Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- The Muslim Leader's Guide to Handling Dissent (ElderToon)
- The most off-topic post in EoZ history (well, in years)
- 6/14 Links Part 2: Latma, Netanyahu at Auschwitz and BDS Fails
- BDS is against peace
- 6/14 Links Part 1: US confirms Chemical Weapons, Hezbollah objects to Palestinian Refugees
- Ayatollah Khamenei says Iranian democracy isn't run by Jews, like America's
- Female genital mutilation back in the news
- Israel finds tunnels beneath separation barrier, potentially to kidnap Israelis
The Muslim Leader's Guide to Handling Dissent (ElderToon) Posted: 14 Jun 2013 03:00 PM PDT |
The most off-topic post in EoZ history (well, in years) Posted: 14 Jun 2013 01:00 PM PDT Back in the early 1970s, there was a popular US TV variety show called The Flip Wilson Show. One of Wilson's characters was Geraldine, a sassy woman who spawned catchphrases like "The devil made me do it!" and "What you see is what you get." The Geraldine character had a never-seen, boyfriend, often in prison, named Killer (referred to in the sketch above.) Now read this from a biography of Wilson: I cannot find that episode online, but the idea that Killer is OJ was just too good not to post. (For those wondering how I came across that, I was considering using Geraldine's "The devil made me do it" as the hook in this post, substituting IDF for the devil, but I didn't think enough people would have gotten the reference.) (As far as off-topic topics go, I used to ask occasional trivia questions and have other posts that were quite off-topic as well. Back in the days when this was more of a blog.) |
6/14 Links Part 2: Latma, Netanyahu at Auschwitz and BDS Fails Posted: 14 Jun 2013 11:45 AM PDT From Ian: Latma: Gay Pride and Pederasty in Tel Aviv; Arab Pride and Peace Plans in Syria Netanyahu at Auschwitz: The World Ignored Our Annihilation The world stood by as millions of Jews were being slaughtered, Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Thursday, vowing that Israel would "do whatever is necessary to prevent another holocaust."Justice for Jews from Arab countries The State of Israel has been slow to recognize the importance of this issue. Only last fall, Israel's then-deputy foreign minister, Daniel Ayalon, launched the "I am a Refugee" campaign in a bid to create parity between the struggle of Jewish and Palestinian refugees. The Senior Citizens Ministry is running a radio campaign to collect testimonies and claims from Arab-born Jews. Likud Beytenu MK Shimon Ohayon has introduced a bill in the Knesset to fix November 30 as the Memorial Day for Jewish Refugees from Arab countries. And only last week, Sir Martin Gilbert's book In Ishmael's House was released in Israel in Hebrew translation.PA objects to Israel's Western Wall plans The Palestinian Authority will not permit Israel to change the entrance to the Temple Mount in order to facilitate the building of an egalitarian prayer area near the Western Wall, PA Religious Affairs Minister Mahmoud Habbash told The Jerusalem Post in Ramallah on Thursday morning.Israel assails Red Cross for showcasing Turkish extremist The Israeli Foreign Ministry on Thursday strongly condemned the International Committee of the Red Cross for conducting an interview with Huseyin Oruc, the deputy president of the IHH, a Turkish NGO that organized the infamous 2010 Gaza flotilla and is suspected of terrorist ties.BBC captions photo of tourist attraction as "army position" That photograph was in fact taken at Mount Bental, which is not "an army position" as claimed by the BBC, but a tourist attraction run by Kibbutz Merom Golan. The metal cut-out soldier on the left of the BBC's picture can be seen in the photograph below from the opposite angle – with the site's decidedly un-military coffee shop in the background.French court orders Twitter to ID anti-Semites A French appeals court has upheld a lower court's ruling which ordered Twitter to divulge details of users who posted anti-Semitic content.Twilight for the Jews of Sweden? We have seen an increase in reported anti-Semitic attacks but no charges, arrests or convictions. Nor have any leading politicians shown any concern. Angry anti-Israel demonstrators can shout their message of hate freely, while peaceful pro-Israel rallies are surrounded by police. Jews routinely hide their Magen David necklace's under their shirts and remove kippahs as soon as they exit shul. This is the reality of Sweden in 2013. Exlemplary of the dangers posed to Jews, one report said that "the Jewish communities spend at least 25 per cent of their funds on security measures."Germany adopts anti-Semitism resolution Germany's parliament passed a resolution committing itself to renewed action against anti-Semitism.LA City Council passes anti-BDS resolution The Los Angeles City Council unanimously approved a resolution to continue awarding city contracts without regard to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.How Boycotts Hurt the Cause of Middle East Peace How will the Anglican/Lutheran conclave weigh in on the Israel/Palestine conflict? There is pressure on them to back "product labeling," i.e. to make sure that the soda they drink is not aided and abetted by well-paid Palestinian workers. Another resolution will "challenge" the validity of any form of Christian Zionism "which support[s] the Israeli occupation."Sydney University Professor Warned Over Israel Boycott In the letters Hamilton pointed out that the Racial Discrimination Act of 1975 made it "unlawful for a person to do any act involving a distinction, exclusion, restriction of preference based on race... national or ethnic origin which has the purpose or effect of nullifying