Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Islamists protest film about Jews at Tangier Film Festival
- EoZ in Israel next week
- Tuesday links
- More hypocrisy and lies from the BDS crowd. Pretty funny, actually.
- A quick independent look at Palestinian Arab textbooks
- 4 more Pals killed in Syria - but by mentioning it I'm engaging in "Assad-washing"
- Stop the presses: Syrian sheikh declares honor killings wrong!
- Bizarre Arab rumor: Qatar gave $250M to Hamas - to protect Egypt's Morsi
Islamists protest film about Jews at Tangier Film Festival Posted: 05 Feb 2013 08:05 PM PST Last year I reported about a film made by an Arab about the Jews of Morocco: Now the film is being shown at a Moroccan film festival - and the Islamists aren't happy. Hundreds protested the film at a festival in Tangier, shouting "No to normalization with Israel!" The director, when asked his reaction, shrugged and simply said they could watch the film if they wanted and decide then. Naturally, this wasn't what they wanted to hear. |
Posted: 05 Feb 2013 03:00 PM PST It's been three years, and way past time to visit Israel again. I'm planning to leave in a week for a two-week stay. While I am there, with whatever spare time I have I'd like to make some videos for the blog. I'll be doing interviews and stories you would never see in the mainstream media. I have a few topics and people lined up, but am looking for more ideas. So if you are a famous writer or politician who is also a secret EoZ fan (that means you, Bibi!) or someone I've criticized who wants to set the record straight, or anyone else who thinks they might have a good idea for a video, or you have something fantastic that I really must check out around Jerusalem that no one knows about - please let me know. If I like the idea, I might do it - and give you a video hat tip! |
Posted: 05 Feb 2013 01:00 PM PST From Ian: Douglas Murray: Take Iran at Its Word Diplomats still think the answer to the nuclear standoff is to talk to Tehran. Perhaps because they don't believe what the regime says. "In his remarks, Rafael Bardaji, a former national security advisor to the Spanish prime minister, relayed his tale of meeting with Khamenei some years back. Summoned to breakfast while on a visit to Iran, the Spanish guests decided to ask an ice-breaking question: Within the apparently complex power structure of contemporary Iran, what was the Supreme Leader's job? How Ed Koch Honored My Son by Judea Pearl The late New York mayor told me he wanted to be remembered by my son Daniel Pearl's final words: 'I am Jewish.' "The echo of Danny's words has not subsided. Koch took the dramatic act of putting it on his tombstone, but many others carry Danny's words and are nurtured by them, quietly. For the book, we commissioned many prominent Jews to reflect on what the phrase "I am Jewish" meant to them, and Koch was one of the 300 people we asked. Koch sent in an essay mainly expressing anger about the terrorists—how they act against civilized society, and how they should be dealt with. It was about our world and how we got into this war, and we felt it didn't fit the theme. The theme was what does being Jewish mean to you, a very personal question, and we asked Koch if he'd be open to revising it. Koch's answer was definitive: That's how I feel, he said, and I can't change it." Israeli writer targeted for massive hate mail from Ireland after column "A Jerusalem Post columnist has said she has been targeted for vicious anti-Semitic mail from Ireland after writing about anti-Jewish comments she heard in County Kerry. PMW: US behind civil wars and atrocities in Arab countries "The official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper has accused the United States of ordering radical Islamists to commit atrocities in order to justify America's war on terror and its actions against Arabs. Song dedicated to Palestinian prisoners honors arch-terrorists, on PA TV VIDEO All Quiet on the Gaza Front It will take more than two months without rocket fire for this Israeli border town to return to normalcy. "And then, for the first time since the early days of the last decade, the rocket fire stopped. Not stopped in the sense that the frequency of attacks on the town had been reduced -- even during official cease-fires, of which there have been four in the last six years, the town withstood occasional fire. Rather, for the first time, they have been totally stopped. December of 2012 was the first month since 2004 that there had been no rocket fire on Israel from the Gaza Strip. The official statistics aren't out yet, but January of 2013 will almost certainly be the second." NY Daily News: Israel in the