PLO mission in US honors Helen Thomas Posted: 01 Apr 2012 06:33 PM PDT From Palestine Press Agency: The High Commission for the Palestine Liberation Organization in Washington honored the American journalist and writer of Lebanese descent, Helen Thomas. The award ceremony was held at the home of President of the Commission General of the PLO in Washington, Ambassador Maen Rashid Ereikat, in recognition of the long path of Thomas in the field of journalism and writing, which has long defended the Palestinian cause. The ceremony was attended by a group of ambassadors, diplomats and representatives of the Arab embassies, journalists and human rights associations and American Arab leaders in the United States, with the participation of a member of the Executive Committee of the Palestine Liberation Organization Hanan Ashrawi. Ashrawi gave Thomas a medal on behalf of President Mahmoud Abbas, and forwarded her greetings and appreciation of the president and the Palestinian leadership, for all she did to help the Palestinian cause in the West. Ambassador Ereikat gave a certificate of appreciation to Thomas on behalf of the Commissioner General of the Palestine Liberation Organization in Washington, praised her achievements that she always talked about our people's right to liberty and self-determination. He also expressed his thanks to Thomas on behalf of all Palestinians in the homeland and diaspora, emphasizing the importance of all that put forward for the rights of our people deprived of the American political landscape. Hey, the PLO honors terrorists, child killers and someone who helped the Nazis with their genocide against Jews. What's wrong with honoring a mere anti-semite as well? (h/t @ChallahHuAkbar)  
Gazans continue to suffer from Hamas' fuel crisis Posted: 01 Apr 2012 04:42 PM PDT Three children died in a house fire in Gaza when their portable heater exploded. A fourth is in critical condition. Qatar is said to be shipping 25,000 tons of diesel for Gaza's power plant; the fuel is on its way to El Arish and is expected to arrive in a couple of days. No word on how Egypt would transfer it to Gaza, however. Otherwise, nothing's changed. Hamas has clamped down on any complaints about the crisis so no one is blaming Hamas. Even AFP has gone back to reporting on the crisis without mentioning its origins in Hamas' political decisions. Ambulances have no fuel. Hamas is playing a waiting game with its citizens, and so far, it is winning - because no one in the Arab world has the guts to publicly castigate them for their role in this crisis.  
Israel, Greece in joint naval drill Posted: 01 Apr 2012 12:16 PM PDT Found on Hezbollah's Al Manar website: Israel, the United States and Greece are in the midst of a naval exercise in the Mediterranean Sea, in what Greek media outlets are saying is a message to Turkey following frayed ties with both the Zionist entity and Greece, Israeli daily Haaretz reported. The exercise, called "Noble Dina," involves simulations of combat against submarines, air battles and protection of offshore natural gas platforms. The U.S. Sixth Fleet is also participating in the exercise, which the Greek media, which first reported on it, has described as being meant to send a message to Turkey. Israeli occupation military sources confirmed that the exercise was taking place, but refused to convey additional details. The exercise began on March 26 and is scheduled to end on April 5. According to reports in the Greek media, the exercise began at an American military base in Crete. Reportedly participating in the exercise are a Greek navy destroyer and submarine, an Israeli Navy sailing vessel and several U.S. Sixth Fleet battleships, along with Israeli, Greek and American fighter jets and helicopters. According to a report published on the Greek website, part of the exercise will take place off the coast of Turkey, near the Greek island Mais. The exercise will continue off the southern coast of Cyprus before concluding in Haifa port. Ha'aretz adds some detail: Until 2009, Israel's Navy and the U.S. Sixth Fleet conducted a large yearly exercise with the Turkish navy called "Reliant Mermaid." Following the deterioration in Israel-Turkey relations in recent years and Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's decisionto freeze military cooperation with Israel, the exercise was cancelled. Last April, Israel and the U.S. decided to renew the exercise, but changed its name to Noble Dina. Greece, which was invited to participate instead of Turkey, jumped at the offer, which it saw as a political achievement vis-à-vis Turkey. Relations between the two countries are currently tense due to Turkish threats to act against Cyprus' natural gas platforms, in which Greece has interests. Al Manar clearly got the story from Ha'aretz, but it is always fun to see what they keep and what they take out, while not admitting their Zionist source.  