or impairing the recognition, enjoyment or exercise, on an equal footing, of any human right or fundamental freedom in the political, economic, social, cultural or any other field of public life."JCC Watch: Stop Giving Jewish Money to Fund Anti-Israel Activities Pro-Israel groups are now turning to the UJA-Federation and asking that it stop providing funds to organizations which use those funds to promote virulently anti-Israel activists. If not, a "Close Your Wallet" campaign will begin this summer.Formula 1: Videos and Photos For the first time ever, Formula One and GT motor cars took to the streets of Jerusalem as tens of thousands of spectators from all sectors of the city looked on at the Jerusalem Formula Peace Road Show.Israeli-developed device helps the blind to see, virtually Beginning this week, blind Americans have the opportunity to use the first smartphone specifically designed to make their lives easier to navigate. Odin Mobile is the first company to offer the RAY Huawei Vision phone, a device that lets blind users not only make phone calls, but also allows them to send text messages, search the Internet, identify the denomination of cash, recognize colors, and access over 100,000 audio books and magazines. All these features are built into the RAY device, and it's based on technology developed in Israel.Israeli Parents Meet Palestinian Boy Whose Life Was Saved by Their Dead Son's Kidney Two families touched by the death of a 3-year-old Israeli boy were finally able to meet Thursday, Israel's Channel 2 reports.Jordanian and Israeli Students Learn to Save Lives Together Ben Gurion University of the Negev (BGU) graduated its first class of Jordanian and Israeli students who completed a special joint-emergency medicine BA program earlier this year. The first graduating class at the Israel-Jordan Academic Emergency Medicine Collaboration included 54 graduates who spent three years studying emergency medicine and medical response. |
Posted: 14 Jun 2013 10:15 AM PDT One of the major symbolic victories of the anti-Israel BDS movement was in 2010 when the University of Johannesburg decided to boycott Ben Gurion University of Israel. Zvi just found this speech by H.E. Dr. Mohammed Al-Hadid, President of the Jordan National Red Crescent Society and Chairman of the Standing Commission of the Red Cross and Red Crescent. It shows the reality of what BGU stands for, and it also shows that the BDS crowd has no interest in peace. Which brings up the question of what kind of people support a movement that is against the ideals being advanced here by this prominent and well-respected Arab physician? If BGU incontrovertibly supports a culture of peace and a society where everyone is equal, then those who are against it must also be against peace and equal rights. Here is the beginning of Dr. Al-Hadid's speech. The full program can be seen here. |
6/14 Links Part 1: US confirms Chemical Weapons, Hezbollah objects to Palestinian Refugees Posted: 14 Jun 2013 09:00 AM PDT From Ian: US Confirms Assad Used Chemical Weapons U.S. officials said that America will increase the "scope and scale" of its assistance to rebels in Syria in response.It's About Time: United Nations Plans Refugee Camps for Syrians in Lebanon But analysts here believe the biggest long-term fear for Hezbollah is that camps would shift Lebanese demographics. Judging by the estimated 400,000 Palestinian refugees living in Lebanon, some who fled Palestine at the establishment of Israel, camps would likely result in many Syrian Sunni refugees remaining in Lebanon even after the civil war is over—especially if Assad hangs on to power. Shiites would then become significantly out-numbered by Sunnis in a political system that is based on a delicate sectarian system introduced in 1990—at the end of a savage 15-year-long civil war—which allocates guaranteed government roles to the major sects.Syria Death Count is at 93,000 – UN Nevertheless, "the killings of at least 6,561 minors, including at least 1,729 children under ten years old – have been documented," the High Commissioner said. "There are also well-documented cases of individual children being tortured and executed, and entire families, including babies, being massacred – which, along with this devastatingly high death toll, is a terrible reminder of just how vicious this conflict has become."Assad plans to open 'resistance' front in Golan, says report According to a Lebanese report on Friday, embattled Syrian President Bashar Assad plans to open a "resistance" front on the Golan Heights and thinks such a move could unify the various factions in Syria.Barry Rubin: How to Understand Islamism: Read What its Leaders Really Say It should be stressed that the key challenge is not to cite passages from original Muslim theology to "prove" that Islam is always unchanging and inflexible—though understanding the roots of the radicals' ideological appeal is important—or to ignore Islam as a factor completely but to look at the movement's modern strategy and tactics. Almost thirty years after al-Qaradawi explained the movement's ideas clearly the opponents of Islamism have barely begun their attempt to understand and educate others on this ideology.Have We Learned Anything From the Boston Attack? Indeed, as the IBD report concludes: "Before mosques were excluded from the otherwise wide domestic spy net the administration has cast, the FBI launched dozens of successful sting operations against homegrown jihadists — inside mosques — and disrupted dozens of plots against the homeland." However, the mosque in Boston that the older Tzarnaev brother attended was not monitored by the government, so the FBI was unaware of his increasing radicalization