Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Video about Israeli Christians joining the IDF
- Tunnel closings cause Israeli goods to disappear from Egyptian markets!
- 01/08 Links Pt2: This barrier stops fascists, Comparing Islamists and radical leftists
- Latest Rafah crossing news that "human rights" organizations ignore
- The PLO acknowledges the Jewish "right of return"
- 01/08 Links Pt1: The Middle East at the Beginning of 2014, When is Incitement “Incitement”?
- Guardian writer blames Czech diplomat's death on Israel
- Work accident! But you wouldn't know it from Arab media... (plus - clan clash)
- Israeli rifle wins awards - and also innovates in ammo
Video about Israeli Christians joining the IDF Posted: 08 Jan 2014 11:00 PM PST | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Tunnel closings cause Israeli goods to disappear from Egyptian markets! Posted: 08 Jan 2014 06:00 PM PST The tunnel trade between Egypt and Gaza was two-way.
Egypt's Al Ahram reports that ever since the Egyptian army has cracked down on smuggling tunnels, Israeli products are no longer on the shelves of towns in the Sinai. The shortages of Israeli goods is felt mostly in El Arish, Sheikh Zuwaid and Rafah. The Israeli products that were smuggled from Gaza include clothes, foodstuffs, cosmetics and electrical appliances. This means, of course, that Gaza had a surplus of Israeli goods, not a shortage! It also shows that there is a demand for Israeli goods in Egypt, and the reason that more Egyptians aren't legally importing Israeli goods is politics, not profits. In 2012, an Egyptian TV program claimed that Israeli goods found in the Sinai, such as chocolate, coffee, biscuits and yogurt, were causing infertility. One interviewee claimed that Israeli jeans had secret magnets hidden within them that also cause infertility. Now we can see that the goods shown on TV were all from Gaza smuggling tunnels, not from regular trade between Israel and Egypt. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01/08 Links Pt2: This barrier stops fascists, Comparing Islamists and radical leftists Posted: 08 Jan 2014 03:00 PM PST From Ian: This barrier stops fascists: A response to Bethlehem Unwrapped Some of you may be thinking, well, the Israelis would say the barrier works wouldn't they? OK, so what do the Palestinian terrorists say? They should know. Palestinian Islamic Jihad leader Ramadan Abdallah Shalah said '[The Israelis] built a separation fence in the West Bank. We do not deny that it limits the ability of the resistance [i.e., the terrorist organizations] to arrive deep within [Israeli territory] to carry out suicide bombing attacks …' (23 March, 2008).'Kay Wilson: Ben White's attack on terror victim is "tinny, whinging, and bitter" Ben White, it is an honour to be called a vandal, I take my new-job description with the utmost gravity. You have inspired me to continue to do whatever I can to sabotage and desecrate every vulgar, cruel, pompous, destructive, arrogant, ignorant, presumptuous, pithy lie and falsification that you, and people like yourself are bent on disseminating.Comparing Islamists and radical leftists (Satire) Following on from previous posts which looked at the difference between antisemitism and anti-Zionism, and what leftists really believe, it is also worth now looking at the difference between Islamists and radical leftists. As the following table shows there is clearly nothing in common between these two groups. Anti-Israel George Mason group plays race card on Pres for opposing boycott The propaganda-named Students Against Israeli Apartheid (SAIA) now is playing the race card against GMU's President, who tweeted his opposition to the academic boycott of Israel:U Texas at Dallas terminates membership in American Studies Association Most universities which were listed as Institutional Members of the American Studies Association have left it up to particular departments which took out the membership to decide whether to continue.Anti-Israel 'lessons' in American classrooms Anti-Israel and anti-Semitic curricular materials have now become endemic in American public schools. Examples abound and are surfacing from Massachusetts to California where concerned and sometimes angry parents are reacting.Academic conference from Hell It looks to be a veritable festival of post-modernism, post-colonialism and academic gobbledygook– with no shortage of anti-Zionism and Israel-bashing.NGO Monitor: How European Governments Propel the Boycott War For example, the group calling itself "Coalition of Women for Peace" runs a BDS framework that targets Israeli businesses and other institutions, as well companies that work with the Israeli firms. They are active throughout Europe, largely financed by two grants from the European Union, German political foundations, Holland, Norway and Sweden. In most cases, the funding process is hidden behind a heavy wall of secrecy. (CWP's Facebook page features pictures of officials holding a PFLP flag — the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestinian is a terrorist organization, as recognized by the EU, and is responsible for numerous attacks against civilians.)Breaking the Silence is part of the problem in the Israel debate As detailed research by NGO Monitor has shown, in its books and presentations, BtS tailors