leaders said Sunday that Jews in the city are preparing to evacuate if violence worsens in the western Ukrainian city. In the past few days, violent clashes between pro-Russian and nationalist forces resulted in more than 40 deaths, according to reports.Christian Giving Provides Lifeline for 'Abandoned' Ukrainian Jewish Community (INTERVIEW) Since the outbreak of violence and political chaos in Ukraine, Christian charity has been lavished on the country's beleaguered and isolated Jewish community, Rabbi Yechiel Eckstein, founder of the International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, told The Algemeiner on Sunday.Jewish mayor of Kharkiv regains consciousness after shooting The Jewish mayor of Ukraine's second-largest city, regained consciousness in a Haifa hospital on Monday, a week after being shot in the back amid rising tensions in eastern Ukraine.Letter to Samantha Power on UN bid to name Richard Falk's wife to top post UN Watch is deeply concerned over the proposed UN Human Rights Council appointment, scheduled for this Thursday, 8 May 2014, of Ms. Hilal Elver as the new Special Rapporteur on the Right to Food. For the reasons set forth below, UN Watch urges the United States to oppose her candidacy, which we believe will harm the cause of human rights, damage the reputation of the United Nations, and undermine the interests of the United States.UC Irvine Hillel Forces Cancellation of Pro-Israel Speaker On the heels of Brandeis University's controversial decision to rescind an honorary degree to women's rights activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali, organizers of a week-long pro-Israel event called iFest, which is currently underway at the University of California, Irvine, say they have been forced to cancel a scheduled speech by Nonie Darwish, a prominent pro-Israel speaker. Lead iFest organizer Daniel Narvy, president of the campus group Anteaters for Israel (AFI), who will be joining the Israeli Defense Forces this summer, says Orange County Hillel was primarily responsible for the cancelation and that the incident is another example of Hillel's marginalization of Narvy due to his conservative and traditional views.Op-Ed: Why are Christians funding Israel's anti-Zionist fringe? The State of Israel is celebrating its 66th birthday. For Israelis, Jews around the world and all supporters of Israel, this is a joyous occasion. By and large, even Israelis who are critical of some of their country's policies nevertheless celebrate its remarkable accomplishments and contributions to the world.Mael: Perpetuating Anti-Semitism is Not Pro-Palestine The actions of SJP chapters across the country are blatantly antithetical to peace of any kind. By parading anti-Semitic speakers around campuses nationwide, crashing Holocaust Awareness Week and other Jewish events, and posting pictures that call for violence against the state of Israel, SJP is fostering nothing more than glorified hate speech against the Jewish state and the Jewish people.Jewish Voice for Peace. Heirs to P.T. Barnum? The Al Awda Palestinian right to return organization and the notorious anti-Semitic activist Gilad Atzmon have reported receiving unsolicited "coaching" from JVP. The Jew-washers have urged them to "keep BDS about the occupation", and to say "Zionist" not "Jew". It's just a show, with smoke and mirrors designed to increase the palatability of what is widely accepted as an extremist agenda. It's enough to make P.T. Barnum kvell.Toronto based Meshwar newspaper published an article describing the Holocaust as the "the biggest lie in history" and an anti-Semitic cartoon Toronto based Meshwar newspaper addresses the Arab community in Canada and distributed for free in the Greater Toronto area. The editor of the Arabic newspaper is Dr. Nazih Khatatba, a board member of the 'Palestine House' in Mississauga, and its offices are located at 3195 Erindale Station Rd., Mississauga, Ontario, the same address of the Palestine House.California school district cancels lesson plan that involved Holocaust denial Following a storm of criticism – and at least one death threat – a California school district Monday canceled a lesson plan that instructed middle school students to make arguments denying the Holocaust happened.Canadian Shaykh Saed Rageah: "Israel in number one in sex slaves", steals little girls and sells them Shaykh Saed Rageah was born in Somalia and in the late 80sn moved to North America. Rageah has a Bachelor's in Islamic studies and a Masters in Shari'ah and he has had several posts over the years, including: founder of Masjid Huda in Montreal and Masjid Aya in Maryland, advisor for Muslim Youth magazine, and member in the Aqsa Association.Putin passes law banning Nazi crime denial The legislation makes it a criminal offence to deny facts