Israel, High Tech Superpower (video) Posted: 01 Apr 2012 10:35 AM PDT Nice to see this making it to the mainstream media. (h/t Yoel)  
Sky News: "Advanced" Iranian plans to attack Jewish, Western targets in Turkey Posted: 01 Apr 2012 09:05 AM PDT From Sky News: Intelligence agencies are searching for members of a secret Iranian network of assassins under orders to attack Jewish, Israeli and Western targets in Turkey. According to intelligence sources, the organisation behind the attack is known as Unit 400, a secret part of the al Quds Brigade, which falls under the direct command of Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, Iran's Supreme Leader. "Unit 400 of the Qods Force has been developing in the last few months a standing operating procedure for carrying out an attack in Turkey against western targets as well as Israeli and Jewish. It is our firm assessment that these procedures are in a very advanced stage, and that the intention is to act on the plans very soon," an intelligence source told Sky News. There is also evidence that Unit 400 has been given instructions to carry out more frequent and more daring 'terror' attacks around the world as a demonstration of 'Iran's asymmetric power' - in the face of the growing threat of Israeli or American air strikes on its alleged nuclear weapons programme, the sources said. The sources named a senior officer in Unit 400 as being a key Iranian agent who "has been working up plans for potential attacks in European countries". "Unit 400 is a top-secret "special ops" unit within the elite overseas wing of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Qods Force (IRGC-QF). It plans and carries out terror attacks on external targets, and provides material support to foreign militia groups, at the direct behest of the Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei. This is in accordance with the regime's core strategic considerations about how best to challenge perceived enemies in Israel and the west - through asymmetric warfare - and to cope with mounting international pressure over its nuclear programme," a secret study by a foreign intelligence agency said. Several international intelligence sources confirmed that Ali Khamenei controlled the Quds Force through his close ally Qassem Suleiman. "He runs the whole thing - directly. [Mahmoud] Ahmedinajad [the Iranian president] makes all the noise and gets the attention but it's the Supreme Leader who is in charge of what is going on especially when it comes to international operations," said a senior intelligence official. Turkey has been the scene of at least two attempts against Israeli targets in recent years - in 2009, 2010, and in 2011 when six Turkish civilians were injured during an attack blamed on Unit 400 on the Israeli consul in Istanbul. Unit 400 is also identified in the document as being behind the failed plot to assassinate the Saudi Ambassador to Washington using Mexican drug mafia last year. The commanders of Unit 400 have been identified as Hamed Abdellahi and Majid Alavi who is a former deputy minister in Iran's Ministry of Intelligence and Security. "[The] Supreme Leader makes a decision to conduct an attack, the Unit activates a cell to perform it and recruits foreign agents as required… Training is sometimes given in Iran, as was the case prior to an attempted attack on the Israeli consul in Istanbul in 2011, and additional countries in the Middle East and Europe are used in order to blur Iran's connection to the attack," an intelligence document obtained by Sky says. "The overall picture is one of an organisation which reaches out across the globe to commit carefully planned terror attacks of its own accord, as well as to arm proxy groups that will do so on its behest."  
