ADL, Wiesenthal Center slam Miftah for anti-semitic article Posted: 31 Mar 2013 02:30 PM PDT From The Algemeiner, following up on my scoop and Miftah's idiotic response: Two prominent Jewish civil rights groups have slammed a Palestinian NGO for opting not to apologize for publishing an article which promoted the classic anti-Semitic Passover blood libel accusation on its website. Both the Anti-Defamation League and the Simon Wiesenthal Center have voiced their dismay that MIFTAH, which is chaired by Hanan Ashrawi, a well known media personality in the West and which posted the article that claimed "Jews used the blood of Christians in the Jewish Passover," has not apologized, and in fact asserts the publication of the blood libel was in keeping with its policy of "open dialogue." "They have compounded the offense, by now asserting they are the injured party," the ADL told The Algemeiner. "The MIFTAH statement defending the decision to post the blatantly anti-Semitic article by al-Zaru on its Arabic language Web site and claiming it is being "smeared" is outrageous. They made a bad mistake and they should have offered a full-throated and sincere apology," added the 100 year old NGO. "In defending its publication of an article on the Miftah website which hatefully invoked the oldest anti-Jewish canard of all, the Blood Libel to slander the Jewish nation during Passover, the Palestinian NGO cites its commitment to "open dialogue". With whom? Genocidal Jew-haters?" Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, told The Algemeiner in an email. "Tragically, the publication of this Arabic language article is in keeping with the ongoing campaign to demonize the nation of Israel, Jews, and Judaism, once assumed to be the domain only of Hamas, The Muslim Brotherhood and Iran but that today taints the PA and some of its supporters," he added. Cooper also said that the publication of accusations such as this one hurt the cause of Peace. "It is not lost that the editorial decision by Miftah to provide a platform for this canard took place in wake of President Obama's trip to the Holy Land where he tried to re-instill hopes for peace and reconciliation. Every anti-Semitic slander in the theological, academic and media domains further erode such hopes," he said. "Perhaps the editors of Ms Ashrawi's Miftah should do exit interviews with Arabs, including those from Gaza, whose lives have been saved through blood transfusions at Icholov, Rambam, Shaare Tzedeck and Hadassah hospitals in Israel," concluded Cooper The ADL called out Ashrawi by name saying, "Hanan Ashrawi certainly knows better and so should those responsible for posting the highly offensive article." The organization also provided a list of complaints against the actions of MIFTAH highlighting multiple offenses. "There are several things wrong here" wrote the ADL, "first, an irresponsible editorial decision to post the article containing the classical anti-Semitic blood libel charge – second, the article only appeared on the Arabic language site, makes clear it was intended primarily for an Arabic speaking audience – third, the completely unacceptable defense of the posting." I expect this story to explode in the next couple of days in the media as well as through watchdog groups. Unfortunately, I cannot blog again until Tuesday night because of Passover, so any media inquiries will have to wait until then before I can answer them. Until then, my previous posts on the topic should provide enough background and other information. Chag sameach!  |
EoZNews video: Rami Levy supermarket, Binyamin Posted: 31 Mar 2013 01:00 PM PDT This is what co-existence looks like. Unfortunately, the day I visited was Taanit Esther so most of the customers were Jews shopping for Purim. There are some Arab customers visible, though. When the manager showed me the synagogue on premises, I asked if there was a mosque as well. He said that the Muslim workers generally pray individually and usually outside, so they are given as much time as they need to do their prayers.  |
