Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Syria regime upset at singer who gave concert in Bethlehem
- 9/02 Links Part 2: PA: US Behind All Wars, Fisk Blames Israel, Schama - The Story Of The Jews
- Comic book hero of the 1930s: Abdul the Arab (Collaborator)
- The "Arab Street" is alive and well and spreading fear in the West Bank
- 9/02 Links Part 1: Kerry Has Proof of Sarin Gas, Arab League Calls for Action by UN and R.O.W.
- Hamas Mufti wants to kill anti-Hamas demonstrators
- The Hizballah scenario
- Ma'an implies mosque preceded Tomb of the Patriarchs
Syria regime upset at singer who gave concert in Bethlehem Posted: 02 Sep 2013 05:00 PM PDT From Albawaba: Asala Nasri's recent visit to Palestine raised many eyebrows in the entertainment world and media. The singer was the first ever Syrian to perform in Palestine since 1967. The performance was held in a small village near Bethlehem and was part of the "Layali Barak Suleiman" Festival. |
9/02 Links Part 2: PA: US Behind All Wars, Fisk Blames Israel, Schama - The Story Of The Jews Posted: 02 Sep 2013 03:00 PM PDT From Ian: PMW: Official PA daily accuses the US of being behind civil wars in Syria, Egypt, and 9/11 attacks Since the beginning of what is called the 'Arab Spring', the official Palestinian Authority daily has been publishing opinion pieces accusing the US and Israel of being behind the civil wars in the Middle East in order to divide and weaken Arab states and strengthen American power. The deaths in the Arab world, including those in Syria following the chemical attack, are presented as actions in line with US policy. The official PA daily wrote today:Abbas: We are negotiating on the basis of the pre-1967 lines Abbas said he agreed to July's resumption of talks "only once he'd received an official US guarantee that negotiations would be on a two-state solution based on the pre-1967 lines," the report said. Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had emphatically refused Abbas's demand, ahead of the talks, to publicly state that negotiations for a Palestinian state would be based on the pre-'67 lines, and the United States has not made public any assurances it may have made on the issue to Abbas.Abbas says peace with Israel will be brought to a referendum for Palestinians 'everywhere' Abbas, who was speaking at the opening of a meeting of the Fatah Revolutionary Council in Ramallah, said that Palestinians everywhere would be asked to approve an agreement with Israel through the referendum.U.S. Reveals: Indyk Took Part in One Peace Meeting The U.S. State Department revealed on Sunday for the first time that the U.S. envoy to the Israeli-Palestinian Authority talks had taken part in a meeting between the two parties since negotiations resumed in late July.Abbas cancels goodwill meeting with leftist MKs Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas canceled a pre-Rosh Hashana toast with more than 30 ministers and Knesset members that was set for Tuesday because he came under pressure from the anti-normalization movement in Ramallah.Analysis: The Hamas threat from the West Bank There have been at least three known arrests of Hamas terror cells in the West Bank this year, prior to the latest investigation.Two bombs explode near IDF patrol on Gaza border A similar incident took place Friday, when an IED exploded near an IDF patrol traveling along the Gaza border fence. No soldiers were injured in Friday's incident.Robert Fisk finds Zionist smoking gun in likely U.S. attack against Syria In addition to the obvious point that Iran, since the 1979 revolution, has been America's enemy as well as Israel's, even by the low standards of anti-Zionist agitprop, Fisk's thesis rests on a comically thin argument. He would have Indy readers believe that the U.S. decision to engage in what will almost certainly be a very limited use of force against a few military targets in Syria, in retaliation for crossing President Obama's red line over chemical weapons, actually represents a stealth plan to aid Israel.92-year-old former SS member on trial for WWII crime Germany put a 92-year-old former member of the Nazi Waffen SS on trial Monday on charges that he murdered a Dutch resistance fighter in 1944.Autotalks to get cars 'talking' on the road by 2015 For drivers, overtaking a truck is always a risk. Now, the latest craze of the auto technology arena, vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communication systems – or, cars that can "talk" to one another in real time – is promising to lessen that risk and heighten road safety.Gauzy Smart Glass Controls Light with an Eco Touch Israeli startup Gauzy has invented smart glass that goes from transparent to opaque with nothing more than a touch. Based on liquid crystal technology used in LCD screens, this revolutionary new product has great eco potential.New pathway to treat colorectal cancer, pulmonary fibrosis A type of white blood cell called a macrophage is one tricky customer. Expose macrophages to a certain stimulus and they'll promote healing. But expose them to a different stimulus and they actually make the condition worse.Who wants to be a (Technion) millionaire? If you ever wondered about how