Hamas celebrates anniversary of Haifa restaurant bombing Posted: 01 Apr 2012 07:30 AM PDT Hamas newspaper Palestine Times has a featured article celebrating the ten year anniversary of the bombing of the Arab-owned Matza restaurant in Haifa, that killed 16 Israeli civilians. The article includes photos of the bomber as well as of the devastation to the restaurant, whose roof collapsed from the force of the explosion. The article claims that the bomber intended to blow himself up in the nearby Grand Canyon shopping center but the security there made him change his plans to the nearby restaurant filled with Israeli families enjoying their Passover vacation. From the New York Times: The Matza restaurant was one of those rare places in Israel where Jews felt they could find refuge in the company of Arabs. But it turned out, none of them were safe. Although the restaurant's proprietors and many of its staff members are Arabs, a suicide bomber from the Islamic group Hamas walked through the door today and detonated his charge in the middle of the room, blasting screws and other shrapnel into people eating a late lunch. He killed himself and 14 others, blowing the roof off the restaurant and spraying blood against the chrome table legs and glass out into the parking lot. Witnesses described a wreckage of burning bodies and jumbled furniture, in which one woman bent over a wounded son, beside the bodies of her husband and another child. The dead included Israeli Arabs, the police said, but the authorities were still trying to identify some of the remains tonight. The attack shocked both Arabs and Jews, who felt that the restaurant was a haven. ''Everyone knew this was an Arab restaurant, and we were not afraid,'' said Zeghain Amar, an Israeli Arab whose father, the Matza's cashier, was wounded. ''We had excellent relations between Arabs and Jews -- regular customers. I'm very, very upset.'' The victims: Ron family Aviel Ron, 54, of Haifa Anat Ron, 21, of Haifa Ofer Ron, 18, of Haifa Koren family Shimon Koren, 55, of Haifa Ran Koren, 18, of Haifa Gal Koren, 15, of Haifa Shiran family Adi Shiran, 17, of Haifa Shimon Shiran, 57, of Haifa – died of his injuries on April 11, 2009 after remaining hospitalized for seven years. Additional victims Suheil Adawi, 32, of Turan Dov Chernobroda, 67, of Haifa Moshe Levin, 52, of Haifa Danielle Menchel, 22, of Haifa Orly Ofir, 16, of Haifa Ya'akov Shani, 53, of Haifa Daniel Carlos Wegman, 50, of Haifa Carlos Yerushalmi, 52, of Karkur – died of his injuries on April 1, 2002 Interestingly, this happened right at the beginning of Israel's Operation Defensive Shield that was meant to stop such attacks. The New York Times quoted Israeli "experts" as to how it is impossible to stop suicide bombings: Many Israeli commentators are wondering how it will stop suicide attackers, who are now striking almost anywhere, among religious Jews, secular Jews and now even Israeli Arabs. The attackers have been men and women, young and old, Palestinian and even, in one case, an Israeli Arab. Nahum Barnea, the respected columnist for the newspaper Yediot Ahronot, wrote today that Palestinian terrorism was becoming ''a popular sport, the grand aspiration of thousands of young Palestinian girls and boys. ''You can kill, deport and deter professionals,'' he added. ''There is no military way to fight suicide bombers.'' We know now that Israel did stop the suicide bombings, with a combination of offensive thrusts into terrorist enclaves, a huge push to improve intelligence, and the building of the security fence. The "experts" were wrong, which is a good thing to keep in mind when you read analyses today about how other things are supposedly impossible as well.  