established by the Nuremberg trials regarding the crimes of the Axis powers and to disseminate "false information about Soviet actions" during World War II.Tshuva To Export 20% of "Tamar" Gas Field to Egypt Yitzchak Tshuva plans to sell 20% of the gas drilled from the "Tamar" gas field to Egpyt, according to a report in Calcalist.Israeli startup aims to harness excess industrial heat to transform CO2, water into fuel Excess heat squandered in industrial production processes, as well as the carbon dioxide and water vapors emanating from their chimneys, will soon be put to positive use by an Israeli start-up.Archaeologist claims to unearth King David's citadel An Israeli archaeologist says he has found the legendary citadel captured by King David in his conquest of Jerusalem, rekindling a longstanding debate about using the Bible as a field guide to identifying ancient ruins.66 companies that make me proud to be Israeli Israel is home to hundreds of great companies, from huge corporations to brand new start-ups and non-profits. To celebrate Israel's 66th birthday, here's my mega-list of 66 great Israeli companies. Chag HaAtzmaut Sameach!The last of the founding generation, captured on film Lt. Elad Peled, 20, set out with 35 men, on foot, at three in the morning, to take the city of Safed in the spring of 1948. The story of how he managed to prevail over a superior enemy – and persuade his now-wife of 66 years, Zimra, to marry him in the process – is but one patch on a quilt of video testimony that includes 700 interviewees and 3,000 hours of testimony from those who lived through the War of Independence and the founding of the State of Israel. |
Lebanon (and UNRWA) continue treating Pal Syrians like dirt Posted on: Tuesday 06 May 2014 — 22:00 AFP reports: Human Rights Watch and a UN refugee agency expressed concern on Tuesday that Lebanon was blocking Palestinians fleeing Syria from entering the country.HRW also noted a similar policy in Jordan: Human Rights Watch has also documented the Jordanian government's policy of pushing back Palestinian refugees from Syria trying to enter Jordan from Syria at the border, without considering their claims for asylum in Jordan.But UNRWA's claim of being concerned about how Palestinian Syrians in Lebanon are faring is hollow. UNRWA is treating them badly too, as Albawaba notes: Mohammed Hassan, a refugee from Syria who is in charge of health at the Baddawi Popular Committee, explains that "in general, most cases in Baddawi and Bared are of chronic diseases. Two months ago, there were six cancer patients who had to return to Syria, being unable to get treatment in Lebanon."UNRWA keeps asking for money for the Syrian refugees. However, UNRWA already inflates the numbers of Palestinian Arabs in Lebanon by about 200,000 - yet it cannot find the money to handle an additional 50,000 refugees when they budget money for 200K phantom people? Lebanon, for its part, wants to ensure that its Palestinian population stays miserable and stateless. Only last month: Foreign Affairs Minister Gebran Bassil Monday voiced Lebanon's opposition to a recent Arab League resolution because it failed to mention the Palestinian right of return.There have been thousands of lucky Palestinians over the years who have managed to become citizens through loopholes in Lebanese laws. None of them ever said "no, I prefer to remain stateless." Yet Lebanon - and UNRWA - insist that the Pals reject naturalization, when it is in fact the self-proclaimed Arab leaders who reject Palestinian Arabs from becoming citizens. The entire reason Lebanon, Jordan and other Arab nations insist on "the right to return" is so that they can get rid of their Palestinian populations. That's how much they love their "brethren." Jews remain the most hated people in the Middle East, hands down. But Palestinian Arabs are a close second. |
Lebanese upset over Maronite patriarch visiting Israel with the Pope Posted on: Tuesday 06 May 2014 — 20:00 JPost reported: The leader of the Maronite Church in Lebanon is set to accompany Pope Francis during his visit to Israel later this month, AFP reported on Friday.Al Akhbar English is going apoplectic: Israel does not recognize Jerusalem as being Palestinian. According to the Zionists, this land is their capital and they want their counterparts to thank them for allowing them to live on its eastern outskirts. Visiting the occupied lands is only possible by complying with the occupation authorities, who are in charge of letting people in or keeping them out. No matter by whom, such visits could be used to promote normalization in any case, especially if the visitor is an Arab. So how about if the visitor was the head of the Church of Antioch and All the East?The Lebanese BDS movement is even more upset, considering this a personal affront