יום שלישי, 20 באוגוסט 2013

Elder of Ziyon Daily News

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To the Forward, Israel is inherently evil

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 07:00 PM PDT

The Forward has a truly disgusting article by Lisa Goldman, entitled "Feel-Good Stories Obscure Ugly Mideast Truths."

The Israeli government invests considerable effort in promoting its image in the foreign media. It's called "hasbara," which comes from the Hebrew root "to explain." Israelis tend to be patriotic, with many believing their country is unfairly vilified in the foreign media. And so they embrace hasbara as a legitimate corrective measure. But for critics of Israel, even those who do not speak Hebrew, hasbara means official lies and spin designed to divert attention away from the military occupation of the West Bank and the settlers.

The Government Press Office, which provides journalists with press cards and keeps them informed of media events, contributes to the hasbara effort by sending out emails with carefully crafted pitches about human interest stories. Usually, these stories are meant to be both heartwarming and counter-intuitive — the kind that people post on Facebook with a comment about restoring one's faith in human nature....

When I read a recent New York Times article about wounded Syrian children receiving treatment in Israeli hospitals, I posted it to my Facebook with a cynical comment: "So the Government Press Office sends an email to journalists in Israel, telling them about this 'quiet' story of Israeli hospitals treating Syrian wounded. Shhh…. We want to be modest about this. So don't make too much noise and please don't reveal the identities of the people who benefit from our generosity, because their own people might shun or hurt them. Just for seeking help for their children. Can you imagine? And the media obediently report this story, because who can resist cute Jewish and Arab kids getting treated in the same hospital…. And then the foreign ministry sends links to the articles to all the journalists they have on their global email lists. And voila. That, ladies and gentlemen, is how you do hasbara."

My friend Gal Beckerman read the comment and decided to look into the matter, emailing Isabel Kershner, who wrote the article, and the New York Times's Jerusalem bureau chief, Jodi Rudoren. And it turns out that I was wrong. They discovered the story on their own, and in fact the army tried to prevent them from covering it.
So does this reporter ask forgiveness for falsely accusing Israel of pushing this story when it didn't? No! The Forward looks for the higher truth:
Gal's conclusion — and I agree with him — is that the Israeli government's relentless focus on hasbara efforts has tainted the way we report and consume news from that country. For partisan observers, news reports are judged not for their veracity and newsworthiness, but for how they present Israel. Far too often this is parsed according to binary clichés: Israel is presented either as the evil occupier or a light unto the nations.

But I would take Gal's observation one step further. By reporting the Israel-Palestine story with an emotional subtext rather than some intellectual detachment, we are perpetuating a discourse that is disconnected from reality. Hasbara diverts attention from the very painful and difficult issues that must be addressed. It is much easier to smile at Arab and Jewish children sharing a hospital ward than to address the tough issues, like a military occupation that does not seem likely to end in our lifetime.
You see, according to The "Jewish" Daily Forward, any story that humanizes Israel - even when it was found by reporters doing their jobs, and against Israeli wishes - doesn't reflect the "reality." Who decides what reality is? Why, it is Lisa Goldman and Gal Beckerman and The Forward, of course!

Goldman has no compunction about humanizing Palestinian Arabs, as her articles attest.
On Friday afternoons in Nabi Salih, it starts like this. A few Israeli and foreign activists arrive at the village around noon, gathering at the home of Bassam Tamimi. His door is open, so there is no need to knock. Inside, villagers and visitors socialize, use the washroom and help themselves from the huge spread of homemade food laid out on the kitchen table. Bassam's children run between the guests' legs; and Sameeh, a neighbour from Jaffa, picks one of them up and tickles him. The atmosphere is relaxed, jovial and friendly. Most of these people see one another every Friday, under the same circumstances.

Bassam's mother (or perhaps mother-in-law) sits on one of the chairs, her legs pulled up in a near-squat, observing the visitors through half-blind eyes. She looks like a Palestinian grandmother out of central casting, with her long white veil, embroidered traditional dress, deeply wrinkled face and thin, arthritic hands. I greet her by clasping one of them and muttering something in mangled Arabic. She responds by telling me to eat – a word I understand because the Arabic and Hebrew roots are the same (AKL), and also because that's what grandmothers tend to do, the world over – urge you to eat.

After we have eaten and drunk our tea, Bassam says, "So, shall we start?"
No "emotional subtext" here, about the wonderful Tamimi family that also happened to produce a woman who blew up a pizza shop.

Oh, I'm sorry. The rule at the Forward (and the pretty indistinguishable +972 that Goldman also writes for) is that humanizing Arabs is quality journalism. Humanizng Israelis is evil hasbara.

