Elder of Ziyon Daily News | ![]() |
- Park Slope Co-op BDS vote next week
- A blood libel in Egypt in 1902
- EU's Catherine Ashton compares kids murdered in France with Gaza
- Israeli technology helps - hockey players!
- Peter Beinart's nonsensical NYT op-ed
- Jerusalem multicultural music festival causes Islamists to gnash teeth
- I don't think we'll see this video on Al Jazeera
- The lessons from two Jerusalem marathons
- Islamists make a political play for Syria
- Gunman murders 4 at Jewish school in France (UPDATE)
Park Slope Co-op BDS vote next week Posted: 19 Mar 2012 08:40 PM PDT The Park Slope Co-op, in Brooklyn, will vote next week whether it should hold a referendum to boycott Israeli goods. Often, co-op meetings are sparsely attended and as a result the anti-Israel crowd can take over and force their opinions on the entire group. Only people who are members of the co-op can attend and vote at the meeting, and the anti-BDS organizers are trying to get as many members to come as possible to ensure that the measure is defeated. If you are a member of the co-op, or if you know someone who is, please encourage them to attend (and to RSVP to the pro-Israel organizers.) More information here and here. |
A blood libel in Egypt in 1902 Posted: 19 Mar 2012 04:30 PM PDT From the American Jewish Yearbook archives for the years 1902-1903: September 17, 1902: 17. A year old ritual murder charge revived at Port Said, Egypt, and the alleged abductor of a child sentenced to sixteen months' hard labor. March 25, 1903: The Jewish quarter of Port Said, Egypt, invaded and despoiled, in consequence of a ritual murder charge. (See September 17, 1902.) Egypt wasn't the only Arab country where Jews were made to feel less than welcome. They also had problems in Morocco: To be sure, the oppression of Jews in Arab countries were much, much less than in Europe at the time - during the same time period 49 Jews were killed in the Kishinev pogrom, 14 were killed in Czenstochow, Poland, and there were blood libel charges in Hungary as well as other Eastern European countries. But that doesn't mean that Jews were safe in Arab countries. |
EU's Catherine Ashton compares kids murdered in France with Gaza Posted: 19 Mar 2012 02:02 PM PDT Today, Catherine Ashton - EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy and Vice President of the European Commission - gave a speech to Palestinian Arab youth. At the end of this speech which had the usual platitudes, she decided to be topical: We are gathered here because we have recognised the potential of the youth of Palestine. Against all the odds, they continue to learn, to work, to dream and aspire to a better future. And the days when we remember young people who have been killed in all sorts of terrible circumstances - the Belgian children having lost their lives in a terrible tragedy and when we think of what happened in Toulouse today, when we remember what happened in Norway a year ago, when we know what is happening in Syria, when we see what is happening in Gaza and in different parts of the world - we remember young people and children who lose their lives. Here are young people who are asking not to be leaders of the future, but to be taken seriously as leaders of today. And it is to them that we should look and to them we should listen and it is to them that I pay tribute. To begin with, while she mentions children's lives who are lost in accidents - like the Belgian bus tragedy - she seems to place those killed in Gaza in a different category. She puts it in present tense, as if they are being murdered daily, in the same way she describes Syria; she is not framing it as kids killed because their leaders decided to pursue a policy of genocide against the Jews of the Middle East but as kids who are being targeted by...those awful bloodthirsty Israelis. She would no doubt disagree vehemently. She probably thought that she was just talking about how tragic it is when children's lives are lost, no matter what the circumstances. But even if you are being charitable and think that she was not referring to Gaza as a Israeli policy targeting kids, it is still a hugely offensive statement. A bus accident is a tragedy. The deliberate murder of children, as in Norway and Toulouse, is an outrage. To compare the two is to cheapen the lives of those whose lives were lost because of hate. One of the more maddening themes one comes across on public forums is the idea that "it doesn't matter how they died, they are still just as dead." This is a sick way of thinking. It reduces people's lives to a flip of the coin, and it minimizes the one factor that changes a tragedy into an outrage - the intent of the killer. There is a good reason why the penalties for murder and involuntary manslaughter are different. If you equate the two, you are revealing your own depravity, and