to get rich, it turns out you should go to Haifa and walk through the gates of the Technion, the Israel Institute of Technology. In a new list published by Bloomberg Rankings, the Technion tied for seventh among the world's universities for the number of graduates who are CEOs of U.S. tech companies with a market value of more than $1 billion.Israel Daily Picture: Happy New Year! Jews Will Blow the Shofar (Ram's Horn) in Synagogues on Thursday and Friday Jews around the world prepare for Rosh Hashanna this week, the festive New Year holiday when the shofar -- ram's horn -- is blown in synagogues.BBC: The Story Of The Jews This epic five-part series presented by historian Simon Schama explores the story of the Jewish experience from ancient times to the present day. (Video might be taken down by YouTube) |
Comic book hero of the 1930s: Abdul the Arab (Collaborator) Posted: 02 Sep 2013 01:00 PM PDT I just saw a series of comics from the late 1930s called Abdul the Arab. As described in a comics wiki: Abdul the Arab was a young Arabic warrior and son of a chieftain named Ali Bey. Eventually, Abdul became an ally of British Intelligence solving crimes and freeing captives such as Englishmen and even a captured Chinese princess named Mulan. His enemies include villains such as Sunyan Tse, the Masked One, and the Worshipers of the Sun God. He was assisted by his close friend Hassan.In his adventures, Abdul works with the British to stop other Arabs who are scheming against them. Here is where he saved a scientist whose invention would have forced the free world to bow to the Arabs: Here's his trusty friend Hassan beheading an Arab about to kill Adbul: The anti-Arab bigotry of the stories... ...is apparently offset with how wonderful (and Western-looking) Abdul is as he kills the "bad" Arabs. |
The "Arab Street" is alive and well and spreading fear in the West Bank Posted: 02 Sep 2013 10:50 AM PDT For most of the past century, the "Arab Street" has been largely a myth, used to scare Westerners with the idea that at any minute, hordes of Arab savages might go crazy and start doing awful things if Western nations didn't do what the Arabs (or Muslims) wanted. I have called this "The Diplomacy of Fear." I've documented this idea back to 1877. In fact, until the Arab Spring, the "Arab Street" pretty much did whatever the leaders told it to do. They controlled the media and they controlled the mood of the country. Then, things changed. The Arab Street is striking fear not in the hearts of Westerners, but of the very leaders who used to cynically use the idea for their own selfish purposes. Two events occurred in the last couple of days to show that in the PA, the "street" actually already controls the government and the leaders. The first one is that Mahmoud Abbas postponed a meeting with dovish Israeli leaders: Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas canceled a pre-Rosh Hashana toast with more than 30 ministers and Knesset members that was set for Tuesday because he came under pressure from the anti-normalization movement in Ramallah.Is Abbas a leader or a follower? Clearly, he is more beholden to special interest anti-Israel groups in his own party than to keeping mere promises made to Israelis. He is afraid of "the street" and how he would look if he breaks the unwritten rules that they make up. The second story is that the Jerusalem Arab schools that were considering using an Israeli curriculum (story here) have caved to critics, and rejected the idea of changing the schoolbooks from those filled with anti-Israel lies to those that actually tell the truth (although, admittedly, with some pro-Israel spin.) The publicity was too much - they are in real fear for their lives if they go ahead with the planned curriculum change. See also the two Forbes articles I linked to on Friday, showing how even modern, high-tech, enlightened Palestinian Arab entrepreneurs are in mortal fear of having their names associated with anything Israeli - even though they happily work with Israelis every day. Again, they are terrified of the Arab street finding out they cooperate with the country that even an independent Palestinian Arab state would need to cooperate with to have a chance of surviving. Yes, the "diplomacy of fear" has now morphed into becoming the greatest single weapon against Arab progress and peace. Until Palestinian Arabs confront it and say, plainly, that the only way forward is by cooperating with Israel, this hateful thought process will only grow. This is yet another reason why peace is impossible. And it is yet another problem that no one in the West even considers as they pontificate about "peace plans." |