Sunday Links Part 2 Posted: 31 Mar 2013 11:30 AM PDT From Ian: At Boston U: propaganda dressed as scholarship Having a conference with the primary intention to demonize and delegitimize Israel, while promoting a legally- and morally-defective approach to achieving Palestinian self-affirmation, is not an academic exercise of any merit; it is propaganda parading as scholarship, and violates not only one of the basic precepts of scholarship but also the spirit of any university, which were conceived as places where faculty and students could debate – with academic integrity, reason, and an absence of bias – the important issues of the marketplace of ideas. Israel Apartheid Week: The Dirty Product of a Grotesque Alliance The blackening of Israel's name on university campuses is the dirty work of a grotesque alliance between political "progressives" and reactionary Islamic fundamentalists. Among the warmest of hearts in both groups, there is always a cold spot for the Jews, so let us appeal to them not on moral grounds but those of self-interest. Have the Islamicists noticed (as President Obama did in his inaugural address of 2009) that the obsession of Palestinian Arabs with destroying somebody else's society instead of building up their own (via education, commerce, public works, health care) has made them one of the most wrecked peoples on the face of the earth? Can the "progressive" do-gooders cease confusing doing good with feeling good about what they are doing? From truth denied to truth be told While the anti-Semites pitched their usual lies, distortions during IAW, an inspiring new leadership in Cape Town pitched a tent, preached peace. However, this March at UCT, the IAW and BDS battle plan – mostly a repeat of the previous year – found less traction with a more enquiring and discerning public preferring to step into "Abraham's Tent" on the central plaza before the monumental steps leading to the famous Jameson Hall. Welcomed in, they enjoyed ancient patriarchal Israeli hospitality. They also heard for the first time, another narrative where truth countered fiction. They heard about Israel's desire and overtures for peace. They met successful Israeli Ethiopian students from the IDC Herzliya, exposing the myth about apartheid. They heard how an Arab Judge convicted and sentenced to jail an Israeli State President and were asked: "Would this have happened in apartheid South Africa?" They heard about an Arab being the captain of the Hapoel Tel Aviv soccer team and asked: "Would a black have been captain of the famed Springbok rugby team under apartheid?" Palestinians Should be Engaged Honestly There is a narrative that has been gaining adherents in America, that it is within Israel's control to make peace with the Palestinians. If only it were so. The story says that the issue is territorial, and the "occupation" and/or settlements are the root cause of the conflict. Unfortunately it is the Palestinians who need to be confronted with a reality check. The same people, who feel that Israel can magically create peace by itself, also feel that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is a man Israel can trust and is a partner for peace. Young Woman Sustains Head Wound in Samaria Rock Attack The woman, age 25, was treated at the scene by medics before being rushed to a hospital, where she was admitted in fair to good condition. A baby that was also riding in the car was miraculously unhurt in the attack, but the vehicle was damaged by the large rock that struck the car. Samaria Region Head Says 'Shoot to Hit' Rock Attackers Shomron (Samaria) Regional Council head Gershon Mesika says it's time to take off the velvet gloves when dealing with road terror, and "shoot to hit" attackers who are trying to murder Israeli motorists traveling on the roads of Judea and Samaria. Eve of Holiday, Muslims Hurl Rocks at Jews on Temple Mount Once again, extremist Muslims tried but failed to prevent Jews from accessing the holiest site in the Jewish faith, with the threat of attacks. Dozens of Arab teens hurled rocks Sunday morning at groups of Jews who were touring the Temple Mount. Anti-Semitism in the Netherlands? By Barry Rubin Despite Dutch history, the growing trend of European anti-Semitism is pervading through the Netherlands. Here's the bottom line: Given the fact that this hatred is endemic among Dutch Muslims; and given the fact that their proportion and influence in the country is increasing; and given the fact that there are literally no countervailing forces, is this viewpoint going to increase or decrease? Obviously, the former. Even in the Dutch mass media there are shocking things written on a regular basis about Jews and Israel. If one cannot depend on the Netherlands to defeat this trend, there's nobody who's going to do better. Navajo, Israel conference seeks farmers They will be speaking during a free two-day conference "Navajo and Israel Agricultural Gathering for the First Nations," which will be at the Phil L. Thomas Performing Arts Center in Shiprock. The couple's visit will be paid for by several local faith-based and non-government organizations. The same groups paid for Shelly's controversial trip to Israel last December. Shelly toured the country looking for new ways to irrigate, fertilize and grow produce. He hoped Israel might be able to help find agricultural solutions because of its similar climate.  |