the accounts of low-ranking soldiers to fit a predetermined conclusion that Israeli policy is the "intimidation, instilling of fear, and indiscriminate punishment of the Palestinian population." The discredited Goldstone Report on Israeli "war crimes" is quoted repeatedly on such unsubstantiated allegations.MEMRI: Professor At Al-Quds University: The Holocaust Must Be Taught In PA Schools Prof. Muhammad Al-Dajani Al-Daoudi, a political science lecturer at Al-Quds University and founder of the Wasatiyya ("Middle Way") movement in Palestine, called in an article he published on November 26, 2013 on the website fikraforum.org to teach about the Holocaust in Palestinian schools.Anti-Semitism Links Boycott of Israel to Quenelle The truth is that it's nowhere near that simple. Here's why: In the post-Holocaust era, there isn't a single example of something defined as "anti-Zionism" that hasn't been contaminated by anti-Semitism. When the Arab League launched its "anti-Zionist" boycott in 1945, three years before Israel's creation, its target was the besieged Jewish community in British Mandate Palestine. When the Soviet Union threw in its lot with the Arab regimes during the Cold War in the name of "anti-Zionism," the primary victims were Soviet Jews. When Poland's ruling communists launched an "anti-Zionist" campaign in the late 1960s, the people whom they purged were Jewish. And when left-wing German terrorists hijacked an Air France plane in 1976, they demonstrated their "anti-Zionism" by separating the Jewish passengers from the non-Jewish ones.Several French cities ban Dieudonne performances Shows were banned by mayors in Marseille, Bordeaux, Tours and Nantes, the opening venue of the comedian's national tour that was to launch Thursday, Reuters reported.Ex-British Footballer Collymore Calls for Police Response to Online Anti-Semitism From Football Fans Stanley Collymore, a popular former British footballer and now sports broadcaster, called for police and Twitter to take action against online hate speech targeting Jewish fans and Tottenham Hotspur, a British team from a historically Jewish neighborhood, whose fans are often referred to as "the Yids."New movie about murder of Jew in Paris comes amid renewed focus on French anti-Semitism Halimi was kidnapped in Paris in January 2006 by a gang of at least 16 men and women led by Youssouf Fofana, a professed anti-Semite of Ivorian descent who had Halimi starved, mutilated and beaten for 24 days in a cellar before dumping him in Sainte-Genevieve-des-Bois. Fofana was sure he would be paid ransom because Halimi was Jewish. Halimi died on his way to the hospital.Israel Venture-Capital Technology Disposals Jump to Decade High Israel's technology industry showed signs of maturity as the value of disposals by venture capital firms in 2013 soared to the highest in a decade as the proportion of smaller deals declined, IVC Research Center said.Sleep apnea detector saves lives For many patients, detecting severe apnea episodes is expensive and complicated – unless they are using a small, sleek device by Israeli biotech company, Itamar Medical, whose WatchPAT uses a novel technology to measure cardiovascular stress in patients who suffer from apnea episodes, and alerting medical or rescue personnel in time to save them.3D holograms help Israeli heart surgeons RealView Imaging LTD says it has recently completed a successful clinical study in which surgeons used live-action 3D holograms of their patients' beating heart to help them operate.'Safe City' gives town's residents more protection, free connection To the growing list of Israeli cities with free wifi networks for citizens and visitors add Ramat Hasharon, a city of 40,000 in central Israel.Filipino caregiver a favorite to win 'X-Factor Israel' Israeli viewers of the country's myriad of reality shows have grown accustomed to successful candidates from various backgrounds, including black-clad ultra-Orthodox Jews, Ethiopian immigrants and a German convert to Judaism who became a celebrity chef. But they've never seen someone like Rose Fostanes before.Jewish refugees from Arab lands slowly gain recognition However, after "The Forgotten Refugees," those who had been affected began to speak up. Soon enough, places as far off as Canada were shining a spotlight on the Jewish refugee conflict. There was even interest in the Arab world, a point that's illustrated in "Shadow in Baghdad." | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Latest Rafah crossing news that "human rights" organizations ignore Posted: 08 Jan 2014 01:00 PM PST The Rafah crossing is open today, after 12 days of being closed. Even during the days that it is open, very few people have been allowed to cross. Human rights organizations are almost completely silent. Here's the Rafah crossing calendar for the past few months:
![]() Two youths who were caught sneaking into Egypt were shot by Egyptian security. No human rights organizations said a word. I am not sure if the Italian delegation that was stuck in Gaza managed to leave today. Here's another photo of one of its members | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