9/02 Links Part 1: Kerry Has Proof of Sarin Gas, Arab League Calls for Action by UN and R.O.W. Posted: 02 Sep 2013 09:00 AM PDT From Ian: David Horovitz: Obama unleashes horror in Jerusalem Jerusalem is worried, too, of a direct line between requesting Congressional approval for military action against Syria — a relatively straightforward target — and feeling compelled to honor the precedent, should the imperative arise, by requesting Congressional approval for military action against Iran — a far more potent enemy, where legislators' worries about the US being dragged deep into regional conflict would be far more resonant.Anne Bayefsky: Obama Pushes Syria Intervention with Same Argument He Ignores on Iran Virtually every argument the President made Saturday about why Syria threatens our national security can be applied to Iran many times over. "Risks making a mockery of the global prohibition" on nuclear proliferation. "Endangers our friends." "Could lead to escalating use" of nuclear weapons. Has the "United Nations Security Council completely paralyzed." "Flouts fundamental international rules."Kerry: We have proof sarin used in chemical attack The United States now has evidence of sarin gas use in Syria, Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday, adding that the "case is building" for a military attack.Syrian Captain Told: Fire Chemicals or be Shot The messages were picked up by British officers. Anonymous Royal Air force (RAF) and Ministry of Defense sources who spoke to the Express said the messages were initially treated "with caution" due to fears they could have been planted by rebels.JPost Editorial: Obama's strategy Aside from the innocent civilians caught in the crossfire, there are no "good guys" among the sides of the conflict. The despotic Assad regime, which has no qualms about using chemical weapons to kill its own citizens, is battling against forces aligned with al-Qaida – the archenemy of the US – and against the Muslim Brotherhood.Invoking Israel, Kerry Says Congress will Vote 'Aye' John Kerry, the US Secretary of State, said on Sunday that the administration had new evidence that sarin gas was used in an attack by Syrian government forces that killed 1,400 people last month. Kerry also said that he is certain that Congress will approve the attack on Syria, and invoked the name of Israel in this context.David Cameron may mull putting Syria action back on table According to a report in the Times of London, Cameron's hasty decision to rule out action in Syria following a parliamentary vote last week rejecting intervention was taken to mean that Britain would not get involved even if the regime of President Bashar Assad would carry out an additional chemical weapons attack. This reportedly stunned even Labour Party leader, Ed Miliband, the main opponent of the bill.Syrian Rebel Leader Praises Minister Uri Ariel One of the leaders of the Syrian rebel groups had praise on Sunday for none other than Israeli Housing Minister Uri Ariel of the Bayit Yehudi party.Whoever wins in Syria, its Christians will lose The relentless persecution of Christ's followers is foretold in the Gospels. Suffering is portrayed as the pathway to triumph. The global position today conforms quite closely to that picture. Three quarters of the world's 2.2 billion Christians — the expanding part — now live outside the largely tolerant West. At the same time, the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life reports that Christians suffer more persecution than any other religious group.Analysis: Gulf States, Rebel Allies likely to wait before doubling down Salman Shaikh, the director of the Brookings Doha Center in Qatar told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday that if the US congress rejects intervening in Syria and Obama follows that advice – similar to British Prime Minister David Cameron's acquiescence to his parliament's rejection – then "we may see even more heightened efforts by Arab states working with others to make a coalition of the willing."Arab League calls for international measures against Syria The Arab League is calling for the United Nations and the international community to take steps against Syria over its recent alleged gas attack.Syria asks UN to stop US strike, 'prevent the absurd use of force' In a letter to UN chief Ban Ki-moon and President of the Security Council Maria Cristina Perceval, Syrian UN envoy Ambassador Bashar Ja'afari called on "the UN Secretary General to shoulder his responsibilities for preventing any aggression on Syria and pushing forward reaching a political solution to the crisis in Syria", state news agency SANA said on Monday.Syrian army moves Scud missiles to avoid strike At the headquarters of the army's 155th Brigade, a missile unit whose base sprawls along the western edge of Syria's main highway running north from the capital to Homs, rebel scouts saw dozens mobile Scud launchers pulling out early on Thursday.Hezbollah says it will hit Israel from within Syria A source in the joint operations organization formed between the Syrian Army and Hezbollah said the group is seeking to keep Lebanon out of any "military initiative" it may take, according to the Kuwaiti al-Rai newspaper and cited by the Naharnet website on Monday.Egypt's Morsi to stand trial over protesters' deaths Morsi will be tried in a criminal court for allegedly inciting his supporters to kill at least 10 people, use violence and unlawfully detain and torture protesters. Fourteen other members of the Muslim Brotherhood will be tried with Morsi, including top aides and leading members of his political party.Egypt judges recommend banning Muslim Brotherhood The panel said Monday in a recommendation to Egypt's administrative court that the Brotherhood has operated in violation of the law.French interfaith imam assaulted, called 'Zionist' in Tunisia A French imam known for promoting Jewish-Muslim relations said he was physically assaulted in Tunisia by a man who called him a "Zionist." |