dock "UN Human Rights Council is unfit to judge the Middle East's only democracy Refusing to be stomped by the kangaroo in a kangaroo court, Israel has declined to participate in a United Nations dissection of its moral standing in the world." Andres Oppenheimer: Argentina-Iran deal makes a mockery of justice "My opinion: Argentina has crossed a line by making a deal with the prime suspect in the 1994 terrorist attack. Iran Calls For Third Intifada At Conference Honoring Gaza "The two-day conference, held on January 17-18, was attended by senior Iranian officials, including Majlis Speaker Ali Larijani, who described Israel as "a Zionist plague that arrived in the Middle East," and his advisor Hossein Sheikh Al-Islam, who called to launch a third Intifada in the West Bank." Was Iran really responsible for Lockerbie bombing? French spy expert claims that CIA and FBI know but have covered the information up "Ignored for almost 25-years as an unverified conspiracy theory, the respected New York Times journalist and Middle-East expert Robert Worth claims in a recent piece that a former CIA operative confirmed to him an Iranian role in the December bombing. Iran reportedly refuses Assad request to hit back at Israel Tehran tells president to 'take care of your business' after air strike, Israeli TV says; analyst worries about rash of Syrian TV interviews demanding attacks on the Golan 'Argo' a runaway hit in Iran Hundreds of thousands of bootleg DVDs of film on the 1979 Iran hostage crisis reportedly circulating in the Islamic Republic Ground control to Major Ahmadinejad Iranian leader wants to be the 'first human' sent to space by Iran, thwarting 'devil's hatred' of 'Iranian greatness' "Space tourist Anousheh Ansari was the first Iranian to make a journey into space aboard a Soyuz TMA-9 capsule from Baikonur, Kazakhastan, in September 2006. The 40-year-old telecommunications entrepreneur paid a reported $20 million for a space station visit. Her journey became an inspiration to women in male-dominated Iran." McCain Compares Ahmadinejad to Monkey, Sparking Outrage "Sen. McCain came under fire after posting tweet comparing Ahmadinejad to the monkey the Iranian government claims it launched into space. Official: Turkish tirades reveal 'brazen hypocrisy' Israeli official says Turkey's leaders have become "laughingstock of the international community with their self-righteous discourse." Turkish Politician: Gov't Cooperated with Israel in Syria Attack Vice Chairman of the Turkish Labor Party accuses the Erdogan government of working with Israel to carry out an alleged airstrike in Syria. 100 imams to commemorate Holocaust in France Following visit to Yad Vashem, Muslim leaders to hold memorial in Drancy, where Jews were held before being transported to extermination camps Blood test for Alzheimer's An Israeli company's experimental blood test can detect dementia while the disease is still mild enough to treat more effectively. "Today one of the main weaknesses in the Alzheimer's area is that patients don't find out until it's too late," says Ilya Budik, CEO of NeuroQuest, an Israeli company developing a novel blood test for early detection of the most common cause of dementia worldwide. Also: Is Palestinian-Israeli Peace the Key to Happiness in the Middle East? (Jeffrey Goldberg) (h/t Silke) Among many Middle East analysts, particularly those of the so-called "realist" school of foreign policy thought, "linkage" is a holy doctrine. It holds that peaceful compromise between Israel and the Palestinians will lead to a generally placid Middle East. But it's a false notion. One of its more famous advocates is Chuck Hagel, President Obama's nominee to be secretary of defense. Saudi preacher who raped, murdered daughter freed (Ynet) (h/t Al Gharqad) |
More hypocrisy and lies from the BDS crowd. Pretty funny, actually. Posted: 05 Feb 2013 11:00 AM PST Another day, another new initiative to boycott Israel: Activists are gearing up for a day of action on 9 February that will target Israeli agricultural export companies such as Mehadrin and Hadakalim over their role in Israeli settlements and the dispossession of Palestinian farmers.Once again, a bunch of tiny self-proclaimed leaders who pretend to speak for all Palestinian Arab farmers are saying that they want to kill the farms, since the bulk of exports from the Palestinian Arab territories use Israeli exporters. The reality is, of course, quite different, as real Palestinian Arab farmers work closely with Israel in order to maximize their efficiencies and profits: On Tuesday (29.1), the Civil Administration coordinated and funded the departure of about 150 Palestinians agriculture workers