you put a murderer same moral plane as defective car brakes. It is the worst kind of moral relativism. Ashton, by putting all dead kids in the same big bucket, is not respecting the lives of children. She is cheapening them. She is saying that the proper response to any child who dies, no matter what the circumstances, is "Oh, how awful!" An honor killing is awful, an anti-semitic hate crime is awful - but so is a bus accident, and so is cancer. When every death is the same, then there is no reason to get angry when children are mowed down in cold blood. Ashton's statement shows that in her own warped mind, there is no difference. The next logical step is that it is not reasonable to blame anyone or to hold anyone accountable; "these things happen." Some acts demand outrage; but in Catherine Ashton's universe, there is no room for outrage. (h/t Challah Hu Akbar) |
Israeli technology helps - hockey players! Posted: 19 Mar 2012 12:25 PM PDT You wouldn't think hockey players could learn much from Israel, a country that is hardly known as a hockey powerhouse. But you would be wrong. From NHL Insider: Muscles can be toned, endurance can be refined, leadership qualities can be taught. But how do you train a hockey player's brain? Can a coach work the areas of a player's brain responsible for awareness and intuition?The same technology had dramatic results in basketball, where a 30% improvement on the court (points, assists, rebounds, turnovers, etc.) is the average result expected in the first year of training. ![]() Amazingly, the IntelliGym games are very low-tech, with graphics that look like they came out of the 1980s. As the report mentioned, the technology was developed for use in the military. Pilots improved their performance by 30% after using the program for only 10 hours. Another result is that people who use it seem to have fewer injuries as they are more aware of their surroundings and possible dangers. Here's something else for BDSers to protest. I look forward to the pickets outside sporting events. (h/t Gamblor) |
Peter Beinart's nonsensical NYT op-ed Posted: 19 Mar 2012 10:56 AM PDT Peter Beinart in the New York Times has another incredibly misleading article about - well, you know what its about. TO believe in a democratic Jewish state today is to be caught between the jaws of a pincer.For Beinart's thesis to be correct, you must believe that the Palestinian Authority and the PLO has no political legitimacy, or power. Yet it is recognized as a full state by 129 nations; its citizens vote (at least in theory) to elect their leaders, it has autonomy, a territory that all accept as controlled by its own security forces, a court system, an Olympic team, and its own passports. According to at least one distinguished legal scholar, it is considered a full state under international law. The World Bank is putting out reports about how ready the territories are for statehood. The entire Oslo process - that Israel still supports - was designed to give full self-determination to Palestinian Arabs in the territories, and (more recently) statehood. For Beinart to turn around and state that all of these don't exist, and that for some reason the territories are (as he tries to coin the term) "nondemocratic Israel," is nonsense. Israel has no intention of integrating Ramallah or Jericho into Israel. And as recently as January, Israel tried to hold negotiations with the PLO, and the other side refused. Beinart, in his attempt to sound an alarm for Israeli democracy, chooses quite deliberately to ignore everything that happened to the Palestinian Arabs since 1994. It is Palestinian Arab intransigence, not Israeli settlements, that has stopped a Palestinian Arab state. Beinart's willingness to blame only one side shows that he is not being as evenhanded and "pro-Israel" as he tirelessly claims to be. But, you might counter, what about Area C? Israel does indeed control all aspects of the lives of Arabs who live there, and while they vote in PA elections, they do not have much say in their own political affairs. Doesn't Israel's presence there endanger Israeli democracy? The number of Palestinian Arabs in Area C is about 150,000 (about 2.5% of all Palestinian Arabs.) Which means that the percentage of people living under Israeli sovereignty who do not have political rights is, today, about 1.9%. By way of contrast, the percentage of people living in US territories who are not represented in Congress and who cannot vote in presidential elections - those in Puerto Rico, Guam, the US Virgin Islands and elsewhere - is about 1.3%. So is Israel's control of Area C a danger to Israeli democracy? Not unless you think that US territories endanger US democracy too. The idea is ridiculous. It is an issue, it is not a death-blow to democracy. To go further, if Israel would decide to annex Area