Biggest news of the day: Tamar field starts pumping gas Posted: 31 Mar 2013 10:00 AM PDT From YNet: The moment everyone has been waiting for has arrived: After more than four years of drilling and pipe laying, the flow of natural gas from the Tamar gas field, located some 90 km (roughly 56 miles) west of Haifa, has begun. The gas is travelling in pipes hundreds of kilometers south into the Yam Tatis gas field and from there will continue to an intake center in Ashdod, where it is expected to arrive in about 30 hours. This marks a major turning point both for Israel's economy and society and will provide the state with energy independence at least until 2035. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, "This is an important day for Israel's economy. On the holiday of freedom we are making an important step towards independence in the field of energy." He further added, "In the past decade we have pushed the gas industry forward and this will benefit Israel's economy as well as Israel's citizens." Upon its arrival to Israel, the gas will support the generation of electricity at power stations - owned both by the Israel Electric Corporation (IEC) and private companies, as well as smaller factories - gradually allowing for prices to drop as Israel's electricity shifts from expensive, polluting and import-dependant materials, such as diesel and fuel oil, to its own natural gas. The transition will also increase Israel's competitive edge in comparison to foreign industries and increase state revenue as royalties for the gas begin to roll in. It is currently estimated that there are 270 billion cubic meters of natural gas at the Tamar field. Energy and Water Minister, Silvan Shalom, said in response: "This is Israel's energy independence day. It is truly a historic event – Israel has received energetic freedom, and gas from Tamar will lead to a drastic decrease in the IEC's production costs, hence a future reduction in electricity costs for the average Israeli consumer." Yitzhak Tshuva, the owner of Delek Group, which owns Delek Drilling, said: "Today should inspire pride. A vision has become reality. Today, once again, we leave enslavement towards freedom: From dependence on foreign energy sources to independence in locally-made natural gas. "This is a momentous achievement for Israeli economy," Tsuva continued, saying a "new era| has begun, which "will change the face of the Israeli market" and "open new opportunities for Israel's economy, allowing it to take advantage of the natural gas in the environmental, geo-political, social and economical spheres, turning Israel into an important international player." Charles D. Davidson, chairman and CEO of Noble Energy said: "I congratulate the people of Israel on this transformational achievement, which significantly moves them toward energy independence and away from reliance on imports. Utilizing natural gas from Tamar will provide cleaner air, save the state billions of shekels in energy costs and be an engine for economic growth."  |
Sunday Links Part 1 Posted: 31 Mar 2013 09:00 AM PDT From Ian: Jihadis' Exploitation of Muslim Girls by Khaled Abu Toameh What is disturbing is that many Arab and Islamic human rights organizations have remained silent about the crimes committed against Muslim women throughout the Arab and Muslim world. By contrast, these organizations are often quick to denounce Westerners for "insulting" Islam by publishing photos depicting the Prophet Mohamed. If anyone is really insulting Islam, it those the Muslim fundamentalists and jihadis who show no respect for Muslim girls and treat them as sex slaves. BBC turns political activists into "aid workers" The misappropriation of terms such as "humanitarian organization", "human rights" or "aid worker" is an unfortunately common practice in the circles of anti-Israel campaigners seeking to co-opt the publicly acceptable image afforded by such terms to their political campaigns. It is regrettable that the BBC compromises its own reputation and breaches editorial guidelines on accuracy and impartiality by engaging in the same practice. The assault of female members of the convoy in Libya is horrific enough as it is: there is no need for the BBC to embellish the story by erroneously depicting the women and the group with which they were travelling as "aid workers". Palestinian imprisoned for Facebook 'Like' A Palestinian man who clicked "Like" on a Facebook status criticizing a Palestinian Authority official has been sentenced to six months in prison. Anas Ismail, 29, of Salfit, near Nablus, was found guilty of "libel and slander." Hebron cleric accuses Israel of plotting to rebuild temple A leading figure in the Muslim religious