Elder of Ziyon Daily Digest |
- Max Blumenthal is not a journalist by any definition
- Here come the (unofficial) religious police of Egypt
- The Sting (updated)
- The Salafists who stole Christmas
- UK professor under investigation for bias against Israeli
- Lots of Qassams exploding - in Gaza. UNRWA school hit.
- The rift in Hamas between Meshal and Haniyeh widens (updated)
- Unity! Hamas raids Fatah homes, tears down posters of Arafat and Abbas
- US giving/selling $11 billion in weapons to shaky Iraqi regime
- Questions about the mosque arson at Tuba Zangaria
Max Blumenthal is not a journalist by any definition Posted: 29 Dec 2011 06:54 PM PST Max Blumenthal is a self-described journalist who has written op-ed pieces in the New York Times, Los Angeles Times, The Guardian and elsewhere. He is considered respectable. And a single tweet by him shows how he is anything but respectable, and anything but a journalist. He first retweeted a link to an article from the pro-Hamas Middle East Monitor, quoting (but not linking to) a PLO document that claims that Israel killed 180 Palestinian Arabs in 2011. But then he tweeted a "correction": Update/correction via He didn't check the link for accuracy. He was sent a message that the real number of dead Arabs is much higher, and based only on that information he issued a "correction." A quick look at the Occupied Palestine webpage shows that they list all people they consider "martyrs," but they are not claiming that Israel killed them all. This distinction is lost on Max, of course, who stated flatly that Israelis killed "239 Palestinians" in 2011. He didn't simply retweet - he added his own "facts." So the ersatz journalist Blumenthal believes that the following people were killed by Israel:
Blumenthal didn't check this out - even though the links to most of the "martyrs" are right there on the website. No, he reflexively believes that whatever number is higher must be the true one. If a random person would have tweeted that the real number was 372, he would have believed it without hesitation. By the way, the Al-Dameer Association for Human Rights counts 91 people killed by Israel in 2011. OCHA counts 115 up until December 20th. The IDF number is somewhere in between, saying that about 100 were killed in military operations this year. And that only nine of them were civilians. Which one is true? That would require research and skepticism. Only a journalist would bother to do all that work. And Blumenthal is no journalist. He's a hack who will repeat whatever comes his way, as long as it conforms to his pre-existing hate of Israel. | ||
Here come the (unofficial) religious police of Egypt Posted: 29 Dec 2011 04:30 PM PST From Al Masry al Youm: Why don't they just go straight to scimitars? I mean, if you are going to chop someone's hands off, a taser isn't going to do the trick. (h/t Arthur) | ||
Posted: 29 Dec 2011 01:09 PM PST I don't usually spend much time on the anti-Israel blogosphere, but most readers here are probably familiar with wrong-headed, thin-skinned, and notoriously unreliable blogger Richard Silverstein. Since last year the Seattle-based blogger has made a career of publishing news items that were censored by the Israeli military. He has made a name of himself more recently by taking unsourced allegations from people who email him and publishing them as scoops from highly-placed sources in the Mossad.Yet no matter how bizarre his claims, he was getting coverage from lazy newspaper reporters for his increasingly fantastical "scoops" (for example, that Israel sent a booby-trapped drone into Lebanon with the sure knowledge that Hezbollah would carry the drone to a highly sensitive indoor spot where the IDF could blow it up.) Aussie Dave of Israellycool performed a classic sting on Dickie. In one fell swoop, he proved that:
Read Aussie Dave's post explaining the sting. It is a thing of beauty. And given that it is many hours later and Silverstein still hasn't deleted his post (his usual method when he's been made into a fool) nor admitted he was scammed, so we have also learned that he cannot bring himself to admit he was wrong. In my experience, those who cannot admit mistakes are the ones who are the least reliable of all. Hubris and truth do not intersect. Maybe he thinks it is Purim. UPDATE: Silverstein finally admitted he was scammed, and is showing righteous indignation - because Aussie Dave used a fake Facebook account. Richard the Moral reported him. After all, it is a violation of Facebook rules! It's OK to defend Hamas, but creating a fake FB account to prove an idiot blogger has no clothes - well, that's going over the line! You can't make this stuff up. | ||
The Salafists who stole Christmas Posted: 29 Dec 2011 11:50 AM PST From AP: An ultraconservative Egyptian Islamist group says sending Christmas greetings to Christians is "against our beliefs."An estimated 100,000 Christians fled Egypt between March and September. In case you think the Muslim Brotherhood comes out looking positively liberal in this AP article, keep this in mind: He is wearing a suit and has no beard, so you can't call him a fanatic. | ||