before the attack.UN Watch: UN's Richard Falk & Truth Jihad's Kevin Barrett on "False Flag" 9/11 & Boston Marathon Attacks (10:20 onwards is insane) 'Comment is Free' contributor Abdel al-Bari Atwan sympathizes with Osama Bin Laden Abdel al-Bari Atwan is the editor-in chief of the London-based Arab newspaper Al-Quds Al-Arabi, and has been named among the 50 'most influential Arabs' by Middle East Magazine. His pro-Palestinian, anti-Zionist politics can be best summed up by his fanciful boast a few years ago that he would dance in the streets in London's Trafalgar Square if Iranian nuclear missiles were to hit Tel Aviv.IDF Foils Terror Attack in Samaria The man was found to be a member of the Islamic Jihad terrorist organization.Mesika to IDF: Nip 'Third Intifada' in the Bud The gunfire aimed at an Israeli bus in Samaria Wednesday night was a significant ramping-up of the security deterioration in Judea and Samaria in recent months, said Samaria Council head Gershon Mesika. "This shooting is a worrying development," said Mesika. "We demand that the IDF develop and utilize the appropriate measures to restore security to residents."'Sweden considering reducing aid to Palestinians' The Swedish government may cut back on financial assistance to the Palestinians following their failure to move forward with peace negotiations with Israel, Swedish news site The Local reported.Poland, Czech Republic balk on blacklisting Hezbollah Denmark, Sweden, Germany and France support blacklisting Hezbollah, the source said. It has long been believed that France was blocking such a move out of concern that it would diminish European influence in Lebanon, a former French colony.Lebanese Hezbollah suspects to sue Nigerian gov't A raid on one of the mens' residences in the main northern city of Kano uncovered a stash of anti-tank weapons, landmines, heavy artillery, rocket-propelled grenades and automatic rifles, authorities said.Concerns Grow Over Egypt's Blasphemy Cases Against Christians and the Media "Slapping criminal charges with steep fines and, in most cases, prison sentences against people for simply speaking their mind or holding different religious beliefs is simply outrageous," Philip Luther, Amnesty International's Middle East and North Africa Director, said in a statement.Thousands of Lawyers March in Turkey Anti-Government Protests Addressing the lawyers, Ümit Kocasakal, head of Istanbul's Bar Association, slammed the police crackdown. "The use of gas canisters and plastic bullets is illegal and indiscriminately targeting anyone while disregarding citizens' safety. Turkish protesters are not bugs to be killed by gassing but are human," said Kocasakal. |
Ayatollah Khamenei says Iranian democracy isn't run by Jews, like America's Posted: 14 Jun 2013 07:01 AM PDT Here is a graphic from the Facebook page of Iran's Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Khamenei: Is he now saying that Big Satan is controlled by Little Satan? It gets so hard to keep track of who is the puppet of whom. I find it highly amusing that the process to elect the US president is being derided as undemocratic by Iran's "Supreme Leader." Just for context, 680 people wanted to be on Iran's presidential ballot. 672 of them were disqualified, by the Guardian Council, which is controlled by - Khamenei. In other words, every Iranian presidential candidate was handpicked by a single person "controlling everything behind the scenes." Here is another graphic from his Facebook page, showing the only person in all of Iran whose vote matters: |
Female genital mutilation back in the news Posted: 14 Jun 2013 05:30 AM PDT From Now Lebanon: Suhair al-Bateh is a young girl who grew up in Menshiyat al-Ekhwa, an Egyptian village in theWhile there were some initial reports that al-Bateh's death came from improper use of anesthetic, it looks like it was directly from the procedure itself: according to a health inspector she died because of "a sharp fall in body-fluid force as a result of trauma shock." An article from last February reveals some of the horror around this procedure: Like "a lamb led to slaughter," so was Faten, an Egyptian girl, taken to her uncle's house where a collective massacre took place. The town's butcher was waiting for her and other girls her age with a sharp knife, a chopper, long scissors and other sharp, non-sterile tools that were to be used to perform her "circumcision." Circumcision is the ablation of the vital part of a woman's genitalia, as it is considered by some to be "haram" for her to feel [sexual] pleasure.Keep in mind that she is talking about Cairo, not only rural areas of Egypt that some articles claim is the major centers for FGM. |
Israel finds tunnels beneath separation barrier, potentially to kidnap Israelis Posted: 14 Jun 2013 03:17 AM PDT Ma'ariv reports that Israel has discovered tunnels underneath the separation barrier near the Taybeh village in the West Bank. Soldiers found two Arabs trying to enter Israel through the tunnels, but they fled before they could be caught so their motivations could not be determined. Israel's biggest fear is that terrorists will infiltrate into Israel and kidnap Israeli citizens for bargaining for Israel to release their fellow terrorists from prison. For years, Hamas and other terror groups have been saying that this is a major part of their strategy. Up until now, tunnels were mostly associated with Gaza, and tunnels dug from gaza to Israel in order to abduct Israelis have been discovered in the past. It would seem apparent that anyone who goes through the trouble of digging a tunnel is not doing it to make it easier to get into Israel for employment. |
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