in an open letter: Won't your visit violate the decisions of the global BDS movement, which was established in 2006, calling for boycotting Israel, divesting from it and imposing sanctions on it. It is a campaign that now includes thousands of ecclesiastics, trade unionists, academics, artists, scientists and novelists? In other words, does the interest of this or that community supercede the interests and blood of the people of Palestine and Lebanon and the positions of a growing number of world activists, including prominent ecclesiastics such as South African Archbishop Desmond Tutu who was one of the heroes of his country's liberation from apartheid?They are also aghast at the terrible prospect of appearing to support "normalization." I admit, it is fun seeing Israel's haters proving, day in and day out, how little they care about peace. Too bad so many people believe their lies about supporting "human rights." |
05/06 Links Pt1: Israel Turns 66; Hey John Kerry, What Would A Palestinian State Look Like? Posted on: Tuesday 06 May 2014 — 18:00 From Ian: With songs and pageantry, nation transitions from mourning to celebration Israel crossed over from mourning to celebration on Monday night, as Memorial Day came to a close at sundown and Israel's 66th Independence Day began.Google Doodle (h/t Yenta Press) PM Netanyahu's Greeting for Independence Day 2014 IDF Blog: Happy Birthday Israel! Israel's Declaration of Independence printed in US papers A full-page advertisement reproducing Israel's Declaration of Independence appeared in The New York Times and USA Today.Jewish nationalism is a lot older than the Zionist movement As Israel enters its 67th year of existence as a modern state, Jews throughout the world will join together in celebration of Jewish freedom and nationhood.What is the Status of the Israeli Flag? The Israeli flag has become a national symbol for the Jewish people, an emblem of Zionism and hope.66 things I love about Israel It's that time of year again, when comedian Benji Lovitt lists things he loves about Israel, and this year's list (all new, every year) is 66 things long in honor of Israel's 66th birthday. Enjoy, share the love, and Happy Independence Day from The Times of Israel!Israel by the Numbers Celebrate Israel's birthday with this comprehensive infographic.Caroline Glick: Rand Paul's support for Israel The hard truth is that while American isolationism is bad for the US, it isn't necessarily bad for Israel. To date, under Democratic and Republican administrations alike, there has been a direct correlation between the level of US involvement in Israel's affairs and US hostility towards Israel.Hey John Kerry, What Would A Palestinian State Look Like? Perhaps an independent Palestine would be different than every other Arab country that exists. But there is really no good reason to believe so. The West Bank's semi-autonomous government is hardly a model of freedom. Gaza is even worse. Not too long after Israel left Gaza in 2005, the terrorist group Hamas established a religious despotism there. If any Jews actually lived in Gaza, you can bet they would be second-class citizens, if they weren't murdered outright. Apartheid would probably be something to long for if you were a Jew living in Gaza.US denies report that peace team has been dismantled Deputy spokeswoman Marie Harf also dismissed reports that US Secretary of State John Kerry had decided to dismantle the team of American negotiators who have been based on the ground in Jerusalem for months trying to push forward the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.The Big Lie: Prelude to Murdering Jews The idea that Israel is violating Article 49 makes no sense. The Geneva Convention applies only to territories belonging to a sovereign power, yet Judea/Samaria are unallocated territory under international law. There has been no determination of their status by any internationally binding agreement. Nor are Palestinians being deported from Judea/Samaria to another territory. Further, Jews choose to live in Judea/Samaria — Israel is not deporting them to Judea/Samaria.Turkish Finance Minister Questions Israel's Rights as Jewish State Over Twitter On Sunday, Simsek replied via Twitter to an article in the Israel Hayom daily about Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's announcement that Israel would seek to add the notion of the Jewish state to its founding documents.Rabbi at Shelly Dadon Funeral: 'Her Only Sin Was Being Jewish' (VIDEO) A thousand people attended the Saturday night funeral of 20-year-old Shelly Dadon, found murdered outside the northern Israeli town of Migdal Haemek last Thursday in an abandoned parking lot, according to Israel National News on Monday.Ultra-Orthodox quietly joining Israeli military Moshe Prigan starts his day off just