Even when it is perfectly true! Even when it was not a story that the Israelis wanted to publicize!

Goldman doesn't feel manipulated at all by eating lunch with the Tamimis. Her journalistic antennae are retracted because of the nice grandmother feeding her and the cute kids being tickled. How could a great journalist like Lisa feel manipulated when she is asked to visit a loving family home before the protest?

No, even though the Tamimi story is hand-fed to her, literally, by the protesters themselves, they are human. Zionist Israelis who seem human are the ones you have to check and double check to ensure that there is a dark side somewhere that you can report.

The conclusion is that The Forward believes that Israel is inherently evil. Those are the only facts that can fit its editorial policy. Anything that contradicts that narrative makes reporters not just feel conflicted, but angry. Because they already knew the truth before the story that makes Israelis look like decent people comes out. That is an unacceptable distraction from their own one-dimensional analysis of the situation.

Beyond that, we can see how bad a reporter Goldman is. In the earlier part of the article she describes how she feels "manipulated" when she covers a story that the Israeli government tips her (and other journalists) off about. So what is stopping her from digging deeper? Moreover, what is stopping her from looking to find out if there are similar "feel-good" human interest stories that are not pushed by the government?

That's crazy talk! To Goldman and The Forward, Israeli cruelty is the only story, and everything else is a distraction, to be ignored or downplayed or belittled or cynically dismissed.

The Forward's motto might as well be "Truth above all - unless we are uncomfortable with it."

Illustration of synagogue on Temple Mount freaking out Arab newspapers

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 04:00 PM PDT

There have been a bunch of articles over the past day throughout the Arab world claiming that there has been some sort of official approval to build a small synagogue on the Temple Mount, mostly because of this illustration that is on some Israeli sites showing what one might look like (bottom center, click to enlarge):

Of course, there has been no approval of anything, even though many dedicated Jews would love to see it happen. But whenever there is a whiff of an idea that Jews should be permitted to worship at their holiest place, hypersensitive Arabs go crazy, with officials falling all over themselves to denounce the supposed plans and to enforce the religious apartheid system that exists on the Mount.

Note that even in this supposed plan, the synagogue would not displace any Muslims, being placed in the large open plaza on the southern part of the Mount.

8/19 Links Part 2: Palestinians Blame Everyone But Themselves, A BDS Fail, Israeli 'super plants' !

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 02:30 PM PDT

From Ian:

Khaled Abu Toameh: Palestinians Accuse Peace Negotiators of Treason
If Palestinian children are condemned for playing football with Israelis, why should it be acceptable for Erekat to be talking with Livni?
Palestinian Authority leaders can only blame themselves for the growing opposition to the peace talks with Israel. Palestinian leaders have simply not prepared their people for peace. These leaders have, instead, delegitimized Israel to a point where it has become a "crime" for any Palestinian to be photographed talking to, or negotiating with, any Israeli.
PA officials accuse US of 'deception and misinformation' in peace talks
According to the newspaper, some of the Palestinian officials accused Washington of "deception and misinformation" in order to keep the PA at the negotiating table with Israel.
The officials also expressed concern that the US would dupe the PA into accepting a state with provisional borders, the newspaper said.
It quoted Abbas as telling the officials: "I have told the US administration 10 times, and I'm ready to tell them again, that we won't accept any solution that contradicts the Palestinian vision."
U.S. Giving PA $148M
Negotiations with Israel are paying off already for the Palestinian Authority (PA).
The United States' consul general in Jerusalem, Michael Ratney, signed an agreement Sunday with PA caretaker prime minister Rami Hamdallah, according to which the U.S. will pay the PA $148 million.
PLO charges Israel with 'war crimes, anti-human, racist acts'
The PLO leaders said they would not accept a situation where the peace talks with Israel, which resumed recently, would become a "political cover for the implementation of the largest settlement project."
They accused the government of working toward undermining "all prospects for peace."
Referring to recent Israeli plans to build housing units in settlements and east Jerusalem neighborhoods, the PLO leaders said: "The PLO Executive Committee considers the unprecedented settler decisions which were announced by the occupation government as conclusive proof that Israel's first and last option remains expansionism, Judaization and theft of Palestinian land, and not ending occupation and implementing the two-state solution on the basis of the 1967 borders."
FresnoZionism: Fresno Zionism - Why I am important
I understand also that the US and EU were 'furious' that Israel's Prime Minister recently announced that perhaps a thousand new homes for Jews would be built someday in places that they consider illegal or illegitimate. The argument is that this construction would create facts on the ground that would prejudice a future peace agreement. Of course, not a peep was heard a few months ago when Israel announced that it would build housing for Arabs in the same area. What else does this prove except that Jews are more important than Arabs?
Speaking of Arabs, Israel's neighbors Egypt and Syria are presently displaying their truly shocking barbarism by engaging in vicious religious/ethnic civil wars, bombing, gassing, shooting and raping each other with abandon. The status quo in Israel is peaceful, and the economy — both of Israel and the Palestinian Authority — is excellent. So you would think that the focus would be elsewhere rather than Israel.
Policy on the run is certainly a recipe for electoral disaster.
[Australian] Foreign Affairs Minister Bob Carr's announcement in the heat of an election campaign that Labor Party policy does not recognize the legal right of Jews to live in the West Bank – seems to have been hastily cobbled together without any serious discussion or consideration by the Labor Party.
Carr's shock announcement has brought forth sharp criticism from peak Jewish organisations in Australia including the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ), the Zionist Federation of Australia (ZFA) and the Australia/Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) – as well as a blistering attack by Opposition Shadow Foreign Affairs Minister Julie Bishop.
Israel treats record number of Syrians over weekend
Israel on Friday and Saturday allowed 15 Syrians into the country for medical treatment after they were seriously wounded in the civil war to Israel's north. The number marks a new record for injured Syrians allowed into Israel.
Since February, well over 100 Syrian civilians have been admitted to Israeli hospitals for treatment. Many less serious cases have been treated by Israeli medical teams at an IDF field hospital in the Golan Heights. Israel has said it offers the care as an act of humanitarian assistance, while endeavoring to stay out of the Syrian war, in which an estimated 100,000 people have been killed since March 2011.
Syrian Islamist fighters reach border with Israel
Fighting in the town of Breiqa, situated on the 1974 ceasefire line between Syria and Israel, and just 2.5 kilometers (1.5 miles) from the Israeli agricultural village of Alonei Habashan, began in the early hours of Saturday.
Young Druze seek Israeli citizenship as Syrian crisis worsens
"It's good for them in the Jewish state," said Majdal Shams Mayor Dolann Abu Saleh, where approximately 100 Druze – some as young as 16 – have applied for Israeli citizenship, according to municipality spokesperson Neven Abu Saleh, the mayor's sister.
And the increasing number of citizenship applications in the Golan Heights is also good for the Jewish state, according to Dr. Kedar who said more Israeli citizenship holders in the Golan Heights could help Israel's claim to the territory.
"Why should the world act against the locals by forcing Israel to leave the Golan?" asked Dr. Kedar, referring to international organizations such as the United Nations who deem Israel's presence in the Golan Heights illegal and have put pressure on Israel to withdraw.
JPost Editorial: Pollard's appeal
Parole – even if the US government decides not to fight it in 2015, which is unlikely – would leave the balance of Pollard's 45-year life sentence intact, and would not set him free.
On the contrary, parole would mean that for another 15 years (the balance of his sentence) the US would severely restrict his freedom of movement, travel, speech, employment and even domicile. He certainly would not be free to come home to Israel, the country to which he has devoted his life.
Any solution that does not free Pollard immediately, without restrictions, and allow him to come home to Israel only compounds the injustice and is a severe affront to Israel.
StandWithUs Campaign Runs Pro-Israel Ads in Response to Church in North Carolina
The Church of Reconciliation's ad stated "Build peace with justice and equality. End U.S. military aid to Israel." The ad "confuses and deceives the public," said Roz Rothstein, CEO of StandWithUs.
"The ad's words suggest that the U.S. should stop financial assistance to Israel, implying that only Israel is to blame for a lack of peace," Rothstein said in a statement. "The message is deceptive, and uses velvet-gloved rhetoric to try to influence unsuspecting commuters who may not know the facts."
Jews Downunder: Rally: Free Palestine – Boycott Max Brenner
I've been involved now close to 3 years with BDS actions and have seen their numbers diminishing rapidly. The first one in Parramatta involved a couple of hundred people. The noise from their screaming was deafening. Mind you, this was before the police knew what was in store for them and they were not more than a few metres from Max Brenner.
"And last, and by no means least, as the third photo shows, whilst this was going on outside Max Brenner's chocolate shop, three Muslim girls, complete with hijabs, were sitting there drinking their hot chocolate !!!
The Guardian's perverse moral logic about terror bleeds onto their culture page
Yes, Israel's security wall inspires Palestinian violence!
In Di Cintio's warped political reality the consequences of homicidal attacks becomes the cause – an Orwellian logical inversion which befits the moral inversion between Jewish victim and Palestinian perpetrator that continues to define the politics of the Guardian Left.
Banner Tribute to Recently Deceased 'Most Wanted' Nazi Laszlo Csatary Displayed at Hungarian Soccer Match
A banner honoring the memory of recently deceased "most wanted" Nazi, Laszlo Csatary, was displayed at a Hungarian soccer match Saturday, earning sharp condemnation from prominent Nazi hunter Efraim Zuroff. The banner which was held by fans of the Ferencvárosi TC soccer club read "In memoriam Csatary Laszlo."
"My message to them is go back to the history of World War II and see where your hate took your predecessors and if that is what you support then we'll know how to deal with you," Zuroff said, in an interview with The Algemeiner.
Israel's latest invention: Free hi-res aerial photos for all
WikiAir is more than just a collection of photos of pretty places; it's a system of agreements to enable Wiki volunteers to take advantage of air travel in order to easily and cheaply take high-resolution photos of interesting and unique sites from the air.
Volunteer photographers hitch a ride with private planes and on short-range commercial flights that fly at lower altitudes, and take photos from the air using long-distance lenses. The photos are then uploaded to the WikiAir site as hi-res photos, where anyone can view or use them, within the parameters of the usage agreement common to most wikis (no cost to use for informational sites, educational use, and publications; attribution required).
New Israeli tendon helps athletes spring back into action
A promising new ligament implant from Israel is now entering the market, kicking months of recovery time off any current treatment.
Inspired by stents, the device is developed by the five-year-old Israeli company Tavor. The Knee-T-Nol implant is made from a metal and titanium alloy, Nitinol, and looks a little like a dart.
Israelis create 'super plants' that resist drought
A group of researchers in Israel have reportedly grown genetically engineered plants that can live longer and resist long periods without water and can yield more produce.
In what could be the solution to world food crisis, scientists from the Faculty of Biology at Technion University in Haifa have created what they call "super plants" by modifying a longevity hormone in the genes known as zytokinin.
A musical cure for African-American kidney disease?
The average American has about a one in eight chance of suffering from kidney disease, but for African-Americans, due to genetic factors, those odds are about three and a half times higher.
Now, in an unprecedented fundraising project for research on the issue by an Israeli institution, Haifa's Rambam Hospital will be holding a gala entertainment event at the end of August featuring top African-American artists like Smokey Robinson, Natalie Cole (herself a kidney disease survivor), and a host of other black, Jewish and Israeli singers, actors, musicians, and more.
IDF Supreme Values: Human Life and Dignity
All human lives are worth saving – so the IDF teaches its soldiers. Israeli and Palestinian, Jew and non-Jew, soldier and civilian, in Israel and across the world. It doesn't matter. When there is a person in need, the IDF will be there. Whether they are needed to provide emergency medical care, perform a daring rescue operation or evacuate survivors from under the rubble of a collapsed building – our soldiers will drop everything in order to save a life.
Why? The IDF's code of ethics holds protecting human life and dignity as a supreme value. In the words of Sgt. Idan Ducach, who donated his bone marrow to save a young boy's life, "if you save one life, its as if you saved an entire world."
Saving Lives: IDF's Humanitarian Mission to Haiti 2010