from Judea and Samaria to the exhibition "Cleantech" - the 17th annual international event for water technologies, energy efficiency , renewable energy, green building , recycling and green transportation, that take place at the Israel Trade Fairs and Conventions Center, Tel-Aviv.. Through the exhibition, the Agriculturists explored the developments in green agricultural.Idon't know who these farmers are if they are cooperating with Israel and defying the "agricultural organizations" whose entire purpose is anti-Israel and whose websites often have nothing to say about farming. One part of the screed was interesting: Earlier Corporate Watch research had shown that Palestinians forced to work in packing houses controlled by Mehadrin are paid as little as 56 shekels ($15) per day.They are forced to work for Mehadrin? is it at gunpoint, or does their employer use whips and keep them in chains? And what evidence is there that they are being paid $56 a day? Well, three years ago, an anti-Israel organization asked a few Arab workers who were willing to speak to them what they were paid. That's the "proof." If it is true, then Mehadrin may be breaking the law according to this organization. I'm not aware of any lawsuits brought by "Corporate Watch" on their behalf, though. It must not have been very important. There are a couple of funny parts about this complaint. One can presume that most Jordan Valley workers for Israeli companies are employed without permits. Companies argue that employment law should follow Jordanian law, not Israeli law, which is how they justify giving a lower salary to those without permits. Yet 2011 statistics show that the poor salaries that Palestinian Arab workers get for illegally working for Israeli companies is roughly the average salary of West Bank Palestinian Arabs who work for Arabs! So while it is possible that Mehadrin or others are not paying the rates they should, it is apparent that the Palestinian Arab workers are getting the market rates, and they are hardly being "forced" to work for the hated Jews. They can always quit! But even funnier is that anti-Israel organizations don't usually complain that the Jews are paying the Palestinian Arabs too little - but that they pay too much! The same 2011 article notes: The increase in the percentage of those employed in settlements does not fit with the Palestinian Authority (PA) plan to completely prevent Palestinian labourers from working in settlements, and to render such work illegal as of 2012. Originally the PA intended to impose punishments of up to five years imprisonment and financial penalties of some US $14,000. The Palestinian Minister of Labour Ahmad Majdalani noted in December 2010 that his ministry is cooperating with the national economic office to establish a fund for loans to workers employed in settlements.In short:
The disconnect between the BDSers and the people they pretend to care about can hardly be any starker. The explanation, of course, is the same explanation that answers nearly every Middle East enigma involving Israel since 1948: the people who pretend to be "pro-Palestinian" are really just against the rights of Jews to have any political power or self-determination. Once you understand that, the inconsistencies fall away. |
A quick independent look at Palestinian Arab textbooks Posted: 05 Feb 2013 09:00 AM PST Many of the official Palestinian Authority textbooks are online, and the books available for download. So you don't have to be a university researcher to see what they say - you just need someone to translate them. I asked good friend of EoZ, Al Gharqad, to do a quick survey of these materials and see if there is anything that might raise an eyebrow among normal, liberal Westerners. Here's what he found within only a couple of hours: Second grade of primary school (7-8 years old kids), "National Education" Page 10, line 3: Har Meron ("Jabal Al-Jarmaq") listed as one of the most famous mountains of " Tourism: lists "Palestinian" tourist sites, such as Caesarea, Fifth grade (10-11 year old kids), "National Education" p. 30: "The Palestinian people trace their origin back to the Cana'anites who emigrated to Ninth grade (15 year old kids), "Modern Arab History" p. 54: "The European Imperialist powers began to spread the Zionist thought among the Jews themselves in order to hasten the creation of the state of Israel in Palestine, because of their common interests with the Jews on the one hand, and in order to get rid of them (of the Jews) and remove them from their countries on the other hand." p. 56 ("Palestine after WW2"): "Zionism transferred its base from the p. 57 ("The Second Intifada – the Al-Aqsa