establishment said Israel has a "manifest" plan to rebuilt the Jewish Temple on the ruins of Al-Aqsa Mosque. Sheikh Taysir Rajab al-Tamimi, who heads Hebron's Sharia court, said in his Friday sermon that daily "intrusions" by Israeli MKs and Jewish leaders into the complex surrounding the holy Muslim site prove that such a plan exists, Arutz Sheva reported late Saturday. Al Jazeera reporter attacked at Sakhnin Land Day march At some point, pro-Assad protesters attacked an Al Jazeera reporter who was present at the scene, saying they resented the news network's portrayal of the conflict in Syria. Other demonstrators tried to defend the reporter, and a brawl ensued, injuring three — among them an Israeli reporter. Women and children returned to their homes as MKs attempted to break up the violence. Haniyeh in Cairo to Bemoan 'Israeli Truce Violations' Hamas leader Ismail Haniya traveled to Cairo on Saturday to discuss "Israeli violations" of truce following Operation Pillar of Defense. Last week, Hamas complained to Egypt that Israel was not keeping its end of the bargain after a rocket attack from the Gaza Strip led to Israel suspending part of the truce agreement by cutting access to fishing waters of the Kerem Shalom commercial crossing. Potential Egyptian economic collapse on Israel's doorstep The Economist describes the current situation as: Unemployment may be as high as 20%. The stock exchange this year has slumped by a tenth. Tourism, which used to account for 12% of Egypt's GDP, has evaporated. Foreign investment has dried up. Foreign reserves have shrunk. Many of Egypt's most dynamic businessmen have fled, fearing they will be arraigned for complicity with Mr Mubarak. Acts of Torture Reveal True Nature Of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood During the clashes that erupted last Friday [March 22] between the Muslim Brotherhood and protesters in Mokattam, the Brotherhood arrested left-wing activist Kamal Khalil and detained him inside a mosque. He saw a number of demonstrators stripped of their clothes and brutally flogged in the mosque, to the point that most of them lost consciousness. Brotherhood members were using a big whip to strike their victims. Khalil asked the flogger [about it], who replied: "It's a Sudanese whip. I soaked it in oil a while ago. … A single strike can cut through skin." Arrest warrant issued for 'Egyptian Jon Stewart' Popular TV satirist Bassem Youssef, whose show parodies Egyptian politics, targeted for allegedly insulting Islam and Morsi Egypt's state prosecutors ordered the arrest Saturday of a popular television satirist for allegedly insulting Islam and the country's leader, in a move that government opponents say is aimed at silencing critics of Islamist President Mohammed Morsi.
Also: "To see the NY Times gloss over this travesty of justice is journalism of the most amoral sort" Here below is the letter Frimet submitted - and that was rejected at the New York Times. Please consider passing it along to your friends, particularly those friends who read the Times and fall victim to its highly selective presentation - over many years - of the realities of the conflict between the Arabs and Israel. Ben Ehrenreich's article ["Is This Where the Third Intifada Will Start?"] is a brazen quest for confirmation of his preconceptions about the Palestinian Israeli conflict: politics blended with fantasy and embellished with every tear-jerking cliche in the book. Smiling, frolicking children; poetic "activists"; generous hostesses plying their delicacies at every turn. It is a bucolic scene that is frequently painted in anti-Israel publications. But how does the NY Times publish a piece that plays so fast and loose with fact and history? Sadly, I am well-equipped to offer some corrections and details omitted by Ehrenreich.  |
Why can't Hanan Ashrawi's Miftah apologize for publishing antisemitism? Posted: 31 Mar 2013 07:00 AM PDT Last week I exposed a truly vile anti-semitic article on the website of the Miftah NGO founded by Hanan Ashrawi, claiming that Jews drink Christian blood on Passover. Yesterday, instead of apologizing for the offensive article and condemning the anti-semitism that they legitimized, Miftah attacked me for publicizing it and asking for their funders to ask questions about where their money is going. They wrote that I "wrongly accused MIFTAH and Dr. Ashrawi of promoting Jewish blood libel during Passover through its publication of an Arabic-language article that briefly addressed the subject" - yet I showed this is exactly what they did by any definition! Indeed, Miftah's reaction tells us more about the organization than the original, offensive article did. They said they removed the