Official Malaysian sermon: Jews are a "brutal race" and Muslims' main enemy Posted: 01 Apr 2012 06:00 AM PDT From the Malaysian Insider: The Federal Territories' official sermon today [March 30] told Muslims Jews are their main enemy as proven by their ego and murderous acts. The Friday sermon, delivered at lunchtime in mosques across the capital city, said Muslims must "free your brethren in Palestine from the grasp of Zionist rule and economic siege by donating money, food, medicine and whatever is suitable." "Firstly, Muslims must understand Jews are the main enemy to Muslims as proven by their egotistical behaviour and murders performed by them," said the sermon prepared by the Federal Territory Islamic Affairs Department (JAWI). It called on "community leaders and NGOs to intensify activities that increase awareness and understanding to the public about the importance of al-Quds (Jerusalem)," referring to the city that is sacred to Jews, Muslims and also Christians. "The honour of al-Quds and the al-Aqsa mosque must be defended by all Muslims as it is holy land that is blessed," the sermon added. The sermon is online. ( PDF) Besides quoting the famous Hadith on how the rocks and trees will help Muslims slaughter Jews, it says: The Jews are a brutal race continually developing series of violence in this holy land....Why we have never felt challenged by the arrogance and Jewish ego against this blessed land? Did not our heart break out in anger against those who insult Islam? Have we forgotten, with Quranic verses above that curse the Jewish people as hostile, who torture and kill Muslims then, now and forever? Why we still do not realize the above atrocities committed by the Jewish people? Muslims must first understand that the Jews are the main enemy of Muslims as proven by their egoistic attitude and murders committed by them. Time for the mandatory apologetic section: Of course, you must understand, this isn't anti-semitism. Of course not. No way. There is no reason for Muslim leaders to denounce this sermon because it is so self-evidently true and only against Zionists. Jews are well-respected in Islam. In fact, labeling this anti-semitic is a form of Islamophobia, which is a huge problem worldwide that must be fought tirelessly. There is no connection between sermons like this and attacks on Jews which never happen and are exaggerated. Muslims are the victims when Jews are attacked by supposed Muslims. And Jews aren't ever attacked by real Muslims anyway. Every attack on Jews is really orchestrated by Israel in order to make people hate Muslims. It's a well-documented plot. Oh, look, Jews are building apartments! (h/t Ian)  
Springtime: Muslims take full control of Alexandria's Jewish community Posted: 01 Apr 2012 03:56 AM PDT An important exclusive at Point of No Return: The Jewish community in Alexandria no longer runs its own affairs, a member of a prominent Jewish family has discovered on a visit to Egypt in March. Point of No Return has learnt that the Muslim former doorman of the Nebi Daniel synagogue has taken over the leadership of the community from Yousef Gaon. Abdel Nabi collects the community's rents, has a new car and is living well. Bob Naggar, who now lives in England, is related to the Sasson-Israel family which financed the building of the Nebi Daniel synagogue. He has written to associations of Jews from Egypt to describe an episode at the synagogue which left him 'shaking with rage'. Naggar needed the original death certificate of one of his uncles, Sasson. He had always obtained these certificates without a problem. On this occasion, Abdel Nabi, who initially had greeted Naggar warmly on account of the 'bakshish' Naggar habitually gave him, intruded into Naggar's conversation with Gaon and asked to see a document which proved his relationship with Sasson.  "My temperature was rising but I said nothing since I had the copy of a Elam Warassa, a successoral document of my family," Naggar wrote in his letter." Seeing that Gaon had no reaction and gritting my teeth, I showed the document to Abdel Nabi." - Ah ! he said without even reading the document, this is a copy, I need the original. Smiling, I got up, took him by the hand and walked with him to the marble plate by the door. I pointed at the Sasson-Israël name, on top of the plate and said: -Abdel Nabi, my family financed this Synagogue and you know it. You know who I am and whom I'm related to. Now get the hell out of my sight. You're a despicable man and I don't ever want to set eyes on you again." Naggar confronted Gaon for an explanation: "Ah!" the erstwhile leader said, "I am nothing now in this office. Abdel Nabi is the government's eyes and ears. He directs everything and I can't say anything. I have resigned but the powers that be don't accept my resignation. I'm sorry, I cannot help you." Yousef Gaon, a Jewish convert to Islam, had himself caused controversy when he became head of the community. The Nebi Daniel synagogue is the flagship of the Jewish community of Egypt. The affairs of the Jewish community in Cairo are managed by Mrs Carmen Weinstein, who is in her eighties. The Alexandria community: 20 women and three men Last year, Yousef Gaon was quoted as saying that the Jews in Alexandria are safe after the revolution and have no desire to leave.  
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