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EoZ blog
Elder of Ziyon
In This Issue…
- 05/26 Links Pt2: Kotel Rabbi Tells Pope 'We Have Returned Home'; 88% of Jerusalemites are Happy
- Documentary about workers at Sodastream
- Did the Pope call for Jews to be able to worship on the Temple Mount?
- 05/26 Links Pt1: Another Anti-Semitic Outrage on the Dark Continent; Iranian 'Happy' Dir. Still in Jail
- Nadim Nawarah was shot in the leg by a rubber bullet
- Another "work accident"
- Egyptian economist writes, repeatedly, that Zionists "raped" Palestine
- Latin Patriarch tells Pope that Israel is Herod and Palestinians are Jesus
- PA kiddie TV consistently teaches Israel will be replaced with "Palestine"
- Documentary shown at UN depicts Israel as a dragon targeting innocent children's kites
- 05/25 Links: Netanyahu: Anti-Israel 'slander and lies' caused Brussels attack; Israeli Victims Named
- Killing "Oslo" and Validating Arab Anti-Jewish Racism (Michael Lumish)
- The Vatican de-Judaizes the Temple Mount as PalArabs politicize Pope visit
- Ottawa City Hall featuring terrorists in "Palestinian art" exhibit
- Work accident!
- Synchronized video of Beitunia incident
05/26 Links Pt2: Kotel Rabbi Tells Pope 'We Have Returned Home'; 88% of Jerusalemites are Happy
May 26, 2014
From Ian:
Closing a circle
Israel is often portrayed as a pariah state, an entity whose control over contested territory has turned it into an outcast. But that is a far cry from Israel's real standing on the world stage. In 1964, three years before the Six-Day War, when Jerusalem was still divided and Judea and Samaria were still under Jordanian rule, Israel's image was much worse than it is today. Pope Paul VI's visit and the way he conducted himself during his pilgrimage attest to that.
Pope Francis' visit to Mount Herzl was a tribute to the visionary ...
Documentary about workers at Sodastream
May 26, 2014
From Stateless Media:
This interesting film follows Abdallah Hany Abu Zayad, a Palestinian Arab who works at the Sodastream factory in the Mishor Adumim industrial park.
It also shows Russian Jews who work at the factory. One, Valery, who works with Abdullah directly, says that "on the outside, they seem to treat me well enough; as for what's in their soul, I have no way of knowing that, now do I?"
The film says that soon after Abdallah started working there, he was personally visited by PA officials who told him he was betraying his country and should ...
Did the Pope call for Jews to be able to worship on the Temple Mount?
May 26, 2014
The official text of the speech Pope Francis gave in front of Israeli president Shimon Peres began:
I am grateful to you, Mr President, for your kind and sage words of greeting and your warm welcome. I am happy to be able to meet you once again, this time in Jerusalem, the city which preserves the Holy Places dear to the three great religions which worship the God who called Abraham. The Holy Places are not monuments or museums for tourists, but places where communities of believers daily express their faith and culture, and carry out their works of ...
05/26 Links Pt1: Another Anti-Semitic Outrage on the Dark Continent; Iranian 'Happy' Dir. Still in Jail
May 26, 2014
From Ian:
JPost Editorial: Tragedy in Brussels
Once upon a time an exception was made in the anti-Zionist narrative for the sorts of Jews killed in the Shoah. The wandering Jew, the Jew with the portable homeland whose identity was defined by his religion and his religious texts, not his connection to a particular piece of land, was in vogue in Europe. The Jew sans Zionism seemed to represent the very embodiment of a new cosmopolitan, borderless Europe that had eschewed all that had made it evil during the two world wars.Europeans, at least those who bought in ...
Nadim Nawarah was shot in the leg by a rubber bullet
May 26, 2014
Q: Who falls forward when they are shot from the front?
A: People who are shot in their legs.
By looking at the video I made recently showing Nadim Nawarah's fall synchronized with CNN's video showing Israeli police shooting what is undoubtedly a rubber bullet*, it is clear that he was hit with something. His fall comes at the same time that everyone else around him reacts instinctively to the sound of the shot; he is not play-acting as too-many Israeli "experts" are claiming.
Nawarah gets thrown off balance by being shot in his right leg or thigh. He ...
Another "work accident"
May 26, 2014
This morning, Nizar Issa, 25, from Jabalya refugee camp in the Gaza Strip, was blown up by an "internal explosion."
The Al-Quds Brigades announced that "the martyr was elevated during a mission to perform his jihad duty." He was working with explosives, no doubt for peaceful purposes.
This comes right after a similar explosion killed two Islamic Jihad members yesterday.
By my tally, this makes 21 Palestinian Arabs killed by terrorist internal explosions and rockets in 2014. Which is slightly more than the amount of Arabs confirmed killed by Israeli forces this year.*
My old graphic about "work ...
Egyptian economist writes, repeatedly, that Zionists "raped" Palestine
May 26, 2014

Ahmed Al-Sayed El-Nagar is Chief Economist for the Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo.
He wrote an article in Al Ahram for "Nakba Day" where he says, 12 times, that Zionists "raped" Palestine.