Farsi translation of Walt/Mearsheimer praised in Iran

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 01:05 PM PDT

From Iran's Book News Agency:

The Persian rendition of 'The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy' has been unveiled in Tehran, Iran.
Penned by John J. Mearsheimer, the book was unveiled in a ceremony held in Tehran on August 18, 2013, in the presence of cultural and media scholars.

Praising the translation of the book in Parisian, Nader Talebzadeh, recognized Iranian documentary maker and journalist, asserted that the book is like an attractive movie right from the beginning until the end that can play a significant role in raising awareness about the role and nature of Zionist lobbies in the US's politics and foreign approach.

Reza Montazami and Mehran Nasr have jointly translated the book in Persian.

Talebzadeh stressed the need for raising global awareness on the issue of Zionism, and stated that there is a lot of potential in various artistic fields to exploit the current anti-Zionistic atmosphere in the world to counter their influence.

He further added that there are numerous prominent figures in the world who have voiced readiness to run courses on the field in Iranian universities. Figures like Michael Jones and Kevin Bert, American analyst of Islamic issues, and Jerry D. Mason.

He further called on the government to work out plans and programs to make use of such a golden opportunity to disseminate knowledge about the negative influence of the Zionist lobby in the world.

Elsewhere in his speech, he posited the Islamic Revolution as a fantastic raiser of awareness about Zionist and the realist of the Zionist regime as well as its role in world and regional equations.

"One of the achievements of the Islamic Revolution was that it showed the world the real face of the Zionist regime," he said. "The Islamic Revolution bestowed a spiritual understanding to the world of the Zionist activities and still continues to do so with Iran being the forerunner of the movement. Designation of the Quds Day by Imam Khomeini was a turning point in this regard and got the world to earnestly consider the issue."