C, wouldn't that solve all the problems? No demographic issue, giving the Arabs there full citizenship - and Beinart's argument is down the drain. Somehow, I don't think that Beinart would support that solution, or even a modified version of that solution. Because he has bought into the Palestinian Arab narrative that the artificially constructed 1949 armistice lines - which were not considered international borders before 1967 and were always meant to be modified in a final peace agreement between Israel and the Arab world - are somehow special, and that no peace can possibly result from a change in those lines that would include, say, Ariel. (He sort of says that he agrees that some of the border settlements would end up in Israel, and then tells those "settlers" to throw the more "ideological" settlers under the bus. Yay for Jewish unity!) But there is no proof that this is true. Is is simply an assertion on the part of Palestinian Arabs, who repeat it over and over again so much that people like Peter Beinart believe it. And, whether they realize it or not, "pro-Israel Jews" like Beinart - by writing op-eds that accept this false premise - end up increasing Palestinian intransigence. They are not helping peace at all. What does Beinart think about the Clinton parameters, or the Olmert offer? They were clearly sufficient to demolish all of his arguments about a threat to Israeli democracy. Yet instead of slamming the PLO for its rejection of those peace plans, he continues insistence on the 1967 lines. Beinart buys into the Palestinian Arab narrative. Instead of telling them that they should compromise and bring a lasting peace, he is telling them implicitly that they should buckle down and wait for American Jews like himself to pressure Israel to accept all of their demands. The eventual border between Israel and a Palestinian Arab state must be negotiated. Moving it a bit to the east does not endanger Israeli democracy nor does it endanger Palestinian statehood. It doesn't even endanger Palestinian Arab contiguity, as any glance at a map would prove. This is self-evident, but repeated Palestinian Arab assertions that it is not "acceptable" are swallowed whole by a lot of otherwise smart people who believe they are pro-Israel. I'm sorry, but this is not a pro-Israel argument, and op-eds like this do not bring peace any closer. Quite the contrary. (h/t Avi for some ideas) |
Jerusalem multicultural music festival causes Islamists to gnash teeth Posted: 19 Mar 2012 09:50 AM PDT From JPost: Revel in the sights and sounds of the Old City of Jerusalem at the Sounds of the Old City Festival. A true celebration of all the four quarters' inhabitants, the alleys, squares and walls of the Old City will come to life with traditional and contemporary Armenian, Arab and Jewish music. Featuring Marsh Dondurma, Dandana, Shaharayer, Ararat Ensemble, Shlomo Bar, Opera Studio, Reim Duo and Joseph.Sounds about as multicultural as possible, doesn't it? But the wizened minds of the Muslims who pore over every Israeli press release in order to find something to seethe over know better. They look at this festival and see only one thing: Judaization! The Aqsa Heritage Foundation denounced these celebrations, and confirmed in a statement today that the occupation authorities are only exploiting for the Judaization of Jerusalem and the area around Al-Aqsa Mosque, and most recently announced by the organization of night concerts in Jewish neighborhoods in the Old City of Jerusalem and its walls, and in areas close to the Al Aqsa Mosque. Meanwhile, the Palestinian Arabs have been building their own cultural institutions in Jerusalem. From the Daily News Egypt, an article that reveals the mainstream Arab news bias: In East Jerusalem, the occupation has affected the city's cultural landscape. Chronic underinvestment, expanding settlements and a massive wall — which Israel says it has constructed for security purposes and Palestinians allege is a land grab — have had the effect of squeezing the life out of the Palestinian quarter in Jerusalem and shifting the cultural center of gravity to Ramallah in the West Bank. In addition, it seems many Palestinian Jerusalemites have not been able to shake off the curfew mentality of the intifada, which ended almost seven years ago. You mean the evil Jewish Zionists are allowing Arabs to have culture in Jerusalem as well that includes explicitly anti-Zionist messages? That can't be possible! It doesn't fit with what I've been told by the Palestinian Arabs themselves! How can I stop my oncoming brain aneurysm from the cognitive dissonance? It must be that the Arabs of Jerusalem are doing this despite the Jews' insistence otherwise. It is an act of resistance to the occupation! Yes, that must be it. Whew! I feel better now. |
I don't think we'll see this video on Al Jazeera Posted: 19 Mar 2012 08:35 AM PDT |