Whenever the anniversary of the Zionist rape of Palestine comes, Arab memory in general, and Egyptian memory in particular, recalls images of Palestine under occupation or the British Mandate letting hordes of rapistsof all nationalities pass to its lands. Nothing unified ...
Latin Patriarch tells Pope that Israel is Herod and Palestinians are Jesus
May 25, 2014
The speech given by the Latin Patrriach to the Pope was filled with what can only be considered age-old
Catholic antisemitic imagery.
Holy Father, thank you for the beautiful celebration of the Eucharist here ,where we are so close to the Grotto of the Nativity.Yes, a city where, if the Palestinian ...I see a total harmony between your person, your way of leading, your way of addressing the world and the message of Bethlehem. Bethlehem: simplicity, openness, communion, the Divine who becomes incarnate, humbles himself and takes on our human form to be able to love us more.
PA kiddie TV consistently teaches Israel will be replaced with "Palestine"
May 25, 2014
This is not Hamas TV. This is the official, government-sanctioned Palestinian Authority TV station. From Palwatch:
Sabrin, young singer: We are going [abroad] to send a message to everyone, that there are Palestinian children, that we are still alive. Some people abroad think, "No, they're dead. There's only Israel, there's no such thing as Palestine." No, we say that Palestine exists, and Palestine will return to us, and there is no such thing as Israel.
PA TV host: Bravo!
Girl: There is something called the occupied lands.
Host: Bravo, bravo bravo!
[Official PA TV, May 16, ...
Documentary shown at UN depicts Israel as a dragon targeting innocent children's kites
May 25, 2014
From Human Rights Voices:
On May 21, 2014 the UN screened a film in which Israel is depicted as a green monster that attacks a kite created by hapless Palestinian children just yearning for freedom. As filmmaker Nitin Sawhney unabashedly explained to his UN audience: "the dragon was an Israeli gunship and the kite became the persona of the child trying to deal with that." The imagery of Jews as serpents was a frequent tool of Nazi propaganda.
The screening of "Flying Paper" was held at UN headquarters in New York City, and was advertised by the UN as ...
05/25 Links: Netanyahu: Anti-Israel 'slander and lies' caused Brussels attack; Israeli Victims Named
May 25, 2014
From Ian:
The 'Ryan Mervin Bellerose' Talk In Israel
On the 19th May 2014, Metis and Pro-Israel activist Ryan Mervin Bellerose, gave a talk to a room full of Pro-Israel activists who are pictured and mentioned in my previous article here.
The talk was about 1 hour and 40 minutes and included a short Q&A section, as well as a final story from a terror attack survivor named Kay Wilson.Due to the length of this talk, I have split it up into 4 parts below. If you would like to hear the entire talk in one, then see ...
Killing "Oslo" and Validating Arab Anti-Jewish Racism (Michael Lumish)
May 25, 2014
Michael Lumish, of the Israel Thrives blog as well as a regular blogger at Times of Israel and Jews Down Under, continues his weekly column here at EoZ.He did so directly out of the gate in 2009 by demanding a total "freeze" on the building of Jewish homes in Judeathus laying the framework for Palestinian-Arab rejection for any possible conclusion of hostilities. While it is obviously true that previous American administrations opposed "settlement activity" it was only the ...
The Vatican de-Judaizes the Temple Mount as PalArabs politicize Pope visit
May 25, 2014
Irene, who has written for EoZ before, and who is Irish Catholic, writes:
Monday, May 26, 20148:15 VISIT TO THE GRAND MUFTI OF JERUSALEM in the building of the Great Council on the Esplanade of the Mosques. Discourse of the Holy Father
Ottawa City Hall featuring terrorists in "Palestinian art" exhibit
May 25, 2014
From Times of Israel:
The Israeli ambassador to Canada urged Jewish organizations in the country to push for the removal of an art exhibition on display in Ottawa City Hall because it "glorifies terrorism." Rafael Barak claimed last week that the exhibition, which features the works of Palestinian artist Rehab Nazzal, incites violence and promotes the idea that Israel does not have a right to exist.
Nazzal's exhibition, titled "Invisible," comprises a number of videos and photos taken during confrontations between Israeli security forces and Palestinian prisoners at Ketziot Prison in southern Israel, Haaretz reported. Barak said that ...
Work accident!
May 25, 2014
Ma'an reports:Two Palestinian militants were killed and two others were injured Saturday in an explosion at a military training site in the southern Gaza Strip, an official said.
Ashraf al-Qidra, Gaza's health ministry spokesman, said two "unidentified citizens" were killed and two sustained serious injuries in an explosion in Khan Younis, without providing details about the cause of the explosion.
Islamic Jihad said in a statement that the men who died were affiliated to the faction's military wing, the al-Quds Brigades.

I count ...
Synchronized video of Beitunia incident
May 25, 2014
I synchronized the gunshots from the CNN video to the CCTV videos of the Beitunia "Nakba Day" incident to show what happened from multiple angles.
Unlike the way CNN presented it, the gunshot at the beginning of their footage is the one that lines up with Nadim Nawarah falling down (opposite the direction of the shot.) The second shot seems to have come from the same position but I couldn't figure out which policeman shot it (you need to see the original CNN video to look more carefully) but the bystanders flinch at both the first and second shot. ...
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