The PLO acknowledges the Jewish "right of return" Posted: 08 Jan 2014 11:00 AM PST When the Palestine Papers were released by The Guardian and Al Jazeera in 2011, only stories that fit the narratives of those papers were published. I went through them at the time and found many astounding memos that the media ignored (and still ignore today.) One of the biggest bombshells was a draft memo from the PLO's Negotiations Support Unit that detailed Jewish land ownership in the territories. I covered it here, but it is worth revisiting because it explicitly says that Jews have the "right of return" to areas they lived in before 1949. Legally, the "right of return" doesn't exist in the way that the Palestinian Arabs and NGOs claim it does nowadays. However, the PLO realized that if they are going to claim the "right of return,", then Jews must have the exact same claims in the other direction: Jews who were habitually resident before 1948 in the areas that became the OPT enjoy a right of return. It should be noted that the right of return extends not only to those persons who held the nationality of the prior sovereign, but also to persons who had a substantial connection to the prior state and who, therefore, were entitled to its nationality.3 The right also extends to the descendents of such Jews. To be sure, the memo tries to find reasons why it wouldn't apply (and it even mentions that if the PLO recognizes that Jews who were expelled from their homes are entitled to compensation, then Arab countries would have the same obligation - and this could affect relations between the PLO and Arab nations!) Still, it would be difficult for the UN, Amnesty and Human Rights Watch to disagree with the main point - if the RoR exists, it exists for all. Even UNGA 194, touted as the source for the "right of return," doesn't distinguish between Jewish and Arab refugees of Palestine. What this means is that, if the UN and EU and NGOs are to be consistent, they cannot regard some Jewish settlements as illegal. For example, the PLO memo admits that Jews owned Atarot and Neve Yaakov and were expelled in 1948. It mentions parts of the old city of Hebron owned by Jews. Much of the Etzion bloc and areas near Maale Adumim are admitted by the PLO to be owned by Jews. And, of course, Jews owned land and lived in the Old City of Jerusalem. Significant portions of Gaza also belonged to Jews who became refugees in 1948. Yet I have not seen any of these NGOs distinguish between land owned by Jews, land that Jews were expelled from, and any other land in the territories. I've never seen any of them call for the PLO (or Egypt or Jordan) to compensate Jews for land stolen from them in 1948. On the contrary: the EU has condemned Israel allowing building in Neve Yaakov. The UN has called Gush Etzion "illegal." So why do the NGOs that advocate the bogus "right of return" not recognize the symmetric rights of Jews? The answer, as we've seen many times, is that the UN and EU and "human rights" NGOs set their policies irrespective of international law or logic or consistency. They then try to shoehorn bizarre interpretations of international law to their predetermined outcomes. If they aren't going to be consistent about the application of actual international law, why should we expect consistency when they apply incorrect interpretations of that same law? | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
01/08 Links Pt1: The Middle East at the Beginning of 2014, When is Incitement “Incitement”? Posted: 08 Jan 2014 09:00 AM PST From Ian: Barry Rubin: The Middle East at the Beginning of 2014 The Egypt-Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas conflicts, the Syrian civil war, the conflict between the Shi'a and Sunni blocs (the latter including Saudi Arabia), and Turkish-Arab friction are all signs of this. If the West is willing to keep Asad as dictator of Syria, the Sunni rebels will never accept this, and the Syrian civil war will only be intensified in the coming year.Why Is There Really No Palestinian State: The 1-State Solution The difference between radicals and moderates was well represented by the remark of the Palestinian Arab delegates in their May 1939 meeting with Egypt's leaders, "We cannot now tell our people, 'Stop the revolution because we got some high posts. . . .'"But that was precisely what moderate Arab politicians wanted: not a revolution in Palestine but a solution to Palestine. And they viewed that as having been achieved in the London negotiations because Palestinian Arabs would obtain "high posts" and thus would be running the country.Jews, lies and Christian victims In late December, The Independent published an article about the bleak situation of the Christians in the Middle East. It had the right idea. The Christians in the Middle East are in trouble. They're being slaughtered in dozens of different places and millions have become refugees or been forced to flee. Amazingly enough, however, the article was devoted almost entirely to their sad situation in Israel, of all places. "Will Prince Charles, the 'Defender of Faiths,' stand up for Christians in Israel?" read the astonishing headline. When is Incitement "Incitement"? The most recent example (January 7) is instructive. The story headline reads: "Israeli Officials Point to an Intensifying Campaign of 'Incitement' by Palestinians." Nothing new about that, to be sure – except for the quotation marks surrounding "Incitement," which imply that it is a figment of