Maybe Walt and Mearsheimer can give free lectures in Iran on how Israel is the source of all evil in the world. I'm sure they'd get paid handsomely.

(My earlier articles showing that the claims in their book are ridiculous can be seen here and here with some other nice links here, here is Walt making a sick moral equivalence between Jewish settlers and those who murder them,  and this nice revelation of Walt's praising of the Qaddafi regime while taking a trip funded by the regime.)

Old video of Erdogan visiting Herzl's grave causing him embarrassment

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 11:45 AM PDT

The accusations in the Muslim and Arab world of political opponents being Jewish or Zionist continue.

A video of Turkish prime minister Tayyip Erdogan visiting the grave of Theodor Herzl, founder of Zionism, apparently during a 2005 trip, is causing him embarrassment as it has resurfaced on a number of websites. To make matters worse, he is shown next to then-prime minister Ariel Sharon.

Towards the end we see Erdogan paying respects at the grave of a master terrorist in Ramallah, but that is not controversial at all.

Apparently, opponents of the Muslim Brotherhood are circulating this to discredit Erdogan's support for the Islamists.

Similarly, the statement that antisemitic preacher Yusuf Qaradawi made recently - that "even the Jews" never performed a massacre like the army in Egypt did last week - is now being spun as if Qaradawi was "praising the humanity of the Israeli Army"!

Photos of Qaradawi with Neturei Karta nutcases cannot be far behind.

Iranian general threatens US, Israel; says nuke negotiations won't change policy

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 10:30 AM PDT

From Tehran Times:
Brigadier General Massoud Jazayeri of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps said on Monday that U.S. and Zionist forces in the region are militarily "within the area of action of the Islamic Republic of Iran."

He also said, "It is surprising that certain U.S. officials are still talking about military threats against Iran and simplistically believe that such threats can affect Iranian political strategists.

"The strategic mistake of the United States is that they have not realized that the carrot and stick approach is now outdated."

Elsewhere in his remarks, Jazayeri said that the major policies of the Islamic Republic would not be affected by nuclear talks or negotiations about other issues.

He added that the United States can only get closer to Iran if it apologizes to the great Iranian nation and drops its hostile stance.
In other words, "Keep acting like suckers, America."

8/19 Links Part 1: World Wide Terror Threat, Why Obama needs al-Sisi, Echoes of Black September

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 09:00 AM PDT

From Ian:

Terrorists 'aim to hit Israeli, Jewish targets worldwide' in coming weeks
Israeli and Jewish targets all over the world are likely to be sought out by terrorist organizations in the coming weeks, the Israeli government's Counter-Terrorism Bureau warned in strikingly strident tones on Monday, listing dozens of countries where it said it had "concrete" indications of a terrorist threat.
It cited concerns about terrorist acts timed to coincide with the forthcoming Rosh Hashana (New Year), Yom Kippur and Succot festivals, and also said that the anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks in the US was likely to be "a favored period" for al-Qaeda and other global jihadist groups to attempt to carry out acts of terrorism.
Israeli travel advisory takes Turkey off vacation destination list
The advisory, issued every year before the High Holidays and Passover when Israelis travel abroad in droves, grouped Turkey together with Azerbaijan, Nigeria and Kenya as countries where there are continuous potential threats, and where non-vital travel should be avoided.
Al-Qaeda said plotting attack on European trains
According to the report, which cited unnamed sources in the US National Security Agency, top-ranking members of the Islamic terror group recently participated in a conference call in which various methods of attacking railways in Europe were extensively discussed, including planting bombs in tunnels or on the trains themselves and sabotaging train tracks and electrical systems.
Reportedly, in response, German authorities have stepped up security and surveillance on the country's national rail system.
Why Obama needs al-Sisi
Obama cannot publicly declare that he wants the Egyptian army, which has been an ally of Washington for decades, to defeat the Muslim Brotherhood, a movement which produced quite a few terrorists, including current al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahri. Therefore, he is refusing to call the ouster of Islmist President Morsi a "military coup" – as it should be – and stresses that while Morsi was elected democratically, he ran Egypt according to the interests of the Muslim Brotherhood, rather than according to the interests of the general public.
Addressing the issue publicly for the first time on Thursday, Obama did try to play down the long-standing friendship between Washington and the Egyptian army, which is based on US interests: An open Suez Canal; open airspace for American logistical flights; preservation of the peace with Israel and the war on terror in Sinai and Gaza.
Al Sisi: We won't Kneel in the Face of Violence
The commander of the armed forces, Gen Abdul Fattah al-Sisi, warned that his troops will not stand by silently in the face of violence. "Whoever imagines violence will make the state and Egyptians kneel must reconsider; we will never be silent in the face of the destruction of the country," he said in a statement posted on Facebook.
He also said, however, that his message to Morsi supporters was that there was "room for everyone in Egypt" and the military had no intention to seize power.
Egypt on Brink of Hell – Analysis
Dr. Mordechai Kedar, a renowned Middle East expert from Bar Ilan University, thinks Egypt could turn into "hell" if Islamists smuggle in weapons from Libya, Sudan and Sinai, and use them against the security forces.
The military in Egypt decided to depose Mohammed Morsi, who was elected president by a razor-thin majority of 50.7%, after it saw how Islamist leader Recep Tayyip Erdogan "neutered" the military in Turkey.
Joel Pollak: Egypt: Echoes of Black September
"Black September" became a potent symbol for Palestinians as the PLO carried out revenge attacks around the world--including the massacre of Israeli athletes at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich. In addition, the PLO relocated its forces to Lebanon, where it quickly became a force for instability, terror, and destruction.
Yet King Hussein preserved the most pro-American regime in the Arab world--one that not only has a free trade agreement with the U.S., but a somewhat freer (albeit less innovative) economy than Israel and a relatively warm peace treaty with Israel as well. Few would dispute that the status quo is better than PLO rule would have been.
Hosni Mubarak to be freed in days, officials say
The officials said there were no longer any grounds to hold the 85-year-old former autocrat because of the expiration of a two-year legal limit for holding an individual in custody pending a final verdict.
His lawyer predicted that he would be released by the end of the week, once corruption charges against him were cleared.
The former president is still being held on another corruption charge but the attorney, Fareed El Deeb, was confident that this charge would also be dropped within days, Reuters quoted him as saying.
Egypt's Genocide recognition call politically motivated
"For us, it is naturally important for an Arab country like Egypt to acknowledge and condemn the Armenian Genocide, given especially that the Armenians have played an essential role in the history of Egypt. But on the other hand, the selection of timing gives grounds for concerns a little bit, especially in the context of these regional political re-arrangements," he told Tert.am.
No more Turkish soaps in Cairo
Maybe Turkey's prime minister will learn to keep his mouth shut about the goings-on in Cairo, now that the Egyptians have decided to hit back where it (melodramatically) hurts most — the Turkish soap opera industry.
Days after Recep Tayyip Erdogan called for putting Egypt's military leaders on trial for the violence that has swept the country over the last week, several Egyptian television channels have decided to boycott a number of popular Turkish dramas and soap operas.
25 police executed after northern Sinai ambush
Suspected militants on Monday ambushed two mini-buses carrying off-duty policemen in Egypt's northern Sinai, killing 25 of them execution-style and wounding two, security officials said.
The militants forced the two vehicles to stop, ordered the policemen out and forced them to lie on the ground before they shot them to death, the officials said.
Dozens of Egyptian Brotherhood members killed in jailbreak as army warns against violence
Some 38 supporters of the Muslim Brotherhood died on Sunday in an incident at an Egyptian prison, security and legal sources said, giving conflicting versions of the deaths.
The Interior Ministry did not immediately confirm the death toll, but said in a statement that a number of detainees had tried to escape from a prison on the outskirts of Cairo and had taken a police officer hostage.
In Egyptian village, Christian shops marked ahead of church attack
On June 30, when millions of Egyptians took to the streets to protest against now ousted President Mohamed Morsi, residents of Al Nazla marked Christian homes and shops with red graffiti, vowing to protect Morsi's electoral legitimacy with "blood."
Relations between Christians and Muslims in the village, which had worsened since Morsi's election in 2012, grew even more tense as Islamists spread rumors that it was Christians who were behind the protests against Morsi and his ouster by the military on July 3.
3 Nuns Paraded like 'Prisoners of War;' 2 Christians Killed; 58 Churches, Properties Attacked in Egypt
Islamists burned down a Christian school, paraded three nuns on the streets like "prisoners of war," and sexually abused two other female staff even as at least 58 attacks on Christians and their property were reported across Egypt over the last four days. At least two Christians have died in the attacks.
Cairo Cracks Down on Al Jazeera Channel
The military interim government in Cairo is cracking down on a key adversary – satellite news network Al Jazeera, which is widely seen as being biased in favor of the Muslim Brotherhood.
"The Cabinet has assigned competent authorities to assess the legal status of the Al Jazeera satellite channel, accusing it of threatening stability and national security," local media said, according to a report on the Egypt Independent Sunday.
Report: Hezbollah's Top Syria Commander Killed
Arab media reported Sunday that a senior Hezbollah terror leader was killed in recent days in a battle with Syrian opposition forces. The battle occurred in the Damascus area.
The reports did not identify the terrorist, but in recent days Hezbollah-affiliated news outlets showed images of the funeral of senior Hezbollah commander Ali Hossam Nasser. The funeral took place in the area of Nabatiya in south Lebanon. Nasser is considered the supreme commander of Hezbollah forces in Syria.
Israeli officials: Iran talks do only one thing – give Tehran more time
The only thing talks between Iran and the world's powers have achieved until now is buy Tehran more time, Israeli officials said Sunday, following EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton's comment that the P5+1 group is eager to restart the talks.
"We are skeptical in the extreme," one official said of a new round of talks. He said there was no hope the talks would help "unless the Iranians feel the pressure is being upgraded."
Catherine Ashton plans meeting with new Iranian foreign minister
Catherine Ashton's office said the 28-nation bloc's top diplomat called Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif on Saturday to congratulate him on his appointment.
Ashton says she and the nations negotiating with Iran on the nuclear issue — the five permanent UN Security Council members plus Germany — are looking forward to engaging with Tehran's new negotiating team as soon as it is appointed to find a diplomatic solution.
Australian Sheik to Obama: Oh Enemy of Allah, You Will Be Trampled upon by Pure Muslim Feet