like many other men in the ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak with his morning prayer. It's only later that the routine takes an unexpected twist, when he puts on his air force uniform and heads to the Israeli military headquarters in Tel Aviv.Close Up: Paramedic on the Syrian Border 5-May-14: The making of a martyr: it takes more than a village "The funeral of the remains of the martyr who gave his soul for the struggle of a nation that strives for freedom" (that's a direct quote) received significant coverage on the government-controlled official Palestinian Authority news outlet, PA Television, this past Wednesday, April 30, 2014.US aid indirectly helps Hamas, under deal with Palestinian Authority The Palestinian Authority's announcement that it will send 3,000 police officers to Gaza as part of a unity agreement with Hamas could mean U.S. taxpayers are now at least indirectly helping an officially designated terror organization maintain law and order -- and its grip on power.Hamas Activity in West Bank Fuels Fear Unity Deal Becoming a Lifeline to Terror Hamas's command and control infrastructure, as well as huge swaths of its advanced arsenal, had been severely degraded during an eight-day Israeli air campaign in November 2012 that came in response to a sharp escalation in the amount and sophistication of projectiles that the group was using to target Israeli civilians and soldiers.Hamas Releases Fatah Prisoners from Gaza Prisons The Hamas-run Gaza government released six prisoners affiliated with the Fatah movement on Monday, an official said, according to the Ma'an news agency.Obama's Swelled Head Hinders Hiding It In Sand On Iran, Hamas (satire) With the help of Secretary of State John Kerry and several advisers, Obama has studiously tried to ignore Iran's manipulation of Western powers and the UN's nuclear watchdog agency, dismissing as exaggerated the Israeli protestations that the Islamic Republic is on track to threaten global interests within months. However, the ongoing crisis in Ukraine elicited several grand pronouncements from Obama that proved useless in keeping Russia out of the Crimea and exposing him to questions about his will and ability to defend other allies living in the shadow of a nuclear-armed Iran.Daily Beast: Analysts Believe Assad Has Secret Unconventional Program The Daily Beast on Thursday cited a range of Western intelligence analysts converging on the assessment that Syria's Bashar al-Assad regime not only has a secret cache of undeclared chemical weapons – which the outlet said included "crude chlorine-filled bombs, secret stockpiles of sophisticated nerve gasses or their components" – but also the stored institutional knowledge to "rebuild a larger-scale, higher-grade chemical weapons effort" once the international community has turned its attention away from Syria.Lebanese leader urges Syrian rebels to shun Israeli aid The Monday statement by Progressive Socialist Party (PSP) head Walid Jumblatt came a week after a senior Syrian opposition figure told The Times of Israel rebels were looking for help from Jerusalem.Iran foreign minister: I won't allow official Holocaust denial Mohammad Javad Zarif was summoned to parliament and questioned in a session that was broadcast live on state radio on Tuesday.Misplaced Optimism Over Iran Finally, the regime is undergoing yet another crisis of legitimacy in the eyes of its own people. Visitors to Tehran report seeing large numbers of young people with their heads shaved in a gesture of solidarity with political dissidents incarcerated in Tehran's notorious Evin Prison, many of whom were viciously beaten by members of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps at the beginning of April. At the same time, the economy is suffering: the price of gas has increased by a colossal 75 percent, while the value of Iran's currency, the rial, has dropped 9 percent against the U.S. dollar. |
Sheikh Tamimi predicts a "massacre in Al Aqsa" today Posted on: Tuesday 06 May 2014 — 16:00 Sheikh Tayseer Tamimi, "Chief Justice of Palestine" and Secretary General of the Supreme Islamic Council in Jerusalem, says that Israel is planning to massacre Muslims on the Temple Mount today, in order to give an excuse to divide it between Jews and Muslims. Israeli police are limiting the number of Muslims onto the Mount today to avoid problems as a crowd of Jews plan to ascend for Yom Ha'Atzmaut. As soon as Jewish groups announced their plans to visit the Mount today, Muslim leaders put out a call to have thousands of people "defend Al Aqsa" from being "desecrated." Tamimi says that today's planned massacre will follow the formula of Baruch Goldstein's murdering Muslims at the Cave of the Patriarchs, implying that it was a Zionist plot to give an excuse for the "temporal