The lessons from two Jerusalem marathons Posted: 19 Mar 2012 07:20 AM PDT From Yair Ettinger at Ha'aretz: There are some things a person just has to see with his own eyes, and some things can be seen only in the Jerusalem Marathon.As I noted last week, Muslims were livid at the marathon - because they said that it somehow was "Judaizing" Jerusalem. So, in the time honored fashion, the Palestinian Arabs respond with a stunt. Today, they are running their own "Jerusalem the capital marathon." However, it seems that the marathon is not exactly a marathon - it is supposed to start at Damascus Gate but there will be a ceremony when the runners pass Qalandia and then they are going towards Ramallah to visit Arafat's grave where there will be another news conference. At one point the runners will even go into a bus to get to the next section of the "race." The psychological projection is obvious. While the Jerusalem marathon was meant to be a fun way to highlight the city and attract tourists, Arabs said it was all a political ploy to say that Jerusalem was Jewish. So in response, they create their own fake marathon that is wholly political and wholly intended to say that Jerusalem is Muslim, where running is a thin excuse to have a series of press conferences slamming Israel. What Israel bashers cannot understand is that Israelis just want to live their lives in peace and security. They are convinced that everything that every Israeli does is somehow meant to either oppress Arabs or to cover up for their oppression of Arabs. It is a bizarre psychosis that we see daily. It reflects their own worldview of looking at Israel as uniquely evil, and somehow shoehorning every piece of information into that insane belief system. And there is no evidence that any of them, from accusers of "pinkwashing" to the +972 fringe to the entire Arab and Muslim worlds themselves, even have the ability to think in any other way. Their obsession with demonizing everything Israel does is total and fanatical. It would be funny if their goal wasn't to destroy the only Jewish nation in the world. |
Islamists make a political play for Syria Posted: 19 Mar 2012 06:05 AM PDT While the Western world watches the horrific daily massacres in Syria without the slightest shred of strategy or planning, the Islamists are twelve steps ahead in their quest to take over the country. If there is anything we have learned in the past year (let alone the last couple of decades) it is that any Middle East power vacuum will be filled with Islamists, ready to provide social services and a heaping spoonful of Muslim supremacism. Over the weekend, there were a series of bomb blasts against Syrian targets, killing scores of civilians, that the opposition denied setting off. Some believe that Islamist groups are behind the blasts. Chaos favors the Islamists, and they also happen to be experts on car bombs. Today, popular extremist preacher Youssef Qaradawi demanded that all Arab countries unite against Iran and Hezbollah, ostensibly because of their support for the Assad regime. Qaradawi spoke directly to the Syrian people, saying that all (Sunni Muslim) Arab countries are in solidarity with Syria and will not let them down. He called on the Syrian resistance to be strong and to unite to bring down the regime. While it is possible that some Syrians would be skeptical, the fact is that Qaradawi is the only one speaking to the masses in simple language showing support. Western leaders certainly aren't doing that in a way that Syrians could hear them. He, and other Islamists, are laying the groundwork for the day after, the same way they did in Tunisia and Egypt, while Western nations are giving mixed messages. Whether the Syrian revolution lasts months or years, eventually Assad will fall -and only the Islamists are planning for that day now. |
Gunman murders 4 at Jewish school in France (UPDATE) Posted: 19 Mar 2012 03:15 AM PDT From AP: A French prosecutor says a gunman opened fire in front of a Jewish school in the southwest French city of Toulouse on Monday, killing four people including a father and his two sons, and another child.JPost adds: Gil Taieb, a vice president of the CRIF, France's Jewish umbrella group, told The Jerusalem Post he had no doubt the attack was a hate crime.Real time updates here, in French. In 2003, a poll found that over a quarter of French Jews were considering making aliyah because of increased anti-semitism there. UPDATE: From Israel HaYom: Victims identified as Yonatan Sandler, 30, from the Kiryat Yovel neighborhood of Jerusalem, along with his two sons Aryeh, 3, and Gavriel Yissacher, 6, as well as the 8-year-old daughter of the school's principal, Miriam Monsenengo.A father who witnessed the shooting was interviewed. |
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