"Listen, oh Obama, oh enemy of Allah, you who kiss the shoes and feet of the Jews. Listen! The day will come when you are trampled upon by the pure feet of the Muslims."

BBC corrects article saying Rouhani only opposes "occupation"

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 07:30 AM PDT

On August 2, I noted that the BBC was whitewashing a quote from "moderate" Iranian president Rouhani, pretending that he was only against the "occupation":

As I wrote then,
While it appears that Rouhani used the word "occupation," the BBC is - seemingly purposefully - misleading its readers into believing that he is only talking about the hated "occupation" but has no problem with Israel. Iran, of course, considers all of Israel to be "occupied" so this terminology in the headline and subhead is deceptive - and seemingly purposefully so.

Simon, who brought the article to my attention, wrote to the BBC:
The story refers to President Rouhani making threatening comments regarding
Israel. In mentioning Rouhani's use of the term "occupied", the story does
not make it clear how this term would be interpreted in Farsi.

In English, "Israeli occupation" commonly refers to the West Bank and Gaza
Strip. In Farsi, "Israeli Occupation" refers to the State of Israel itself,
as well as the West Bank and Gaza.

By falling to draw this distinction, the article misleads readers,
insinuating that Rouhani is merely threatening Israel's continuing
occupation. In reality, he issued a threat against an entire nation.

Thus, the article is factually inaccurate.
Over two weeks later, the BBC responded:
We have reviewed the article in question and agree with the interpretation that Hassan Rouhani's remarks were aimed at the State of Israel. We have amended the story accordingly and added a footnote explaining the correction.

Here is the article now with the correction:

Getting the truth out there is hard work, and while correcting an article that no one is reading any more is not ideal, it at least helps ensure that similar problems are not repeated in the future.

Congratulations, we have achieved peace. Don't ruin it with a "peace plan."

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 05:00 AM PDT

Today, the Israeli-Arab conflict is the least violent it has ever been.

This year, only one Israeli has been killed in a terror attack. Less than 15 Palestinian Arabs have been killed (B'Tselem says 11, and OCHA-OPT says 13), most of whom were involved in rock or firebomb attacks.

The lowest number of Israeli deaths in any year since 1948 has been six (2009 and 1982) according to this chart.

While this isn't the year with the lowest Palestinian Arab casualty count (1999 had only 8 deaths), it is the second-lowest since 1987.

In other words, this is (so far) shaping up to be the least-violent year since the beginning of the first intifada and quite probably since the founding of modern Israel in 1948.

We have achieved just about the best we can ever hope to achieve. Things were far worse in the years before the State of Israel was reborn, they were worse in the 1950s with the fedayeen attacks and the 1960s with the "commando" attacks and the 1970s with the more modern terrorist attacks. During all of those periods, Israel responded quite furiously, so both sides lost many people.

This is what peace looks like. The status quo is not perfect, but compared to everything else in the past hundred years, it is damn good. Call it a detente, call it a standoff, it doesn't matter - Arabs and Israelis have come close to stopping killing each other.

Even in Gaza, Israeli policies have made Hamas and Islamic Jihad think twice about shooting rockets into Israel. Rocket fire hasn't ended but life is getting close to normal in Israeli communities in the Negev.

And as long as there is no aggression against Israel, Israel is helping make the lives of Palestinian Arabs get better and better. As I noted recently, some 28% of the money being paid to West Bank Arabs is coming from Israeli employers. The Israelis are granting more work permits, paying better wages (roughly double what Palestinian Arabs are paying,) with better benefits.