the Israeli imagination. To be sure, Jerusalem Bureau Chief Jodi Rudoren offers several compelling – and disgusting – examples of the phenomenon. The website for Palestinian Authority schools carries quotations from Hitler. A young girl appears on Palestinian television to describe Jews as "barbaric monkeys, wretched pigs." Palestinian maps do not show Israel. A Fatah video featured masked fighters singing "With these rockets we will crush the Zionist enemy." And so it goes.Journalists Press State Dept. Over Silence in Response to Anti-Israel Incitement by Chief Palestinian Negotiator Harf responded by delineating between public and private conversations, prompting journalists to ask whether Washington, as a declared "honest broker," had "an obligation to speak out when someone says something that is not honest, when something is dishonest." Harf eventually said that she had not yet seen Erekat's comments and would examine them further. By the end of the afternoon Associated Press reporter Matthew Lee noted that that State Department was continuing to resist taking a public position on the incident specifically or more broadly on Israeli complaints regarding Palestinian incitement. A spike in Palestinian terrorism against Israeli civilians has deepened Jerusalem's concerns regarding statements and actions made by top Palestinian figures that demonize Israel and celebrate violence. Abbas, for instance, has embraced Palestinian terrorists freed in both December and October as "heroes." Israel's cabinet this weekend blasted what Israeli officials described as the Palestinian "culture of hate."Liberman defends his population transfer plan Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman on Wednesday defended his promotion of a controversial plan to transfer jurisdiction of some Israeli Arab towns to a future Palestinian state by saying their residents have never wanted to part of the Jewish state. He further noted that those who oppose the idea didn't object when Jews were relocated from the Gush Katif settlements in the Gaza Strip in 2005.Hotovely Challenges Ahmed Tibi: Admit It, You Want to be Israeli However, she said, "The Palestinians' objection to a land swap reveals their true face, and their intention to benefit from both worlds. On the one hand, they want a Palestinian state, on the other hand, they want to be citizens of Israel and to enjoy the benefits offered here."Temple Mount Report Fuels Concern About Future of Holy Site A recently revealed Israeli State Comptroller's report that remains under a government gag order has ignited concern over the Muslim Waqf's attempts to erase Jewish ties on the Temple Mount—Judaism's holiest site—and Israeli authorities' neglect of those activities.Palestinians Take Shelter in Jewish 'Settlement' The two approached Israeli residents at the gates of the community and explained that they were being pursued by members of the Palestinian Authority security forces. The PA officers were planning to kill them, they said.Former Fatah Strongman Mohammed Dahlan Plotting to Oust Mahmoud Abbas From Power Former Fatah Central Committee member Mohammed Dahlan has been plotting to overthrow Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, according to Major General Majid Faraj, head of the Palestinian General Intelligence Service, Israeli daily Ma'ariv reported on Tuesday.YMedad: They Keep Getting Shot There are complaints that Israel doesn't treat Gaza Arabs who are near the security fence properly.Fifty US senators line up behind new Iran sanctions bill 50 senators across party lines now co-sponsor the Nuclear Weapons Free Iran Act of 2013, according to multiple Senate aides, who expect support to increase in the coming days. That amounts to half of all Senate members, just one shy of the number required for a bill to pass.Debbie Wasserman Schultz Blocking Bipartisan Iran Sanctions Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D., Fla.) has become a major obstacle to a new bipartisan Iran sanctions measure, according to multiple sources on Capitol Hill and in Florida.Iran's Double Talk on Iraq is Disgraceful Iran has reportedly offered to help the Iraqi government fight "al Qaeda terrorists" in the Anbar province, where radicalism and sectarian fighting have reared their ugly heads. Western media outlets have reported on this story without comment, as if Iran was simply offering to help a neighbor in need, or trying to play a responsible role in the international community.U.S.: Iran Helping Assad 'Brutalize' His People The United States on Tuesday accused Iran of helping "brutalize" Syria as Secretary of State John Kerry prepared to talk to Russia about Tehran's potential role at a peace conference, AFP reports.First Batch of Chemical Weapons Shipped Out of Syria Syria has moved the first batch of chemical weapon materials out of the country after transporting it from two sites to the port city of Latakia and onto a Danish vessel, the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) said Tuesday, according to Reuters.New Evidence of Sanctions-Busting Iran-Turkey Cooperation Complicates White House Sanctions Position The Daily Beast assessed in late December that the open political warfare shaking Turkey – which has pitted elites in the ruling Justice and Development (AKP) Party against followers of U.S.