UK professor under investigation for bias against Israeli Posted: 29 Dec 2011 10:40 AM PST From TheJC last week: An Israeli postgraduate student has succeeded in having her dissertation re-marked to a distinction after it was originally supervised and given a poor mark by a professor who campaigns for an academic boycott of Israel. She was told last week that her re-marked dissertation had obtained a distinction, with a score 11 points higher than when it was first marked by Prof Pratt. Ms Bakovic said: "I knew my work was better than the mark I'd been given. After a year of battling, I'm absolutely delighted. I feel vindicated. I did it for Israel."CiFWatch interviewed Bakovic: It took me exactly 2 seconds to see exactly what [Pratt] was about – one of the largest supporters of the academic (and other) boycotts of Israel, who signs petitions accusing Israel of "ethnic cleansing" and being an "Apartheid state." Even she (on her site on the Warwick page) calls herself an activist.Now, Professor Pratt is under investigation for her conduct: The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) will consider whether Warwick University's Nicola Pratt breached guidelines on impartiality when marking Israeli student Smadar Bakovic's dissertation. Smadar is hardly a right-wing fanatic. In fact, she is classically liberal, a person who wants to work with Arabs to bring real peace to the Middle East. Here is a profile of her written at Bates University in the midst of the terror campaign in 2003: Smadar Bakovic '03, an Israeli army veteran, knows the Middle East conflicts well. After the events of Sept. 11, she and a fellow student, Jordanian native Jamil Zraikat '05, visited a local high school to share their distinct perspectives. But Bakovic's view is not simplistic: She believes mutual understanding is key to a resolution. | ||
Lots of Qassams exploding - in Gaza. UNRWA school hit. Posted: 29 Dec 2011 09:25 AM PST The Gaza NGO Safety Office keeps track of rockets fired from Gaza in their SMS messages - and also the rockets that fall short, since they are concerned with keeping their NGO members safe. So over the past couple of days they have sent out: 12/28 9:00 Pal. ops. fired 4 HMRs ["home-made rockets" - EoZ] from Gaza Strip, 3 of them exploded prematurely.In their report on incidents for the first half of December, they note that Over the course of three evenings, Pal. ops fired 8 HMRs (1 of which dropped short) towards Israeli territory. Most of the HMRs were fired from around the Al Bureij area. You mean you didn't hear about the UNRWA school being hit by a Palestinian Arab rocket? Or the injuries that Gazans have had, or about their property damage? You missed the angry condemnations by UNRWA officials? Or by Palestinian Arab "human rights" groups? You missed the story this morning about a Gazan being injured by a Qassam rocket? By the way, we missed the third anniversary of the first people killed in Operation Oil Stain - two Gazan girls, killed by a Qassam rocket, December 26, 2008. | ||
The rift in Hamas between Meshal and Haniyeh widens (updated) Posted: 29 Dec 2011 08:15 AM PST Right now, Gaza Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh is going on what was intended to be a mini-Muslim-world tour, the first time he has left Gaza since Israel's closure. He is supposed to visit Egypt, Sudan, Turkey, Qatar, Tunisia and Bahrain. According to the virulently anti-Hamas but usually reliable Palestine Press Agency website, Haniyeh is running into problems. Apparently, the Damascus-based Hamas leader Khaled Meshal is not happy that, after he has been talking about unity with Fatah, Haniyeh is acting like the Palestinian prime minister. Apparently because of pressure from Meshal, Haniyeh is meeting much lower level officials than he had hoped to. Both Qatar and Turkey asked him to postpone the trip and are not planning to receive him in any official capacity. Similarly, he has not met with political leaders in Khartoum or in Cairo. And Tunisia has informed him that he can meet with Islamic party officials but not with government officials. As far as I know, I am the only person who has been talking about a rift within Hamas between the Gaza leadership and Damascus-based Khaled Meshal. This story makes it sound like Meshal is winning - politically. But Haniyeh and Zahar are the leaders in Gaza, and based on the increase in anti-Fatah actions being done lately in there, they seem to be roundly ignoring - or actively undermining - Haniyeh in Gaza itself. Gazan supporters of Hamas don't get to see Meshal except on TV. Haniyeh and the other local leaders, meanwhile, organize rallies with hundreds of thousands of supporters. There's one other thing to notice that indicates a serious split within Hamas. Isn't it odd that while Haniyeh is traveling all over, he is not meeting with Meshal himself? Nor has Meshal shown any interest in going to Gaza, something Egypt would certainly allow. One other detail from the article: its source mentioned that Haniyeh flew from Cairo to Khartoum on a private jet that cost $48,000 to rent, which raised eyebrows for a group supposedly against corruption and that supports austerity. That source seems to be from the Meshal camp, which makes it sound like there's an active whispering campaign against Haniyeh being organized by his opponents in Damascus. UPDATE: This seems to be a case where Palestine Press Agency got it wrong. And to an extent, so did I. Haniyeh just met Sudan's president - along with Meshal. (h/t CHA) | ||