At least some of this can be credited to Netanyahu with his much derided concept of "economic peace" as a basis for real peace moving forward.

If you want to compare the situation against perfection, which is the standard tool in the anti-Israel playbook, yes, things fall short. But if you want to compare the situation against any other time period, the situation is the best it has ever been - and possibly the best it ever can be. Compared to the rest of the region, Israel's peace is even more striking.

Why is there peace now? Very simply, because the leaders of the Arabs in the West Bank and Gaza (as well as Hizballah in Lebanon) have a lot to lose by fomenting violence. That is the key to peace - creating a situation where the downside of attacks is much greater than the upside of what could be accomplished by violence. Choosing violence (on a macro level)  has nothing to do with "justice" or "rights" or anything like that - it is a simple cost/benefit analysis of what can be gained versus what can be lost.

Is this year an anomaly? I don't think so. While there is certainly an element of luck involved, the fact is that the situation makes it more "expensive" to attack Israel than to keep still. Of course one cannot predict the future perfectly - if Hamas comes up with a new way to kidnap an Israeli it seems likely they will try it out; if Hamas gets into a fight with Salafist groups then they might shoot more rockets over, if Islamic Jihad gets Iranian money while Hamas is hung out to dry, things might change drastically in Gaza. But for the foreseeable future, calm is in everyone's interest.

And "peace" isn't. The idea of a new push in the long moribund "peace process"  is being pushed from the outside, not from the parties themselves.

What would be the real-life consequences if there was a "peace agreement," no matter what its parameters?

Just this month, hundreds of thousands of Palestinian Arabs crossed into Israel -visiting the beach, shopping - during Ramadan, without incident. If the "peace process" is successful, that will be an international border and crossing will be much more difficult in Ramadans to come.

Today, tens of thousands of Palestinian Arabs work, happily, for Israeli employers, with decent wages. If "peace" would break out, this would all but disappear and the PA economy would be in even worse shape than it is today.

Palestinian Arab exports to the West would be more difficult.

And, without a doubt, the terror groups who find the idea of formal peace with Israel to be anathema will work overtime to prove their relevance - by shooting rockets and planning suicide bombings, to reclaim their former glory.

Peace will not bring friendship. Anyone who believes that only has to look at how Egypt and Jordan regard their peace treaties with Israel. They have been respecting the treaties but they have not stopped their incitement; arguably in recent years anti-Zionism and antisemitism in those two countries has gotten worse.

Unless you are wedded to the idea of an impossible peace where Israel and the PLO are allied, you should realize that today, we have real peace.

After any agreement is signed, we will see more deaths on both sides, guaranteed.

Efforts should not be put into a fantasy peace plan. Instead, we need a dose of realism. The factors that can destabilize the current peace are the ones that need to be neutralized.

This means doing real work to integrate Palestinian Arabs into Arab countries as full citizens. This means working towards a Syria that is neither Assad nor Al Qaeda, but one that gives its people hope and weakens both Hizballah and Iran. This means a policy that truly supports liberal, democratic forces in Egypt and Tunisia and elsewhere. It means working towards a Middle East that resembles more closely the de facto peace currently enjoyed by Israel and Palestinian Arabs, where the cost of war is much higher than the status quo.

None of this is easy. But none of it is fantasy, either, which is what the "peace process" has been from the start.

Tamarod Gaza gaining steam; releases video slamming Hamas

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 02:16 AM PDT

I had mentioned the Tamarod Palestine Facebook group that was making Hamas so nervous.

That group was against both Hamas and Fatah. But Tamarod Gaza is only against Hamas, and they are growing, now with over 30,000 Facebook "Likes."

They are pushing for a major anti-Hamas rally in Gaza on November 11, and just released a video slamming Hamas for its actions.

The video says that Hamas practices "murder, torture, vandalism and bullying, bribery, smuggling, as if they were one of the gangs in the Middle Ages, but it's shameful shameful that they practice [these crimes] in the name of religion and the homeland and the resistance..."

The group misses the old Hamas, the one that fought only against Israel. "The Hamas of today is not the Hamas of Yassin," they say.

Tamarod Gaza's message ends by saying "All our options are open, but we disagree with you as to the choice of weapon. We are not raising arms against our brothers, but you are; we are after bloodshed but you are; we do not drag bodies in the streets, but you do; we will not kill children and men, women and young people, but you do; we do not demolish mosques, but you do; we understand Palestine and its people and their will, their pride and dignity but not you."

Hamas has said that Fatah is behind this group and has started a crackdown on suspected members.

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