and physical division" of the holy spot. Tamimi has a history of hysterical incitement like this. He once insisted that Israel would destroy Al Aqsa and build a Temple by March 16, 2010. When that date passed without incident, he just started a new rumor. And so on. So far, this "massacre" is as real as Tamimi's other confident predictions. Although I suspect that he would be quite pleased if such an event occurred. Oh, and this terror supporting sheikh who spends his days inciting Muslims to attack Jews was one of the esteemed people visited by the State Department's Shaun Casey earlier this year. Here is a video shown on the Aqsa Heritage Foundation website that shows how violent these evil Jewish settlers were when they visited today. |
Hamas releases anti-Hatikva video showing Arabs expelling Jews to Germany Posted on: Tuesday 06 May 2014 — 14:00 Hamas' Al Qassam Brigades has released a video for Israel's Independence Day, called "The End of the Hope" - a pun on the name of Israel's national anthem, Hatikva. Set to the tune of the anthem, and filled with Hebrew spelling errors, the video shows a single young rock thrower destroying Israel. Jews are forced onto ships to Germany by masked Hamas terrorists. Worshippers are chased out of the Kotel plaza which is destroyed and replaced with the "Mughrabi Quarter." Armed masked terrorists are seen on the roof of the Dome of the Rock to ensure that Jews can never visit there as they sing that there is no Temple in Jerusalem. There are still lots of Westerners who twist themselves into pretzels to pretend that Hamas accepts Israel's right to exist. This video won't convince them otherwise, because there are none so blind as those who will not see. |
Moderate Arab gets expelled from his union for Auschwitz trip Posted on: Tuesday 06 May 2014 — 11:38 In March, I posted "An Israeli leftist's lonely search for a moderate Palestinian Arab." Professor Einat Wilf spent months trying to find a single Palestinian Arab who would agree to sign this statement: "The Jewish people around the world and Palestinian people around the world are both indigenous to the Land of Israel/Palestine and therefore have an equal and legitimate right to settle and live anywhere in the Land of Israel/Palestine, but given the desire of both peoples to a sovereign state that would reflect their unique culture and history, we believe in sharing the land between a Jewish state, Israel, and an Arab state, Palestine, that would allow them each to enjoy dignity and sovereignty in their own national home. Neither Israel nor Palestine should be exclusively for the Jewish and Palestinian people respectively and both should accommodate minorities of the other people." In the end, she found exactly one. That person was Mohammed S. Dajani Daoudi, the head of American Studies at Al-Quds University (ironic enough given the hatred of Israel by the American Studies Association) and founder of the Palestinian centrist movement, Wasatia. If all Palestinian Arab leaders could sign a statement like this today - a very even-handed statement that places a false equivalency between the age-old Jewish attachment to Eretz Yisrael and the recent nationalism of Palestinian Arabs - then there would be peace, real peace, tomorrow. But only one person has been found to do it publicly. Dr. Dajani is the professor who led 27 Palestinian Arab students to visit Auschwitz later that month, to withering criticism. Now, Dajani's membership in his teachers' union has been suspended because of his trip. From the Facebook page of Rima Najjar, Assistant Professor of English Literature at Al Quds: DR. MOHAMMAD DAJANI'S UNION MEMBERSHIP AT AL-QUDS UNIVERSITY HAS BEEN SUSPENDED BECAUSE OF HIS VISIT TO AUSCHWITZShe goes on to say that there is no comparison between Arab students visiting Auschwitz and Jewish students visiting an UNRWA camp - because visiting Auschwitz is unforgivable. She also quotes another prominent Arab academic, Mazin Qumsiyeh, as saying that Dajanis' visit to Auschwitz is antisemitic! [Dajani] adopted the Zionist perspective that Judaism and Zionism are the same thing and in our opinion this is an antisemitic attitude to equate Zionism and Judaism and somehow link making peace and Zionism with the issues of Jewish suffering around the world. The fact is that at least 99% of intellectual Palestinian Arabs cannot stomach the idea that Jews have ever been victims of any sort. They viciously attack the extraordinarily few Palestinian Arabs who truly want to live in peace and coexistence. If anyone can seriously believe that true peace is possible in such a toxic and hateful environment when a simple admission that Jews were slaughtered is controversial and insulted, I'd love to see their logic. (h/t Bob Knot) |
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