-based cleric Fethullah Gulen – "could destabilize [President Barack] Obama's nuclear deal and threaten the government of Prime Minister [Recep Tayyip] Erdogan." Judiciary figures linked to Gulen are pursuing a corruption probe that has already ensnared AKP elites, and that unearthed an oil-for-cash scheme between Tehran and Ankara that – per the Daily Beast – "may only be start of more uncomfortable disclosures about Iranian dealings in Turkey." Fully one-sixth of companies that began investing in Turkey in 2013 were backed by Iranian money, and Turkish outlet Zaman outlined over the weekend how Turkey and Iran building mechanisms to further boost their cooperation in the coming weeks and months.Turkey dismisses 350 police officers in Ankara Claiming that it is the target of a conspiracy, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's government has dismissed hundreds of police chiefs and officers since police launched raids targeting close Erdogan allies on December 17. He has alleged that followers of an Islamic movement led by US-based cleric Fethullah Gulen have infiltrated the judiciary and police and are using their powers to attack the government.Police units in southeastern city perform 'moral profiling' of students' private lives The profiling targeted students studying at faculties and schools of higher education affiliated to Gaziantep University and located in the Islahiye district, which lies 80 kilometers west of Gaziantep's urban center.Brotherhood Leader Planned an Egyptian 'Revolutionary Guard' One of the leaders of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood planned to establish a "Revolutionary Guard" modeled after Iran's elite military unit, Al Arabiya reported on Monday.Egyptian Novelist Youssef Ziedan: Our Politicians Curse Israel to Gain Popularity | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Guardian writer blames Czech diplomat's death on Israel Posted: 08 Jan 2014 07:00 AM PST This took longer than I thought. But it didn't come from an Arab journalist but from a freelancer who has written for The Guardian and The Telegraph From Colin Randall, writing in The National (UAE) on Sunday after the Palestinian Czech diplomat was killed by a bomb in a safe: [A]s the diplomat's daughter cast doubt on explanations that her father died in a bizarre accident, the manner of his death – reportedly caused by an old embassy safe exploding – recalled murky days of special operations blamed on Israeli agents in European cities and beyond.So the Mossad went after Jamal by secretly putting explosives in his safe, not knowing who would open it? And by sheer coincidence an arsenal of weapons were found? Of course, Colin Randall doesn't say explicitly that the Mossad was behind it. He just says that Jamal died in a weird way and the Mossad kills people in weird ways. The reader can put two and two together without Randall having to worry about pesky lawsuits. Since this article was published, the idea that the safe was tampered with during its move into the new residence has been shot down: No explosive could get into the safe of the Palestinian embassy in Prague during its transport to a new residence of ambassador Jamal al Jamal who died after the safe had exploded on January 1, transport firm head Martin Sousek told Monday's issue of the Blesk tabloid.The reflexive instinct to automatically blame everything on Israel is quite strong in British journalists. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Work accident! But you wouldn't know it from Arab media... (plus - clan clash) Posted: 08 Jan 2014 05:00 AM PST Ma'an "reports:" Man killed by Israeli strike east of Gaza City Islamic Jihad media says it was an artillery shell. Ma'an Arabic says it was a shelling and doesn't mention Israel's denial. Hamas media, hedging its bets, says that al-Ijah was killed by shells, machine gun fire and that there were Israeli aircraft in the area at the time. AFP says: The Israeli military denied carrying out any strike on Gaza and said its troops had not been involved in any other shooting incidents.Israel never denies attacks on terrorists in Gaza, and the dead man is very much a terrorist - and a senior member of Islamic Jihad as well. A hint as to what happened comes from Islamic Jihad itself, which says he was killed while performing his Jihadist duty. Clearly, al-Ijah blew himself up. It will be most interesting to see how PCHR and OCHA describe this incident in their weekly reports. At the same time, two others were killed in Gaza - a nine year old boy and a 20-year old woman - in a dispute between two families. Sometimes these reports are covers for honor killings, but this one seems to be a real clan clash. There are many of these in Gaza and easy access to guns means that they often turn fatal. (h/t PTWatch) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Israeli rifle wins awards - and also innovates in ammo Posted: 08 Jan 2014 02:00 AM PST From Ammoland: IWI US, Inc. a subsidiary of Israel Weapon Industries (IWI) Ltd., announces the TAVOR SAR has received the 2014 Golden Bullseye Award for American Rifleman Rifle of the Year. The Tavor was also named by Guns.com as one of the top ten guns of the year: But Israel also innovates in - ammunition!
(h/t Ian) |
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