article not because it was a sickening piece of antisemitic trash, but because it might invite "further misunderstanding." Even their pathetic denial that they promoted the Jewish blood libel is belied by the fact that they consciously chose to publish an article, during Passover, that did precisely that. The clear message that Miftah is giving its audience is that they believe that the classic anti-Jewish blood libel is acceptable discourse in Palestinian Arab society, and merely part of (as they call it) a fulfillment of "mandate for open dialogue." If I was a funding NGO, I would be far more concerned over Miftah's defense of its publishing the article than the article itself. After all, they had time to craft an appropriate apology to Jews worldwide, and a condemnation of the article and of its author - and they refused to do so. Any Western newspaper, organization or major website would have not only fallen over themselves to distance themselves from the Jew-hatred exhibited in Miftah, but they would have fired the writer and the editor on the spot. Why didn't Miftah? The only possible explanation is that Miftah does not truly consider this article to be offensive. They think that those pesky Jews are making a big deal out of nothing. They believe that Jews are bloodthirsty anyway (at least the Zionist variety) and to Miftah it is not a great leap to say that Jews must have been that way forever. The site has literally hundreds of articles accusing Israeli Jews of "ethnic cleansing" of Arabs, to give only a tiny example of lies that Miftah accepts and promotes as fact. A previous Miftah article states that "there are documented reports from Haiti that organs are being stolen by Israelis without international justice intervening to put an end to such criminal practices against innocent vulnerable people." When the editors of Miftah believe such things already, how much of a stretch is it to believe that Jews ritually murder non-Jews to drink their blood? Miftah's response was that "its work speaks for itself." I hope every funder of Miftah takes that statement very, very seriously when deciding whether to continue to send money to an organization that is utterly unrepentant about publishing pure hate. And if Miftah belatedly issues a vague statement condemning antisemitism (probably together with one condemning Israel), we now know that it is only doing it to protect its funding and not because it actually considers antisemitism to be abhorrent. That train has already left the station. Here again is the contact information of some of the NGOs that financially support Miftah: Representative Office of Norway TWITTER @NorwayMFA The Anna Lindh Foundation Facebook TWITTER - @AnnaLindh Oxfam UK Facebook TWITTER - @OXFAM National Endownment for Democracy Facebook TWITTER - @NEDemocracy Secretariat for Consulate of Italy in Jerusalem @FarnesinaPress Heinrich Böll Foundation Facebook Arab Middle East FB TWITTER - @boell_stiftung Austrian Development Agency Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ireland contact page List of Twitter contacts TWITTER - @dfatirl Konrad Adenauer Foundation - Palestinian Territories TWITTER - @KASOnline International Republican Institute webpage contact TWITTER - IRIGlobal UNESCO - English media editor TWITTER - @UNESCO  |
Palestinian Arabs describe torture - in PA prisons Posted: 31 Mar 2013 05:00 AM PDT From a lengthy article in The Daily Mail: You try your best to avoid being violent,' the Palestinian security man tells me. 'But in cases where the data is strong, and the prisoner is not co-operating, and when there might be harm done to others – then you must be. 'I'm not going to lie to you. Torture is used. We have to protect our people.' 'If you are not sure of the case, I assure you, torture is not going to be used. But if you feel you're not getting what you want – well, then the decision will depend on the investigator's patience and the importance of the information he needs. 'In the Nineties, we used to torture them badly. We beat them hard and we made them like a car that doesn't function. But we were defending our home, the region and the rest of the world. I am happy it was justified.' Nowadays, he adds, the preferred method is termed 'shabeh' – the hooding and tying of the prisoner in a variety of agonising positions for up to eight hours. He does not elaborate on the details, but claims: 'It works with 95 per cent of the subjects.' It also takes considerable skill: 'You have to deal with it as if you were playing a guitar. Each case has its own speciality.' This extraordinary interview is the first admission by a former perpetrator of the widespread torture of Palestinians – not by Israel, but by the Palestinian