Hamas Mufti wants to kill anti-Hamas demonstrators Posted: 02 Sep 2013 07:00 AM PDT Palestine Press Agency reports that Sheikh Yunis al-Astal, a Hamas MP and considered the Mufti of Hamas, has told the Tamarod Gaza movement to "prepare their burial shrouds" if they go ahead with their planned anti-Hamas protest on November 11. Al-Astal also has a history of making crazed antisemitic statements, as MEMRI notes: The [Jews] are brought in droves to Palestine so that the Palestinians – and the Islamic nation behind them – will have the honor of annihilating the evil of this gang.By this logic, Allah must really be hating the Arabs nowadays. (h/t Ibn Botrous) |
Posted: 02 Sep 2013 05:00 AM PDT Over the past week or two, we have seen numerous threats from Iran and from Syria that any US attack on Syria would result in Israel being attacked. The latest comes from an Iranian Chairman of the Majlis National Security and Foreign Policy Committee Alaeddin Boroujerdi visiting Damascus: "The Israeli regime will be the main loser of any military action in Syria," Boroujerdi said at a press conference in Damascus on Sunday after a meeting with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.So how likely is it that there will be an attack on Israel if the US drops a few bombs on Syria? Iran is not going to attack Israel directly. It wants to maintain the illusion that it is not an aggressive country; it hides its attacks behind others. It also doesn't want to risk Israel responding with an attack on its nuclear facilities. Syria is not likely to attack Israel. Assad has no desire to open up another front in his mostly deadlocked war. Already, we have seen Israel attack Syria directly to bomb weapons on their way to Lebanon with no response. While Saddam Hussein attacked Israel during the first Gulf War it was meant to draw a response that would bring the Arab world to his side, but today the Arab world would not mind too much if Israel responded forcefully against the Syrian regime. That leaves Hizballah. It is doubtful that Hizballah wants to start any attack on Israel. It is already stretched thin with thousands of troops in Syria, and battling its image in Lebanon as the residents of that country are increasingly upset at Hizballah's adventurism and its slowly dragging them into a war they want nothing to do with. For its part, Hizballah has been stubbornly silent among the Lebanon/Syria/Iran axis as to how any attack would affect Israel. However, Hizballah is not an independent actor. It is effectively an arm of Iran's Revolutionary Guard. If Iran demands that Hizballah shoot rockets at Israel, Nasrallah cannot say no. And as we noted, Iran likes to hide its aggression behind others. While Israel would be forced to respond to a Hizballah attack directly, it would make sense for Israel to pre-emptively state that any attack from Hizballah would be considered to have been done at the urging of Syria and Iran, and that any response will not only be directed at the source of the rockets but at the source of the command. If this is a war of rhetoric. Syria and Iran think that they can dissuade Western powers from acting because of threats to Israel. Since they are quite subject to psychological projection, it makes sense that they themselves can be dissuaded from using Hizballah to attack Israel with counter-threats to them directly. While I don't think Israel should attack Iran (unless it is to use it as an excuse to neutralize their nuclear program that is quickly approaching a point of no return) a promise to respond to the real sources of the bombing might make Iran and Syria think twice before instructing Hizballah to attack. |
Ma'an implies mosque preceded Tomb of the Patriarchs Posted: 02 Sep 2013 02:00 AM PDT At the end of an article about Arab protests against Jews living in Hebron, Ma'an gives some background, Muslim-propaganda style: The Israeli military-controlled H2 zone includes the ancient Old City, home of the revered Ibrahimi Mosque -- also split into a synagogue referred to as the Tomb of the Patriarchs.No, the entire site has been known as Tomb of the Patriarchs for 2000 years before Mohammed was born. The ever-liberal Muslims didn't allow Jews to enter their second-holiest place for hundreds of years. Then again, Ma'an also says "Settlers in the property have committed frequent acts of violence against local Palestinians since occupying the property, including arson attacks and physical assaults, according to Christian Peacemaker Teams." without mentioning that Arabs have murdered quite a few Jews in Hebron over the years. Oh, you mean you expected Ma'an to be truthful? By the way, I couldn't find any video of the protests mentioned in the article. There was a protest in Hebron against American involvement in Syria, though, that was just as large ("dozens."). Why cover one and not the other? |
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