Unity! Hamas raids Fatah homes, tears down posters of Arafat and Abbas Posted: 29 Dec 2011 07:10 AM PST Palestine Press Agency reports that Hamas' attacks on Fatah members in Gaza has continued to intensify this week, immediately after the Cairo meeting between the two sides meant to solidify their unity. According to the report, Hamas security forces raided dozens of homes in the Sheikh Radwan neighborhood in Gaza City and forced the residents to remove Fatah posters and banners from their walls. A number of residents were beaten and arrested. In one home the forces ripped down pictures of Yasir Arafat and Mahmoud Abbas. This comes on the heels of dozens of arrests earlier this week. Hamas also denied Fatah requests to hold celebrations on the 47th anniversary of the start of the PLO on January 1. PCHR has confirmed the details of the earlier articles published by PalPress on arrests and detentions of Fatah members. Meanwhile, Hamas security forces attacked students at Al Aqsa Universiity because they were dressed indecently. Al Aqsa is a conservative university where women are expected to wear veils. In another PalPress story, Hamas barred journalist Sami Ajrami from traveling to Egypt. Must be that siege we hear so much about. (h/t CHA) | ||
US giving/selling $11 billion in weapons to shaky Iraqi regime Posted: 29 Dec 2011 06:05 AM PST From the NYT: The Obama administration is moving ahead with the sale of nearly $11 billion worth of arms and training for the Iraqi military despite concerns that Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki is seeking to consolidate authority, create a one-party Shiite-dominated state and abandon the American-backed power-sharing government.So not only might this aid be used to repress dissent in Iraq, but it very possibly will end up going to Iran! Brilliant! It is unclear if this is a sale (as the headline states) or aid (as the article mentions.) If it is aid, notice that $11 billion is about four times the amount Israel receives annually from the US. Yet the people who protest US aid to Israel invariably defend themselves saying that it is their tax dollars being spent. If it is indeed aid, how many protests will they hold against this very problematic US military aid to Iraq? (updated to relfect the ambiguity on aid/sales.) | ||
Questions about the mosque arson at Tuba Zangaria Posted: 29 Dec 2011 03:40 AM PST Israeli blog "Brilliant Disguise" has an intriguing article about the burning of the mosque in Tuba Zangaria in October. The author, Gal Chen, is not a settler or even a rightist. She is against the settlements. But when this "price tag" attack was reported in October, a number of things bothered her - so she started researching it. The first thing she noticed is that the village has a history of violence, corruption, intra-clan feuds and smuggling. Two years ago the office of the Jewish head of the town council appointed by Israel's Interior Ministry was hit with a hail of bullets. Chen went to Tuba Zangaria to see it for herself. It is not an easy village to travel to, especially for any settlers. It is really two villages - Tuba on the bottom of the mountain and Zangaria on top. The only way to get to Zangaria is to go through Tuba. The village itself is in the Galilee, not very close to Judea and Samaria. In Tuba itself, the mosque is easily visible and accessible - but it was untouched. The arsonists apparently spent the extra ten minutes to go up the mountain to find a much less prominent mosque to burn. There are houses surrounding the mosque. Chen wondered how outsiders could have made it to this inaccessible mosque in a small village without residents noticing, as well as how no one smelled the smoke or heard the fire before it became so large. Here is the graffiti that seemed to prove this was a "price tag" attack: The words say "[Price] tag" "Palmer" "Revenge", referring to the murder of Asher Palmer and his son in September. But Chen noticed that the words were not written with spray paint, as is usual with this sort of vandalism - but with charred wood from the fire itself. She wonders how the arsonists could have forgotten a can of spray paint. Not only that, but the diagonal pattern of the graffiti indicates that it was written after the fire had already blackened the wall. Chen asked the villagers how anyone could have driven to the village without being noticed. They admitted that they are vigilant to see strange vehicles, especially at night, and conjectured that the arsonists walked there from the fields. Which would mean that they decided to carry gallons of gasoline up a mountain, filled with thorns and stones, to get to an inaccessible mosque, in a crime-ridden Galilee village, surrounded by houses, miles from Judea and Samaria. Residents who live next door did not notice the fire until about half of the mosque was burned and destroyed, and yet the criminals managed to wait there long enough for the fire to cool down so they could write "Price tag/Palmer/Revenge" afterwards. A few days later, village youths set fire to the local council building - led by a retired IDF general - and he fled, fearing for his life. Chen ends her post without any accusations, but wondering about how the Israeli media at the scene jumped to conclusions without asking any of these questions. (h/t Ruchie) (correction - I had initially assumed Chen was male.) |
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