Authority (PA) which governs the Israeli-occupied West Bank. It was given to me last week in a dusty Palestinian city. Across the table was a well-dressed, middle-aged family man with an infectious smile – a former PA official. He spoke only on the strictest condition of anonymity as he feared becoming a torture victim himself should his identity become public. But he wanted to speak out because he was sure that the ends – a Palestinian state and the defeat of extremism – justify the means. But perhaps the most shocking revelation is that torture sessions still being perpetrated by his former colleagues are financed with Britain's help. Our taxpayers give £33 million direct to the PA, while £53 million is donated by Britain for various aid projects – more UK aid per head than we give any other nation. Then again, Britain's Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, which has officers based in Jerusalem, works closely with the Palestinian agencies that carry out the torture, seeing them as sources of valuable intelligence. The UK also provides and pays for the training of middle and senior ranking officers from every PA security agency, including the General Intelligence Service or Mukhabarat, the Preventive Security Organisation, Military Intelligence and the ordinary police force. Ironically, the training includes courses on the need to respect human rights and the rule of law. 'Yes, the British are very interested in human rights,' adds the Palestinian security man. 'They say, "We can't convince British taxpayers [to continue to fund the PA] if you violate them." So we do our best. But it happens.' Just what 'it' means was described by a very recent victim, a professional man in his 40s who was freed without charge two weeks ago after more than a month in Mukhabarat detention. 'For most of the time I was held, they gave me shabeh every day,' he says. 'Always I was hooded, and sometimes they tied my arms in front of me and attached me to the wall, leaving me like that for long, long hours, on tiptoes. You have pain in the arms, in the legs and in the body, and swelling in your muscles. Often I could also hear screaming from the prisoners. 'But it was worse when they suspended me with my arms tied behind me. Your body is curved, like a banana. Most of the time they do not let your feet touch the ground.' He showed me his arms and hands – they were still puffy and swollen. 'During the shabeh, they looked much worse,' he added. In another variant, the suspect was hog-tied – laid on his back on top of a chair with his wrists and ankles lashed together beneath the seat. Usually the torture happened at night: 'When you're exhausted, they take you back to your cell.' He was arrested because someone claimed he had an illegal weapon. 'But I've never had a weapon and I am opposed to Islamic extremists. I've criticised the PA at social gatherings – maybe that's why someone denounced me. That was the worst thing of all – that I was in jail at the hands of my own Authority.' According to the Palestinians' own official monitor, the Independent Commission on Human Rights (ICHR), the number of victims in corroborated and documented cases of torture has surged from 112 in 2011 to 160 last year. And ICHR director Randa Siniora says the increase is continuing. A few days after meeting the security man, I travelled to the courthouse in Jericho – supposedly a showcase for UK-funded PA justice. Sitting on a bench in the crowded hall was Khalil Fanouneh, 61, from Hebron, a city in the West Bank. Khalil said his son, Maher, 38, a paint salesman, had been arrested by the Mukhabarat on February 24. Today, the hearing was brief because another lawyer failed to show up. The case was adjourned until April 7 – leaving Maher in custody. But before he was led away, he started shouting: 'I have not slept for more than a week! The law forbids torture, so please be fair to us, we shouldn't have to go through torture, we shouldn't be subjected to shabeh. Please, judges, put a stop to it.' Ahmad Toubasi, the court's chief judge – aware the room was filled with clean-shaven Mukhabarat agents in dark, shiny suits – looked scared and horrified. 'You tell your lawyer about the torture,' he said, motioning to the guards to remove the prisoner. Then Khalil stood up from his seat on the public benches: 'I am his father! Please, do something!' The judge told him to be silent. The Mukhabarat men followed me back to the hall. There Samir Abu Arrah, their staff legal adviser, accosted me. 'Maher probably just said this to get the sympathy of the judge,' he said dismissively. 'I can assure you no torture has taken place.' Mohammed Jamil, head of the UK-based Arab Organisation for Human Rights, which has published several reports on PA abuse, said such visits were futile. 