Intifada"): "(The Initifada) broke out in September 2000, for many reasons, among them: the failure of the Second Camp David Summit which was convened by USA President Bill Clinton between the Palestinian National Authority and Israel in order to outline the parameters of the permanent solution to the Palestinian issue, Israel's foot-dragging in carrying out the agreements it signed with the Palestinian leadership, and its attempt to establish facts on the ground through Zionist settlements in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip. The immediate reason for (the Intifada) was the entrance of Sharon, the leader of the Likud party, to the gardens of the Al-Aqsa mosque." Modern World History for 10th grade (16 year olds) p. 53, listed among the aims of Zionism: "(For Israel to) Possess all the elements of economic and military power which enable it to defend itself, as well as attack, and offering services to the imperialist countries." Palestinian Media Watch did a more comprehensive analysis in 2007, with lots more examples. But the things found here took essentially no time to find - it is endemic throughout the curricula. |
4 more Pals killed in Syria - but by mentioning it I'm engaging in "Assad-washing" Posted: 05 Feb 2013 07:15 AM PST Palestine Today reports four more Palestinian Arabs killed in Syria in the past couple of days. But don't expect to find anything about this in the "pro-Palestinian" Electronic Intifada site. In fact, if I dare to mention Palestinian Arabs being killed in Syria, I'm engaging in a horrible crime myself. One that the human rights defenders in EI call "Assad-washing." Really! Already last April, they were getting nervous that the tens of thousands being killed in Syria were taking world attention away from the Palestinian Arabs who are living in comparative safety. So Electronic Intifada wrote an op-ed saying that evil Zionists are using massacres in Syria to divert the world's attention from Palestinian Arabs in the territories getting what are, in comparison, papercuts. The Israeli government and its supporters have long utilized a wide range of propaganda tools to sugarcoat Israel's atrocities against the Palestinians. In addition to pinkwashing (using Israel's relative support of gay rights to sugarcoat the country's apartheid nature) and greenwashing (perpetuating the perception that Israel has environmentally-friendly policies to do the same), Zionist advocates are now using a different method: Assadwashing.So this is how the liberals at EI justify their relative silence when Palestinian Arabs - whom they pretend to love so much - are being slaughtered. They don't want to be Assadwashers! Keep in mind that since the Syrian revolution began, far more Palestinian Arabs have been killed in Syria than in Gaza and the West Bank combined. But keep that under your hat, because even mentioning Palestinian Arabs being killed by Syria is evidently a strict taboo among the "pro-Palestinian" crowd. |
Stop the presses: Syrian sheikh declares honor killings wrong! Posted: 05 Feb 2013 05:45 AM PST What does it say that when an ounce of sanity comes to the Muslim world - it is newsworthy? Following are excerpts from an address by Syrian Sunni cleric Karim Rajeh, which aired on Al-Hiwar TV on January 27, 2013. |
Bizarre Arab rumor: Qatar gave $250M to Hamas - to protect Egypt's Morsi Posted: 05 Feb 2013 02:49 AM PST According to the rumor, the letter is from Assistant Qatari Foreign Minister Ali Bin Fahad Alshahuati Hajri to Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim, confirming the transfer of the qusrter billion dollars on the orders of Sheikh Hamad bin Jassim, to Khaled Meshaal by Qatar Central Bank, in order to "help empower the Egyptian president and preserve his life and the stability of the administration of the country for as long as possible." A quick glance at even the poor quality of this "letter" indicates a bad cut and paste job of the text underneath a Qatari foreign ministry letterhead; the two parts are not even in alignment. Apparently someone created this on Facebook and it was picked up as news in many Arab media outlets. The fact that it was spread so quickly indicates that there are many, many Arabs who are alarmed by Morsi's Islamism - and they believe that the easiest way to discredit him is to link him to Hamas! So even though the rumor holds no water, the existence of the rumor does tell us a lot about what many Arabs - specifically Gulf Arabs - think about the Islamist takeover of Egypt, and especially that they have no love for Hamas, and for Qatar's recent financial and political support of Hamas. |
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