'They have been going for years, but nothing has changed. Britain has the power to stop the torture, but it will require much tougher action,' he said. The ICHR's Ms Siniora added: 'There is no doubt things are getting worse. Last year, we inspected one prison where there was clear evidence of shabeh – we saw the hooks on the walls. But as our 2012 report will say when it is published, not one of the cases of torture that came to light has been properly investigated. 'There is no accountability. There is a culture of impunity – there has not been a single case of an official involved in torture being prosecuted.' On Wednesday, she added, she was visited by a senior British official from Jerusalem. 'I told him, "You are supporting the security agencies and you are training them. You have a very big responsibility for ensuring that your taxpayers' money is not spent on torture." ' But PA torture does not often make UK headlines. And liaisons are close between MI6 and the Mukhabarat, the very agency responsible for the worst abuse. (h/t Uzi)  |
Lebanese newspaper also says Jews drink Christian blood on Passover Posted: 31 Mar 2013 01:00 AM PDT As I wrote previously, the anti-semitism in Hanan Ashrawi's Miftah NGO is not an anomaly, rather, it represents mainstream Arab opinion. From MEMRI: On March 28, 2013, the Lebanese daily Al-Sharq published an article by Lebanese writer Sana Kojok that claimed that during Passover, the Jews eat matzah made with the blood of non-Jews. The article also called on the Palestinians to turn the Israelis' holiday from one of joy and pleasure into one of weeping and wailing. Following are excerpts from the article: "... The Zionist Jews have special holidays dedicated to them: Sukkot... on which they witness the beginning of the agrarian year... Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, which they celebrate for eight days, [and during which] they light candles every evening; for them, this holiday symbolizes the Jews' celebrations of the victory over the Greek rulers! [During] the holiday of masks, Purim, which is celebrated in early spring, religious Jews tell the story of Queen Esther, drink alcohol, and dress in costume. "However, during the Jewish holiday of Passover, which begins today, strange and bizarre rituals are held, according to instructions by the Talmud: Houses are cleared of all leaven, that is, all bread and bread products containing yeast, which are called 'hametz' in Hebrew. Yesterday, they burned the bread in their homes because this needs to be done one day prior to the holiday. "Additionally, on the holiday eve, the Zionist Jews eat unleavened bread which during its preparation is mixed with blood – but that blood must be from a non-Jew!! This unleavened bread is called 'matzah.' "Imagine someone eating matzah made with blood!? How do these barbarians think?? Such barbaric behavior – even in eating and drinking?! "Their 'precious' Talmud states: 'In certain cases, a man can kill a devil if he prepares the Passover matzah properly. The Jews have two blood-soaked events that satisfy God's will – one is the holiday of matzah containing human blood, and the other is the circumcision of our children...' "The matzah referred to here is the matzah of the Jewish holiday of Passover! "Today, they are not satisfied only with eating their blood-soaked matzah. Today, [there is a call] for settlers to invade the holy Al-Aqsa Mosque and celebrate Passover [there]. "How can the world expect us to negotiate with people who crave the blood of human beings – not only in their wars, but even in their holidays?? If they want to conduct their ceremonies and their witchcraft, let them do so – but without provoking Palestinian feelings, and without harming the holy tenets of Christianity and Islam. "Their damned Talmud neither respects nor recognizes any monotheistic religion. The Palestinians should challenge the Zionist aggressors and turn their holiday from one of joy and pleasure at the taste of blood into one of weeping and wailing." The article then goes on to quote the bogus " prophecy" of "former US president Benjamin Franklin." Notice that there is no pushback within the Arab world for either of these cases of the classic Jewish blood libel being disseminated in mainstream media and respected NGOs. It is simply accepted as fact. Apologists may try to say that these viewpoints are aberrations, but the silence that accompanies them - and the refusal of a single prominent Arab to condemn them in Arabic - tells us much more than the antisemitic articles themselves do. (h/t Elihu)  |
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